Where are the Buds?

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Jul 9, 2009
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This is my first grow and have been patient but still no buds, I read that it isn't going to happen until late September or early October but the package of seeds say the plants should be 2 to 4 feet and they are 7+ feet tall and about 5 " wide. They seem to be all Females, no males in the bunch. dose any of this sound normal? Any comments or suggestions would be helpful.



When the daylight hours shorten to 12 hours it will show sex and start to bud if female. I dont know what to tell you about the hight.
they are outdoors.. they will flower long before 12 hours of darkness is reached naturally. 12/12 has almost "nothing" to do with naturally flowering outdoors. They are flowering now, patience .. ;)
You certainly have a sativa dominate plant in the pic. Sat's are infamous for being long flowering. Probably mid to late october 'at best' for harvest, possibly into november. IMO/E
And a lovely looking sat Dom ! Imo i think another 8-10 weeks before any kinda window will open ! Just don't start "slappin" her about the Yard ! She's got another 3 foot wide to follow ! Peace and Feed her up P + K! (Bar The Last 2 weeks )
Not sure what makes you think they're all female.... they don't appear to be showing sex yet. That's a monster of a plant though! If the big one does indeed turn out to be a lady, you should be in for a serious harvest in a few months.
If you look at the rhs pic Cass you can see a calyx at the branch node.

What strain is this gary?
Indeed Rockster, you are correct. Maybe I'll look closer next time :p.
I see female flowers and I see a sativa that is going to be a late, late bloomer, just like my Thai SS. Can you cover her from the rain come October? Nice plant.
Nice looking plants,My sativa/indica 80/20 are just starting to tighten up in the stem crotches :D They will not be finished until late sept-mid oct.Don't rush it my man,your gonna have a good amount of meds when they are complete.Just make sure they are all fems and not just the one in the pic :p I have sats and indicas growing so I can have some curing while i tend to the late bloomers.My patience is just fine,my wife loses hers more day by day as she will be the one who reaps the benefits :D
Stay Cool & Relaxed :D
Beautiful plants, and what they said.
Thanks to everyone. I am new to all this, this is my first grow. there are 8 plants total and they all seam to look the same. What should i be looking for if there are any males? they are out side, i put up some screen about two weeks to shield them from the extreem sun, we live in Southern California. They are "Super Silver Haze". thanks again to everyone.
I advise you to look at the stickys about growing. It will help you no end, right down to what you should feed them.

Looking for a oval shaped "flower", will come out at the same place you see the female pre "flower". It will not have a hair (pistle). Or will show up as clumps on the tops, clumps of little hanging "nanners", aka male flowers.
Wow! For your first grow, you chose SSH? Gutsy move. Feel free to ask for help. It would be sweet to see you pull this off. Do you know which breeder's name was on the pack? It should say pretty close to when you should harvest and all the other fun stuff like the high, yield, kind of buzz and oh yeah the yield. Pics posted here will buy you lots of friends, but you didn't hear that from me,lol.
Gary trust me when the time is right you will know if it is male or female. If it has little pods that hold pollen it is male if it has beautiful little white receptor hairs it is a female. Don't sweat it you will be able to tell the difference when you see it
Now not only am i confused but a little worried as well, Just pulled out the pack and here is what it says: California Bean Bank Medical Cannabis Seeds, SSH, Prescription grade medical cannabis seeds, but here is the confussing part, remember prior posts saying they are sativas, well the pack says they are indica, for height it says 2 to 4' , flowers 55 - 60 days, and outdoor yield +-330. sativa or indica? 2-4 or 7-8' and growing? as for the rest, not sure what that means(newby), just told the bud tender what i wanted the end result to be and this is what he gave me. why was it not the right choice for a first grow? havent had any problems really, started with 14 two seeds didnt germ, two more didnt take root, two gave way to stronger due to room, can only have 6 so not sure what to do with the two extra, was expecting to have some males? growing like weeds. is there something i should be expecting? thanks for the help
seems to me you are doing fine; those plants def don't match the description on the package thats for sure! if i were you i'd for sure browse around. search for your SSH on here, and see other grows people have done with similar genetics that should help a lot. also search through some of the seed banks catalogs online, and that should give you some more info about your strain. and like it's been said earlier, you'll know a male when you see it--they stand out like a sore thumb...given that you are looking closely at the correct appendage... keep it up....and keep pics comin!!
"why was it not the right choice for a first grow?"
I didn't mean it wasn't a good choice. Most new growers start with some bag seed in case things go wrong. That's all.
This year is my first grow as well. I started with 3 bag seeds. One ended up male, a second started fem and then went herm. Had to kill those two. The last is all lady and beautiful buds are growing before my eyes. She's 3ft tall right now, good and sturdy. Just over a month ago, I got two Silver Haze babies from a friend of mine. I bring them in at night on a 12/12 schedule and they are already flowering at just about 17in tall. I topped them though so they wouldn't get so tall. Being as I'm a newbie, I really haven't had any problems with the Silver Haze. I potted them in 3gal containers and in Ocean Forest soil. Just started giving them Bloom nutes too = 0/10/0. So long as you're gettin them enough water and the right nutes at the right time, you should be golden!
Gary I would not have started 14 seeds at once that will be a big garden to maintain for your first garden. This is a weed as long as you keep the PH right and feed it once in awhile at minimum it will grow. Give it the right climate and it will flourish. Don't sweat the sex you cant change it and it will show it self in time. The strain info means veg 30 days and flower 60 days if growing indoors or adjust the length of veg for closet hight. I am on a 30/60 schedule growing in a 4' tall cabinet.

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