Yellow Spots?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hi All

I solved my Temp problem with an AC, which has worked out really well.

However, I have a problem and need some help.

I planted 4 plants at the same time and they are all developing fairly equally. One Plant however seems to be having some trouble. I t has yellow spots. I thought at first it was a temp orblem as I had a heat issue beofre and a few leaves got light burned ( i have since corrected this problem ). The one plant however continues to develop the yellow spots while the others do not - 3 of the plants are doing very well and one seems to be suffering a bit.

Check out my pics and let me know what you think, maybe the soil? - coming up on week 3 now. I am happy with my results except with this one plant. Im hoping it doesnt end up starting in the other plants. SOme of the leaves got light burned which you can see in the photos but they seem to be recovering

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These 2 are doing fine - the one on the right got light burned but seems to be recovering well

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These are the other 2 - the one on the left is the one getting the spots.

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This is the plant that is having the trouble

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THis one is doing OK.

Any help would be appreciated.
I do believe I am starting to see a serious case of nute burn starting... How often are you feeding or what is your soil mix? If that isn't is, how often are you watering? Have you checked for little bugs on the underside of the plants?
No Bugs - No Nutes - however the soil the bought says it doesnt need feeding for 3 weeks, I wasnt planning on adding anything for a while.

WHy wouldnt the other plants be shoing it though - same soil.
It could also be a Mg and Ca issue. Mg can cause the plant to "canoe". Sometimes it canoes downward. Ca can give you those spots... What I do is flush when things start acting up with pH adjusted water. Then in a when you start seeing the plant asking for food, give it to her.

Sorry. To be a little less vague, Mg deficiency will look as if it is looking like a taco. If you just flipped those leaves upward, they would look exactly like that. Ca will cause little yellow spots of necrosis when there is a deficiency. I would hit these plants with epsome salts.

And there it is. That is my diagnosis. Haha.

How do I go about getting PH adjusted water, and by flushing - just overwater the plant and drain the excess?

What is a telltale sign that the plant needs food?

Sorry - Im a newbie - big learning curve here.
Ah... Well, you are going to be a good growing a pick up some reading material :p.

This is something that helped me a lot...

Also, Jeorge Cervetnes' book got me out of the gate. I reference the book quite often just to keep the basic skills sharp. You can get it from Barnes and Nobles.

Lastly, this forum has everything you could ever need to know it it's archives. Just search away and you can always post if you need other help.

I would also wait for someone else to comment on this because I tend to just look at something and act. So, maybe if Stoney is perusing he can drop in his 2 cents.
Hey, I am a newbie grower too, but one thing I did know about was ph bcuz of my rhodies, camelias & aquarium fish. Those fish are damn fussy about ph, and apparently mj plants are too.

Most plant nurseries have soil ph testing kits and for hydro and watering, pond supplies have a ph testing kit, both for under $10. You just fill a testube with your water, add some drops of solution and compare the resulting color with a chart. Easy & cheap. I did this for awhile before I bought a ph meter, which is easier, but more expensive. BTW I saw those from some Chinese company on Ebay for about $25, which is about a third what most cost.

Another quick solution is to hit the pet store where you will find lots of "ph down" and "ph up" products. Most the time tap & bottled water is too "base," meaning high ph, and you need to make it more "acidic," in other words, bring that reading down. I know they have the stuff at growshops, but Petshops have a variety of products you can try without spending alot. However the ph testing strips they sell don't have the range you need.
I have used drops & powder, but mix the latter first in some water and pour a little at a time until you hit your reading.

My plants are doing great at 5.6.
THe charts on this site say the PH should be between 6.3 and 6.8 ( mine are at 6.7 ) for indoor.
Yeah, and one of the the 3 grow books I read recommended that too, but I was having trouble germing in that so I went with the advice of the people who made my hydro system & Mel Thomas' book & bam!- things took off, both Hydro & soil at 5.6. See the 3 weeks plants in soil here:

and a hydro at 4 weeks here:

As said here elsewhere, whatever works. Let us know what you try and how it works out.:rolleyes:
I've never tried it on mj, but coffee grounds work. Or water with ph-adjusted water. That will bring it down.
used grounds or fresh,merge? i've heard that advice before but never knew which way they should be used.
Used is the ticket. Save them up (apropriately) in a coffee can. I don't know if this makes a difference, but I keep them in the fridge till I use them so they don't get moldy.
Well Ive adjusted the PH - but Im curious about the leaves on the sick plant canoeing downward not upwards - is this Mg definciency - everything Ive read about it says that they shoudl canoe upward and wont show signs for another week or so
On the downwards leaves, this might be oversimple, but maybe it's just over watered.
Usually when leaves curl downwards, it is an over fert issue. But, they can curl any way they want. I am willing to put money on it that you have a Ca issue for sure. I almost lost a plant to uncontrollable Ca.
From Bad to worse - the sick plant is looking pretty rough - IM doing the Epsom salt thing, and Ive checked the Ph - repotted in new soil...

TIme will tell I guess - but Im at a loss - my others are looking really good - exact same conditions.


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