Unanswered questions and my plant is becoming unhealthy.

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I am a new grower, I am only growing 2 plants cuz i figured i'd just start out small.
The plant i am having trouble with is about 40 days old and about 10 inches tall on 18/6 light. The leaves began to curl so I used a Mg (epson salt/water mixture) and the "praying" is going away after the first 24 hours of first treatment. But now i noticed 2 holes in the leaves on top, i am using flourescent and its deffinately not hot, and i'm using a insect/spider/fly repelling strip called "no pest strip" that some1 highly recommended and it seems to work (i've only been using it for 2 days now). So i have no clue where those 2 holes came from.
The 2nd question i have is a VERY tiny but slightly noticeable "yellowing" on the tips of several leaves, as well as a slight bowing or bending at the tips of the leaves. What kind of deficiency could it be because i've given them Mg and I dont want to over do it, could it be potassium? Two leaves on the very bottom are yellow as well but it stopped getting worse but its not getting better. I've been reading as much as i can, but experience counts a lot. Thanks, I appreciate your help and I'm trying to stay positive but I am worried a little.:confused2:
The lighting makes the leaves look a little more yellow than they are, they're actually pretty green. They're getting color back again, but the growth has been stunted for at least 4 days after transplant, is that normal? I started off in a pretty small container so it became root bound but how long till it starts to grow as fast as it used to?
And i could only let the pics b only so big so i fit what i could.
She's (i'm pretty sure its a female) starting to grow again, i also checked the pH levels and they were between 6.8-7 which I guess is ok, but obviously not prime but she's lookin better :)

cannabis plant 3.jpg

cannabis plant.jpg

cannabis plant 2.jpg
Any pics? What are you feeding them, and how much? In soil, hydro, soiless? Have you flushed? How big are the containers? So many things could be wrong, or not wrong...very hard to help without a picture the plant. If you put pictures up they will come LOL.
its in soil, and i just transplanted to a pretty big container. i'll put up pictures as soon as possible. How do you "flush" the dirt, couldn't that cause root rot? and i'm feeding it just basic fertilizer (miracle grow, obviously i'm new to this). What kind of specialty fertilizer should i use? thanks
Ok curl can be from salt build up too. Some nutrients leave more salts behind than others. Flushing is pouring about 3 times the amount of water to container size with fresh water. It will not cause rot or overwatering if you have a proper container. It will clean out all the salts and allow you to start from a fresh slate. As for nutes there are a ton. Fox Farms, Botanicare, General Hydro etc. How often have you been feeding and what are the dosages? Is it the MG capsuled time release? If so lose it IMO.
yo be careful with those bug strips. The directions on most advise keeping the strips away from animals and even enclosed areas where people or animals may be.
Without pics, I would guess ~
1) the holes are from some little bugs munching down on the leaves, the bugs can be as small as a speck
2) the leaf tip yellowing is probably a sign NOT to add any more fertilizer at this time
3) the drooping is usually overwatering, particularly in the large pot, you can probably go a couple weeks without water with a smaller plant. if unsure get a moisture meter, I still use mine. It doesn't seem to harm the plant, just don't dig around with it.
i feed it like every 14 days, and it had a "time release" nitrate, it was just ordinary garden fertilizer. I'll put up pics later today. So should i flush it, then add nutrients or just wait to see if it improves? I just transplanted it 2-3 days ago so could that be apart of the slower growth/yellow droppyness?

They are 40 days old and are only 10 inches tall? Are you supercropping or tying them down? Sounds kind of small for 40 days old. We need some pics to help us to diagnose your problem correctly. I would get some better nutes though. Fox Farms is great stuff. Just my thoughts. Keep us posted on your progress. Take care and be safe.
They look pretty healthy to me. They haven't grown at all since the transplant?
I must say that I agree with snuggles, they look pretty good to me. If you just transplanted then yes it is normal for the growth to be stunted for a few days while it recovers. If you were a little rough when you transplanted it then it will probably not grow for maybe even a week while the roots recoup from being stressed.

If you can I would suggest giving the plants a nice shot of B1 or superthrive or liquid kelp, anything that has B1 as that will help the plant recover a bit quicker then it normally would, but other then that just give it a bit of time and you will be very happy.
sweet thanks now i can stop worrying, the leaves are getting greener, i had a small problem with spider mites but hank (that super mod or w/e) sed mix 1/2 isopropyl achohol with 1/2 water, and spray the leaves top and bottom, let dry, wait 15 min, then do it again with 100% kill rate. he sed he heard it from the university of Iowa and thats good enough for me and very little damage to plant. But i noticed a small blackish/gray spot on a very bottom leave, is it fungus? should i just use a fungicide? thanks :)
oh and the growth has pretty much slowed but its been 4 days, when should it pick back up again? soon? i'm about to buy some cfls to flower it, should that be enough?
Jsxventure said:
i had a small problem with spider mites

There is no such thing as a small spider mite problem. My bet is you still have them.
the top set of leaves have stopped growing but remain pretty green, as well the rest of the plant is healthy. Its been about 7 days since transplant, but the other lower nodes seem to be growing, but its not getting taller. What should I do?!?! this is so difficult to keep up with, does it ever get easier?
oh, or could I need more lights? i'm only using 2 2foot florescents and everybody else here has like 400w HPS. What type of lights should I buy? I was planning on keeping my spending down a bit but if i need to i'll pay for HIDs. Thanks.

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