Thought I would join a good board.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2019
Reaction score
Ive been lookng at a few forums that would feel comfortable. This seems to be a good forum community without angst and simple good vibes. You are a credit for creating and maintaining a community.

For me, I'm bootstrapping a 30"×50" basement area for gardening inside. We like Thai foods so much that we started growing far east herbs and chilis. Everything was growing outside, but weather turned harsh. I was too stingy with nutes, but getting plants inside forced me to take better care and the plants are loving it.

Now that i've practised some and have a bucket of chilis, I'm expanding into a couple plants for personal re-creation with a DWC pair of planters. Two seeds have just popped and in the seed tray. My choice was a sativa hybrid that I am going to force to a scrog. I haven't smoked for quite a few years. (I never wanted to risk being ensnared by drug test roulette.) I don't have that worry anymore so it's time. I hear that potency is much higher now. I don't want to sit around vegging myself, locked onto a couch. That's why i am drawn to Sativas over indicas.

My two weak areas in growing are that I need to add a dedicated clone/veg area and more light. I purchased one knock off "600w" LED box. It draws 90 watts in veg cycle, 90 watts in bloom cycle, and 130 watts with both. I don't have a light meter, but fwiw, the light is blindingly intense. Inside 18" was too intense for my plants. The "600w" model name refers to their designing the LED output to approximate a 600 watt standard HID. Published numbers match. We will find out.
Welcome to MP...Nice people here and they will help out when needed...I was pretty much in the same boat when I got here...just retiring and at the same time weed got legal in my home state of Confusion, California... so I started a grow and have learned quite a lot and mostly from these folks...all that while having too much fun...
Seems like youre putting something good together. I would suggest a grow journal to catalog all your mistakes and successes. It really helped me grow better.
If you don’t smoke much, you can get away with just one area to veg then flower in. Clones can be kept most anywhere that you can keep 24 hours of light(a couple of low wattage cfl bulbs) on them. I have been growing about 8 years and I still only have one grow/tent going at a time(either my 3x3x 6.5 ft tent for flowering or my 2x4x4 ft tent for vegging). I supply myself, my wife, my 2 sons, a bunch of their friends, some of my old friends and my father-in-law with weed and still have more than I need or can use up. So I guess what I am saying in too many words is your lighting is probably more of a concern. Get more LEDs and save the additional veg/clone area for later. Welcome to MP. A lot of nice and knowledgeable folks on here.
Welcome to MP !-- 30 by 50 feet ?-- Oh I could do some stuff and thangs with that much room !-- I'm 65 !--I'm one the old farts that grow a lot for medicine -- down south under the jack boot of prohibition -- Whatever U want to do - someone here knows how !-- Scrogging a sativa ?-- U gonna be there awhile !
Welcome Daxtell, I am glad you found us, this is a great site. I love me some thai food. Are you growing those little tiny red thai chilis? I did lemon grass this year and enjoyed it. I too enjoy a sativa. Let us know how we can help.
Welcome. I'm a all organic dirt farmer but I'm sure you will get mucho help here.
Bird chilis are on the sprouting warmer now. I moved the 2 herbs to the DWC planter today, it's roots had outgrown the pot after 4 days. That was unexpected. I'll see tomorrow if they like the new home and then start dialing in the automatics that will make my life simpler. I'm not in a hurry on the bud, and my yield needs are modest. You be given me quite a bit of information already. And a lot to digest.

Thank you for the welcome.
Hi Daxtell! Oooh those little Thai chilies are adorable and bite ya right back! But it's love bites <3 I've always called them Tiger's Tooth chilies, it seems apt.
We like pictures of vegetables here too, I think you will fit right in! Welcome aboard, matey! Yarrrr
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