What is wrong with this plant?

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♥ ςticky icky
Feb 26, 2009
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I have two AIs in flower right now and 1 just isn't doing so hot- or doesn't look so hot. It has been in flower for 24 days. My AK48 has been in flower the same time and it looks good. The other AI looks good too. They have been getting the same treatment- right down to nutes.

So my guess is it's just a picky plant- maybe with nutes?

The buds are hardly growing it seems. The cola seems like it just stopped growing tall. The top leaves are all folding real bad with the edges down. One fan leaf grew out real waxy looking- so I thought it could be something with nitrogen?

The leaf in the 3rd picture grew like that too. I just don't know what is going on with it. And if you look at the 1st picture the bottom half looks nice and healthy- but that top part of the plant just looks sad ...WTH?

Funny thing is it even smells like shite!


ZZ 013.jpg

ZZ 018.jpg

ZZ 008.jpg

ZZ 006.jpg

ZZ 007.jpg
something is wrong in the root zone. Not sure yet because I need more info but I am pretty sure your problem is down there. Maybe salt build up or something damaging the roots.
maybe it's got bad genes..?
what's the low down on temp, space, exhaust/air circulation, lights, humididy, etc etc...
Oo thanks Buddy- what would you suggest for a fix? Do I need to transfer it? I wouldn't be surprised if it is root bound.

I'm going to flush it today.
ishnish said:
maybe it's got bad genes..?
what's the low down on temp, space, exhaust/air circulation, lights, humididy, etc etc...

Could be- it really is the ugliest plant I have ever seen. If you could see it in person you would laugh. And it really does smell like crap.

Anyway. I grow in a closet, so the area is small. Around 2 ft x 4ft x 8 ft roughly. I use a window fan for circulation- the overhang shades the window so it blows in cool air. The temperatures range from 70 to 85, but usually stays around 80. I use one 400 watt HPS. I don't know what the RH is but it is probably around 30 or less.

I really think Buddy is right about something being wrong in the root zone though-
IIRC this is exactly how the strain is for some people. but im totally with luv it looks alot like a root issue.
lotek said:
IIRC this is exactly how the strain is for some people. but im totally with luv it looks alot like a root issue.

What do you mean? Some people have just gotten crappy phenos?

And do you think something as simple as being root bound could cause this?
use some club soda, should air out the roots a lil...
it'd be a lil experimental though.
i've done it with my organic dirt grow b4 when the water wouldn't soak in, hit it with some club, and the next day it'll start absorbing water normally.
and may or may not have had an effect on the final taste of the buds.. either way, it was the Best smoke, I've ever had. as well as the best for many friends that partook in many a sessions..
Not sure if it is the beginning of root rot or just bound up in some way. I am growing some AI right now, I had a plant close to the drain for one tray and it clogged it up. I of course had to fix it while extremely drunk off my butt and did a lot of damage to it's root structure and that is exactly what it did. First I got claw and deformation of leaf then they went to death. The plant is recovering now but looks like it will yield barely anything and looks likes it has AIDS or something.
:laugh: that's funny, but if you really think about it- it really isn't that funny.

I think I may have just done more bad than good to the plant- so it sounds like we could have twin AIs here soon hah. I'm pretty sure I just damaged the roots pretty bad- I was trying to reposition them. You live and you learn though.
So Buddy- I never said what happened with this, but I actually ended up removing the plant on June 17th when I made this post. I got called crazy for this :laugh: but the plant was really going no where.

Anyway- I replaced it with a clone of the same plant and the top leaves look the same now! The clone has been in flower for 22 days and just doesn't look healthy. Do you think it is just an extremely picky pheno? Maybe it needs a higher or lower pH?

I bought a new camera and it should be here sometime this week probably- so I'll post up some pictures, but this is really bugging me.
Interestingly enough I have managed to have this same problem with some bag seed that probally had bad genes as a result of a unexepected hermi.

When my plant started doing the same thing in my first grow I just let it keep on going as it was and the buds came out nice the leaves didnt die off they just stayted like that no matter what I tried, but it was a CFL grow so I was thinking that might have been the issue and it was my first grow. However in the same area there was a plant doing just fine with great leaves.

This go around the same thing happened to two of the plants when they reached the same hieght both turned out to be female so they were keepers however the additional hieght forced me to tie them down horizontally right after sexing the plants roughly 2 weeks into flower, after they were tied down the leaves flattened back out and all new growth was looking good as well. Now some of the nodes on one of the plants have reached the same hieght again and are doing the same thing again so I am guessing it might just be a genitic defect somehow related with the plants hieght??? At least in my case.....
Lemmongrass said:
i might be confusing it with mazar or some other indica.

Yeah, all of my mazar did this. It never really recovered no matter what I did. I naturally assumed that strain is nitro sensitive and will address it the next time (if ever) I grow it again. They veged beautifully but the second they hit 12/12....

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