a little grow

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Great grow Joe.

I hope mine turn out like that.
I am definitely enjoying the pics Joe.
Those are some really pretty girls.
now on week 6 i think:rolleyes:
cheese stinks to high heaven power is looking good and arjans haze #3 is looking weeks off :eek:
so few of each plant then some of others that are 11 days into 12/12:p
bubbler systems may be bought tomorrow as i have clones well rooted and need to get going for xmas harvest:hubba: :D
1st pics arjans both 1 x 6 weeks and 1 x 11 days
next 2 x pics are cheese
then power plant x 2 pics and last but by no means least skunk #2 x afghai looking superb
ORIGINAL cheese :eek:

I heard of a TGA subcool strain that was crossed with it but I've never seen it grow.

Looks amazing though! hows the sample, taste like cheese!
on my recent rip to the dam i asked the fella in ghs what cheese is and where it originated from.

he reply a fella from nottingham in the u.k. did the cross originally then did ghs version and also big buddahs version which as far as i know the ghs and bb are both the same thing.

he now lives in amsterdam working for ghs or bb seeds i think thats what the fella said:rolleyes:

anyway thats where my cheese came from nottingham u.k.

its clone only and although ive dismissed it before as nothing special as i tried it 2 years back offa a friend.

changed my mind completely now it stinks bit like cheese very dank and skunky like ole scholl skunk strains from the early seventies according to all who have sampled my latest offerings:holysheep:

best taste ever not the strongest smoke they have tried but one they would prefer over anything else they have tried.:D :hubba:

anyway its on my list now forever:p

so weight dry at 6 weeks before anything happens swelling wise was a very respectable 66 gms bone dry from the 2 x cheese plants.

anyway heres my latest 14 days 12/12 1st 2 x pics arjans haze #3 and close up

next 2 x pics power plant and close up

both above strains have had some severe hst'ing done yesterday.

and lastly griup shot of mass cheese power and skunk #2

I likes it alot. :hubba: Looking great as alway PJ. :aok:
I have envy. They sure are looking swell parkingjoe
that is so sweet grow you got.. hope I get these grows like that.. in hydro..
just under 7oz wet trimmed no stem just nuggets:holysheep:
so should have 1.5 oz dry more or less:p
so onwards and upwards folks:hubba:
bubblers ready but plants bit moody so vegging in soil then transplanting into clay pebbles/net pots and into the bubbler:p
ps cloner bubbler i dont think plants were too happy in it with not much root mass so thats why i took soil action:D
pps camera with fuji repair centre as its goosed wont do nuthin:eek:
50gms bone dry could have gone maybe 2 weeks longer but was like watching paint dry doing nothing but being healthy.
sorry no pics as s1 pro camera still with mr fuji.
arjans haze #3 takes about 10-12 weeks now on day 63 about:hubba:
then newer arjans haze #3 about 4 weeks into flower though now being fed AN nutes along with canna flores.AN seems to be doing the trick as this isnt dfar behind the 63 days arjans:holysheep:

so next up cheese mass and power all about 4 weeks 12/12:p

as an additive to aid uptake of nutes and bud formation:p
so alls looking superb folks bubblers are all ready to go may just do the 1 x bubbler with 1 x cheese and 1 x skunk #2 x afghani in situ as they are future mother plants they are are the only big plants in veg i have atm so bite the bullet and clones will have to take mums place.
post some pics when i buy a new camera.

fuji digital camera to repairs will cost £389 against the cost of the latest fuji s5 pro being £500 or less without lens.
guess what ill be doing repairing:confused::eek:

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