We Interupt this Message for Deer Season!.

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dream grower

Don't forget your towel!
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
:eek:Before anybody gets thier panties in a twist, I am a moral and ethical hunter, hunting animals that have exploding populations in this area. I eat every scrap! I also donate meat to a wonderful program called Hunters For The Hungry. This meat feeds a lot of people in this great country of ours. Any way if yo wanna keep track, Buck 3, Hunter 0.:( Now, Where's my club?:D OH, How Doo! To all the new members:) Slim, pm me:)
"There Coming right for us"!!!!!!:eek:

Hopefully one year I can get on with one of the local hunt clubs and blow the dust off my 270. My freezer could use a filling.

heee hee..dreamgrower. I'm off to make an attempt at controling the pheasant population this very weekend. ..:p
Hey Mutt, No better time than the present... Perfect animation, still LOL!!
Hick, I'm jealous. The king of birds. Once eaten, chicken will always ****! Not too many wild birds here. Many of us raise em and turn em loose. But, really all they do is feed the coyotes. They're not indigenous to this area. But, Man, do we have some turkeys!! Good Luck on yer hunt Hick. Shoot one or two for me!
dream grower said:
Hey Mutt, No better time than the present... Perfect animation, still LOL!!

I wanna be like Jimbo when I grow up. :p
I did have an uncle that wore a hat like that and was a gun hound. LOL

I never could shoot one of those pheasants. They like to wait until your right up on em. Then they sound like a helicopter. Makes me jump everytime.:mad: But still have fun :D
When I was growing up, I always wanted to go hunting with my dad, but he would never take me.

Later on he confessed that his eyesight wasn't what it used to be, and he knew I had the cajones to shoot something...He didn't want to get showed up by his daughter in front of his friends! (I somehow took my aim after my mom, who could part your hair with a BB gun...LOL)

Now I go every now and then. My biggest was a 10 pointer back in '03? '02? one or the other.

I haven't been the past two years though, I was in a wheelchair during the season in '04, last year was going through a divorce, this year I'm good to go so I might plan a trip...I just hadn't really thought about it yet ^_^;;
Just took my kids out bunny hunting yesterday. my 12yr old out shot me :confused: by 1 he got 5 . My 10yr old took 2 , and my 7yr old had a ball running all over. Ill go for elk next month. Good luck on you hunt.
..great to see some fellow hunting enthusiasts aboard!! :) been an avid participant ever since I was able to hold up a li'l single shot 22 (a "Stevens Favorite")
I wasn't able to elk hunt this year, first year in over a dozen. But I plan to make up for this missed time in the pheasant feilds.
So far this year I 've purchased(not neccessarily 'filled') tags for Small game/fishing w/ a migratory bird stamp, Cougar, Bear, Turkey, 2 non-resident tags from KS and AZ respectively. The money generated from these tags, goes to support/finance the habitat/environment that supports tthe animals. Ethical hunters are the ultimate "environmentalists"..IMHO...
I am a paid member in good standing in the Rocky Mnt Elk Foundation, NRA, local chapter of the Treeing Hound ***., Ducks unlimited and an out of state chapter of Pheasants Forever.
I believe if we want to continue to be afforded the privelage to hunt, we have to support the organizations that are fighting for those rights.

...off to the the pheasant fields...see ya's all about Monday..:D
I'm back, Finally. Would love to report success, But... That's why we call it hunting not gathering. Had a shooter RIGHT THERE! Got busted by the doe!! They have eyes in the back of thier heads!! LOL. All in all, a great bow season. Passed up a nice gobbler waitin on that buck too. Gun season... Yes! Wait all year for two things, harvest and gun deer season. Will report. Love the posts. More!! Remember, Hunt with your kids, Not after them. :)
buds4me, Congratulate the youngn's for me. Way ta go!! Once you have wild rabbit you will never look at chicken the same way again! Right buds? Be safe and good hunting!
Hick! Really sorry that you can't do elk. That is one of my dreams. Elk and a BIG Northern Whitetail! Gld to see your supp the NRA. Even with our faults, we do have our constitutional right to bear arms in our hearts and will defend that right! Peace
Sabby, Congratulations, not too many folks can claim that honor, man or woman! Hey, Get out there, it's the best therapy there is! For all that ails ya.
I hope to start back hunting next season, just don't really have the time right now. It makes for lonely saturdays though, cuz all my friends are out hunting. :(
I grew up in Georgia (usa) and from the ages of 10 and 14 killed many deer, squirrels and dove. I was a really good shot. My father had some hookups through construction and took me private places where you could shoot your shoulder off. I had a closet full of horns. All my freinds and relatives were quick to take advantage of the food supply (floor freezers are great) and not one animal was wasted or stuffed (okay except one fish). Venison stew is the best. Up until about my 20th buck, my father made me clean all my own.

Unfortunately, I haven't been hunting since (20 years). My father died and I was taken to Southern California. But I still fish.

Hunt on and post pics.
Got to agree with ya dream grower wild rabbits are good eatin. dove strogunoff is pretty good. I woud like to get some where to get a nice whitetail deer. have shot many mule deer. got to help drag a nice 6x6 elk my bro in law shot yesterday. I would guess 400lbs prossed meat.:)
I remember as a child my uncles hunting in the Rockies and Sierra Nevada's. My aunt make the best venison "sirloin tips" and jerky. My cousin bow hunts and has brought me meat at different times. I'm just an ole flatlander these days. I don't like to kill, but would drive my Uncle in his jeep, on the different logging roads that meander all through the Sierra Nevada's.... never a dull moment!
we do a bit of hunting here as well :D

like hick I belong to a few clubs and help manage our wildlife the best i can...

we didnt get a deer this year but saw some nice ones and just watched and took pics instead... miss's did get a nice bear tho (450 pound boar) and missed out on elk :mad:

1 wild turkey as well will be cooked up'd in the come'n days :D

stealhead and salmon are also on there way so will feast on a few of them as well as it's only a 20 second walk like to fish or hunt for me :D

hick i got a pic of a nice 3x3 we let walk off..... (12x16 or so) see ya in the am hunt chat soon bro for piccys ;)

thanks to people like ted nugent and fred bear we can still bear arms and hunt....

we allways buy the sportsman pac even if we dont use it all... it helps your local fish and game at least...

now if'n we could just run dogs again i would be a happy camper :D

here kitty kitty
Ravishing_68 said:
I'm just an ole flatlander these days. I don't like to kill, [/FONT]

Tiss a hard thing to understand.... not about the kill per say with most but more a management thing...

been to war and have killed so maybe my veiws on hunting might not be under stood....

for me it's a way of life just the way i was raised like.... try'n to understand the land and whats best for it...

could ramble on for ever but it's late here

..well...made it home w/ 8 roosters and 2 greater prarie chickens..:D

..I'm thinkin' a Thanksgiving "Pheasant" feast!!! ;)