We Have a Problem...maybe

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sTuNNed oNe

Okay so I have a quarter of grinded up bud hanging out in this jar and its all stuck to the bottom. being the dumb drunk I am, I start slapping it on the table to get it to move.

Well. the top of the jar broke and now I'm moving it into a bag only to find little shards of glass all over the weed.

Is it okay to still smoke out of a bong?
I know glass takes a huge amount of heat to melt or cause damage. It's a quarter so even if it's badI'm smoking it. Tell me somehting I wanna hear....
sTuNNed oNe said:
Tell me somehting I wanna hear....

I saved $522 on my car insurance last year...:confused2:
Fumes from burnt glass shards are more harmful than lead and mercury.... COMBINED.
Same effect can be expected from 14 milliliters of venom from a 6 foot Pit Viper.

I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. So Im pretty confident in my fictitious facts.
The only real way to look younger is not be born so soon.
"Tell me somehting I wanna hear....[/quote]

You are cute, smart, and doggone it people like you.
Common sense is'nt near as common as it used to be........
if you don't mind possibly tearing up your throat and/or lungs, have a good smoke....or maybe throw it away and be a bit more careful next time. Personally, I'd chalk that one up to a learning experience and live on.
Okay what you are gonna need is a centrifuge, a turkey baster and a stick of fruit stripe gum...preferably lemon flavor but cherry will also work but not as quickly...oh wait...my bad that was a hemorrhoid relief procedure. :)



the greatest man in the world---his mother has "son" tatooed on her arm---stay thirsty my friends---dos equies
...so basically, i will die if i smoke it. What's the worst that can happen? No one has given a scientifically adequate answer that explains exactly why the glass would hurt my lungs if the particles can't make it there. Glass isn't flammable, it's not shooting all the way up through my bong.
i'm on a budget man, I didn't just buy a quarter just to throw it away. Money doesn't grow on trees.
sTuNNed oNe said:
Money doesn't grow on trees.

No. But oranges, lemons and carrots do. And people sell sacks of them along the highway.
sTuNNed oNe said:
...so basically, i will die if i smoke it. What's the worst that can happen? No one has given a scientifically adequate answer that explains exactly why the glass would hurt my lungs if the particles can't make it there. Glass isn't flammable, it's not shooting all the way up through my bong.

Go on. It's pratically safe to smoke it. (This is the answer you wanted to hear, is it?)
So I've done my online searching other than here and it seems to be split 50/50.

Lots of people say smoking through a bong is fine, the glass won't come up.

Others say the shards are microscopic and mixed in with the weed, and will go into my lungs and burn holes into them?

In conclusion...there is no conclusion.