Seed Sprouted 1 week ago!!!

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Jan 19, 2007
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*****New to Growing.*****
i put a good high grade bag seed in some regular soil in a cup.
i put it in deep.
it sprouted about a week ago.
i put it in a bigger pot.
the stem is kinda skinny.(i put the soil up near the set of leaves)
it has been getting good water.
not too much just enough.
i know how to water it.
also has been getting around 15 hours of light from a flouro.

what should i do next?
maybe my question is how do i get the stem stronger or thicker. or is it too early for a big stem.

thanks for all input
a good way to thicken the stalk is to have a fan blowing on it, not enough to knock it over, just a breeze to simulate natural air movement it would get outside.
im getting some Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil.
would it shock my plant to transplant into that?
it might slow growth for a couple days. but i have heard that fox farm is one of the best soils you can use, its specific for MJ.
i see people using 400watt HPS. whats the least amount of watts you should use for a flouro?
Thanks for the link Hick.
i have read alot on stuff already.

i have a fan blowing on my plant lightly.

should i turn off the light when i water the plant?
Be careful not too overwater especially when they are so young. Also, dont start using nutes right away. Learn from my mistakes LoL~
yea i usually put my finger down in the soil as far as i can.
only water when its dry.

its starting to grow 2 more leaves

they are still close to the other 4 and small.

this is week 1 day 5.

how long is it usually when you can see stem improvement with the fan blowing on it
i dont know. for me it was like one day i looked at the stem and i was like "WOW how did that happen?";)

i went to put my plant in a 5 gallon bucket.
i cut the bottom of the previous pot off slowly..
went to put it in the new bucket and the roots broke off

what should i do?
NoobieGrower420 said:

i went to put my plant in a 5 gallon bucket.
i cut the bottom of the previous pot off slowly..
went to put it in the new bucket and the roots broke off

what should i do?
How much of the roots broke off? If not alot you should be fine but if you broke off alot more than likely your plant will die. :(
NoobieGrower420 said:
ALOT broke off..
is there anyway i can try the cloning method to get roots back?
Damn man what a bummer. I'm not sure about that. I think there is a product called Superthrive or something that might work but i'm not sure. Your best bet would be start a few more seeds if ya have them. ;)

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