1st grow... indoors

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thedonofchronic said:
thanks for askin,
it varies.
mostly ill like a nice mental high.

but really, i get different quantites to smoke everyday and i just like to have the change. i dont usually like to smoke the same strain over and over.
got a mad high tolerance

I noticed my tolerance has gone way up as well...I used to get a good buzz off a single hit... now it takes quite a few... the stuff I got last night is quite dense and moist and has a great cerebral high... smoked some before bed last night and laid in bed with my eyes closed seeing all sorts of colors... real nice shiet but I wish I didn't smoke it before bed...lol:)
:D Just checked on the attic and holy sheep:holysheep: The female in soil has gotten so fat that the the whole thing is leaning... I wonder how much yield I am going to get off this cola when it is all said and done???



:shocked: Very impressive cola! That thing is massive. Great job ham.
Dry, that thing will probably weigh like... 15-20g's maybe? That's my guess anyways, lol.
Thanks Mental and Swift... I can see the finish line in the distance...I can't wait to smoke this baby...
Just 1 pic of the 2 plants in the DWC... as you can see they are growing taller very quickly now that they are flowering... it's hard to believe there is only 2 in there....

Starting to see more brown pistils.... can't wait to get my pocket microscope and look at the trichs...


yea, looking real nice man,
a scope is not only an important tool for a grower,
you can get hours of entertainment,just looking at your buds
its some crazy s**t!
you'll love it!
swiftgt said:
yea, looking real nice man,
a scope is not only an important tool for a grower,
you can get hours of entertainment,just looking at your buds
its some crazy s**t!
you'll love it!

Bro is there a trick to using it? It came today and it is hard as hell to keep it steady and see the trichs....I got a quick glimpse and they are mostly cloudy and I saw no amber ones.... but what a PITA....:confused:
no, no real tricks really,
its just down to getting used to your scope and the focus,
if you want to realy get used to it i would suggest first to take a tiny leaf from one of your buds (dont worry just its just a tiny leaf!)
get into somwhere bright, and put the tiny leaf on some white paper on table,
then just put the scope on the table over the leaf and mess with the focus untill you can see clearly,
oh and make sure you are zoomed out all the way at first!
when you get the hang of it, you will be able to just put the scope up to your plants buds and see them close up!
but remember, i can use my scope perfectly but i would still prefair to take a small piece off to have a better look, it just works better!
good luck!
oh and any questions?
Ok so I am getting better with the scope and it looks like about 80% of my trichs are cloudy and the rest are clear..with no amber ones yet... I also noticed from getting in there and messing with the buds that they smell kind of like fruit gum...very delicious... I figure I probably hve about a week and am going to harvest when all the trichs are cloudy with a few ambers... My question is.. do I stop watering her and let her dry out or do I continue watering with plain water and no nutes??





Thanks Swift for all your help...good lookin out...
yeah HL thats some nice lookin bud
gimme a smoke report with some pics when the time comes
dont forget that dry weight
I only wish I knew what strain she is... because the buds smell just like fruit gum....oh man... I looked at some trichs and hve a small population of amber..so I might hve to go earlier then I had planned....It's just weird because my buds don't look like other pics I hve seen on here...they still look like they are juicy and can plump up a bit more...



swiftgt said:
huh, looks like some sort of crazy jungle in there!
dwc is quite impresive!

Thanks Swift...it gets more jungle like every day...:)
When's harvest time for the tall plant again? She does look like she can gain a bit more weight under that 400 watter. Looking great as always ham.
So I clipped off a bud that was showing some amber trichs on it and it is now hanging in the closet downstairs...I will check the other buds everyday and might start harvesting a little at a time each day this week...and take the main cola down Friday or Saturday.... also bought a soil meter that measures ph, light and how moist the soil is....





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