This true?

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Aug 4, 2007
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I went to the hospital last night for my asthma cause i have a really bad cold. anywho i told him i toked and he basically went on for like 10 minutes how weed is worse then ppl say it actually leads more to depression, he told me it had more or worse carcinagens in it, and i should stop.

now what my beliefs are: not a single person has physically died from weed, cigarettes have toxic poisonis crap in it, i mean come on can weed be THAT bad? i think its bologna personally. i just wanted to know what u guys think. I hate shallow ppl that dont understand something fully....but thats it hes a doctor, should i listen to him lol?
Well any Doc is gonna tell you to quit smoking if ya got asthma. ;) As far as the other stuff he was saying who knows. Maybe it's true maybe it's not. I can only tell ya what i know and that is weed has never ever made me depressed.
exactly. I agree i shouldnt be smoking with ashthma but i love weed. its NEVER made me depressed. i told i toke a j every night before bed. how bad can that be. i decided to buy a volcano vaporizer tho. better be worth the 500+ it is. if im gonna smoke weed at least im being as safe as possible right?

plus sometimes its odd. ill have a lil breathing attack. and for jokes i toked. 7/10 times it calms me down and relaxes my heartbeat and i end up getting over the attack. just days like last night where my cold fills my lungs with fluid. but thanks for the input guys
Hey mang maybe it's better if ya didn't smoke while you have your cold. I know when i have a cold i don't smoke much at all. Something about a damn cold that just makes me not wanna smoke. Anyway hope your feeling better soon. ;)
thanks BG and i agree. for the time being ive stopped. your right sometimes you just cant toke. it'll b sweeter once im up and running and i blaze a fat session.

by the way i mean no disrespect BG but why do u say mang? i dont have anytihng against it. ive just been curious ever since i got in these forums lol. prolly something completly obvious like its just slang for man. thats my guess lol. like ppl go whats up bud, or whats up bro. kinda like that. sorry again if i disrespected you mang:D
Everything we do/eat/breath/drink is bad for us..

Thats why we age and die.
I thought the herb was supposed to be good for asthma? Smoking whilst having a cold though I have found to be rather uncomfortable, but vaping on the other hand is no problem.

You should have asked that doctor to back up what he is saying. He was obviously full of ****.
Unfortunately.. Most doctors suffers from "GOD" syndrome.
They think they know it all. (which they dont).

Most were introverted/outsider/nerdy in their youth.
How do I know?? I know some personally i grew up with.

and dont believe the ** lies, about actually caring about people.
If they did. they would practice for free.
Although I do agree with most of the people on her in that smoking anything while having asthma is probably not good, I disagree with the Dr. that told you MJ is worse than cigs.
MJ for the most part is all natural, I mean with the exception of some fertilizer and maybe some nutes there is virtually no processing involved. If cigs were manufactured in this way maybe they wouldn't be so bad either. But they are not made this way. Most people would think cigs are just rolled up tobacco leaves..... but it is not.
After being picked most tobacco used to be hung in big barns for weeks while it dried. This, it was found out causes mold and fungus to grow which turns out is actually more harm-full than the actual tobacco when they are burned. This method changed for most big tobacco companies about 10 years ago when they converted to what are basically giant clothes dryers, which tumble the tobacco while forcing warm are in to aid in drying faster.

(notice I said most companies. Some still use the old way citing that that method of curing adds to the flavor. In spite of the knowledge that it is not as healthy.)
Which technically means that cigs today are somewhat healthier than ones made 10-15 years ago. To bad they do a list of other things to the tobacco to still make it totally unhealthy.

After the tobacco is dried it is thrown into a giant vat and ground into dust. Then Gallons of liquid chemicals and sacks of dried chemicals which are way to many to name, are added and blended together with the tobacco into a paste with the consistency of really, really thick coffee.
Then the "tobacco" is poured out on giant stainless steel tables and skimmed down to a thin layer on the table. this is dried and when it dries it forms a paper. This is what is cut up and and rolled into cigarettes.

A little fact I learned from being stoned and watching TV.:afroweed: Maybe your Dr. needs to try blazing up sometime and watching Modern Marvels sometime.
SRY.. dont meant to hijack the thread, but after smoking and looking at this thread, THIS IS WHAT I SAW and i was rolling... it was some good smoke!!...:woohoo:

Hey Danny, I've been using a Volcano for a bit over a year now and I gotta say it is worth every penny you'll spend on it. You get 4 good sized bags of vapors from what you would put in a j (or about 2 bowls). You can also use it to vaporize other herbs that are very beneficial to your lungs. (been vaping all evening, so can't think of the specific herbs right leaves relieve your lungs during a bout with a cold. You just vaporize them at the lowest setting on your vaporizer.

I've discovered that the Volcano cuts your overall amount used, to be between 1/2 and 3/4 of normal intake for similar results. It also makes any weed taste more hash like. The remains are called duff (whats left after 4 bags of vapor) and still contain some THC and other cannabinoids. This duff is nutty in smell and flavor and can be used in cooking. I love using it instead of walnuts in banana bread and muffins. Everyone who has tried my 'naner bread loves it...

If you have asthma and you're going to smoke weed, you should invest in a vaporizor.

And pot is DEFINITELY not worse than cigarettes. This is a well known FACT in the medical community (I work in the healthcare industry). There are multiple studies on this that you can find at ; medline; or the cdc or ama websites. Cigarrettes are proven carcinogens (cancer causing agents) and pot is NOT.

Regarding depression, I live in California where med mj is legal and a friend of my husbands gets med mj to treat his depression. I actually think he just told the doc he was depressed so he could get an mj script. Anyway its hilarious because he gets these pharmacy pill bottles packed with dope complete with his name, fill date, 'Use as directed" instructions, with names like 'white rhino' and 'purple haze' printed on the label. The only downer is that his insurance (aetna) will not cover it, but I have heard that Blue Cross of California does cover med mj.
I cant even get my Health Insurance to pay for my Lupus treatments!!! California is GOOD!!!:rolleyes:
DannyDarko said:
by the way i mean no disrespect BG but why do u say mang? i dont have anytihng against it. ive just been curious ever since i got in these forums lol. prolly something completly obvious like its just slang for man. thats my guess lol. like ppl go whats up bud, or whats up bro. kinda like that. sorry again if i disrespected you mang:D

HGB explained it to me once...but I was stoned on hash and for the life of me can't remember. Good question.
I heard about a guy who was killed by POT
A ton of it fell on top of him
Mutt said:
HGB explained it to me once...but I was stoned on hash and for the life of me can't remember. Good question.

"mang "

made popular by Al Pacino in Scarface, "mang" is the term for "man", but skewed into sounding like "mang" when said with the cuban accent of "Tony Montana"

"fuuhck you mang!"

Plain and simple, this was started by the Mexicans. It's their way of saying "Man".. This is due to the Mexican accent converted to English. Now people say 'mang' because it's (1) different and (2) humorous.

"What's up, mang?"
I read somewhere oxygen is what causes us to age the same way it rusts metal. Something about oxidization. We can't live without it but die because of it...funny.

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