The Person Below Me (Off topic game)

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tpbm hates it when ppl give you the wait finger when they're on their bluetooth but you didn't know they were on the phone till they gave you the "gimme a second" wait finger...:mad:
Of course :rofl: TRUE...

tpbm is pumped for their new flavors that their poppin'...
True- I'm pumped for u..:)

TPBM has something bubbly in their glass
False...just coffee atm

tpbm has changed their avatar pic quite recently...
False...have to pee

tpbm will vote to legalize & sell it statewide through MJ stores come November :yay:
False :(

Tpbm lives in such a conservative state that will be the last in the US to legalize.
false, but I will do plenty of sawing logs, zzzzzzzzzzzz...:p

tpbm snores lol
dont know never stayed awake to see:D

TPBM gets pissed off when ppl try to blame guns for crimes
VERY TRUE, ozzy and thank you....

tpbm can hipshot a revolver at 50 feet...

...and hit the target :rofl:
True, haha if i get more then one try im sure ill hit it... eventually ;P

TPBM prefers indica more then sativa blends
False, I prefer Sativa heavy hybrids

tpbm has woke themselves up with their own snoring...
True hillbilly cuisine

TPBM is ready to hot the recliner and nap thru a moive
True, after some more :bong: & :stoned:

Tpbm is STILL waiting for rain.........

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