What did you smoke first?

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what did you all smoke first cigarette or Joint?

  • Cigarette

  • Joint

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Nov 2, 2009
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Just wondering what did you all smoke first cigarette or MJ?
hash oil was the first thing i smoked, then ciggs, then weed.

probably all within a 6 month periond when i was 15
Started at 12 with PallMall reds then moved to camel straights. I didn't smoke weed untill I was around 16. I don't smoke cigs anymore.
I hve never smoke cigarettes...I hve had one drag off a cigarette when i was 14 and that was all that was needed to find out cigarettes were not for me...
Hamster Lewis said:
I hve never smoke cigarettes...I hve had one drag off a cigarette when i was 14 and that was all that was needed to find out cigarettes were not for me...

It's kinda like beer, whiskey, hard drugs, anything your body doesn't "like" at first glance because it just knows better...:hubba: But if you keep forcing it in sooner or later your body sez... "Hey! I LIKE that! MORE NOW!" ;)
I stole a cig from my grandma..went into her bathroom locked the door and smoked it..tasted awful. I showered and went back out. No desire to smoke again until I was watching pulp fiction all those cigs being lit..made me want one so funny. I hate cigs I like the way they smell unlit but hate the lit smoke..
I was in the army at the time and some smart guy got it in his head to smoke some of this moss growing on the side of a rock. We were doing some reppelling trainning, I smoked the moss and I dont know if it was like a buzz but a definate wierd feeling. Made reppelling of the side of the cliff more interesting lol.
True story

when i was 6 bro was 8 and sister was 4 we would pick up the ciggs my grandpa through on the floor and puff away good times i remember all three of us getting our butts whooped constanly when i was 8 i had stole a pack of fat cigars i remember i had them well hidden and we would all go take a couple hits then turn it off i stopped after we got into drinking my bro and I. first timed i inhaled weed was purp kush out of a sea shell lit with a q-tip lmao i was 15
Weed. Never smoked ciggs, never will. Although I had a roomate once who would smoke constantly and I think I was slowly becoming addicted from the second-hand smoke, haha.
I smoked dried grape vine as a kid..don't know if it was just holding my breath or what ,but we felt stoned...:fly: :fly:
Marlboro Lights, I was 14 or 15. A joint came about 6 months later.
Used to steal nasty Kool Milds from my parents, around 13/14

Smoked my first schwagg joint when I was 16.

Haven't smoked cigs for 4 yrs. now. Had a pack and a half habit on Marlboro Reds....
my dad gave me a drag off his cig when i was 6 or 7. he thought that would make me not like it and never try it... which kinda worked until a fellow sunday school kid got me into it when i was 10. tried it a couple times then quit for a year or so until my two older brothers picked up the habit & got me go'n again.
Weed came a few months after that.
Metal Pipe, MTF... I had one hit and was feel'n Goood!! :yay: :rofl:
Joint, 12 years of age.

For some stupid reason I started smoking ciggs years later. Quit them turkeys Jan 2009. Thank God.