The Person Below Me (Off topic game)

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one of these? hxxp://
False :rofl:

TPBM is having desert tonight
:rofl: and false :giggle:

true desert everynight

tpbm needs a sugar fix
UKgirl420 said:
:rofl: and false :giggle:

true desert everynight

tpbm needs a sugar fix

yeah i really want a reeces blizzard

TPBM has checked on their plants at least a couple times today
False, only smoke blunts

TPBM needs to reorganize there living style
bud.uncle said:

just sprung outa bed

tpbm has to put the coffee on

false, i don't drink coffee

TPBM is springing into bed?

given the right reason and i'd hop back in........

tpbm needs some camo....
false, don't drink pop but i would love some chocolate milk haha

tpbm hates mondays
False- love them. Hubby and big kids back at work/school. :D

TPBM is loading a bowl.
False. Currently I'm preparing "Effen G Dynamite Biscuits" for some fun later in the week.

TPBM watches to much Nickelodian
False. havent watched it for at least 10 years. I prefer nothing to it.

TPBM is a allergic to fructose.
False no allergies

TPBM dreams about women all day...

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