AK 48 & Aurora Indica

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It takes about 3 of days to dry... The size is fine, I can't grow them too high cause my space is limited... I am about to switch on 12/12 in a couple of days..
Got some reflective material and my BioGrow Nutes in the mail yesterday... Gave them their first propper feed today and covered the Grow Place in Reflective foil... Hope to increase the light they receive..Some of them look a little stretched... I have 166Wats of flouros at the moment and will add another 100Watts in a couple of days when I start flowering... It is a little hot but the big fan keeps it about 32C... Should I just remove the leaves with yellow tips or wait for them die first???
I hope those Nutes take care of the yellow tips...
Here are some pics.. 20 days old... Black pots are AK, red pots AI...





looks good nikimadritista,i just started germinatin my Nirvana A.I. beans today.keep me updated on your so i can see how much difference if any they have in growth.i got my seat pulled up bro.make that A.I. do what it does.your gonna like it..i guarantee it.
I'm trying my best dude... Unfortunately I can't be in veg any longer.. Have just two months left to my holidays and wanna be done by than... Gotta go flowering already...
I've kept a few beans to grow in the winter... Will give them some more time to grow :D
Thanx for stopping by :D
Hope that bad trip you had with your dealer has gotten somehow better... Paranoia can mess you up badly :D
I'll be posting...
yea bro,no undercovers watching me yet,but im always on the hunt for one.know what im sayin?but yea,A.I. had more purple hues in it then any other strain i ever grew with.the high is one of them highs that you feel after a minute or so.its perfect for getting to bed with.its fefinitly a heavy on the eyelids high.youll like it. Al though,that ak48's gonna be so9me killer also.cant wait to see your buds bro,if you need to swith to 12/12..then 12/12 it is.they'll be alright.
να φανεί καλός :aok:

αυτό που εσείς τους ταϊ'ζει ;)
hey bro,how long did them aurora indica beans take to germ for you? i just checked the ones i put on paper towel yesterday and i already have 5 of them shootin out there tap roots 4 me.It has always taken my aurora indicas 2-4 days to germ in the past.i got some nice meaty seeds from the boutique so im hopin for at least 9 of the 10 to germ.
I think i'm going mad... whats with bud uncles foreign language?

Also niki you make me scratch my head...

First you write this:

nikimadritista said:
I gave them a little bit of food today and hope they will get better with the extra Nitrogen... I gave them less than half the recommended dosage.. Afraid not to hurt them...
I'll post some pics later on...
Thanx for stopping By...

Then a couple of days later you write this:

nikimadritista said:
I've watered with distilled water, Soil organic with no nutes added, I haven't fed them anything since they are only 19 days old...
Any Clues??

So were you feeding them or not????

In those last pics they look like they definately need some nitrgogen plus trace elements. Also see how much they are strecthing and leaning towards the light. Its fine to grow in a small place but just make sure they all receive enough light, otherwise u gonna end up with strangly plants that are a pain to hold up.

How much room height wise have you got?

Don't worry about when you flower them - you can grow them under 12/12 from seed if you want. I doubt you'll be able to grow them very big anyway if you got a small space.
Thorn said:
I think i'm going mad... whats with bud uncles foreign language?

:p Είναι ένα πράγμα ατόμων :p

bud.uncle said:
:p Είναι ένα πράγμα ατόμων :p

Eh?? :rolleyes:
:p Προφθάστε:p

;) παρακαλώ;)
Aurora_Indicas_Dad said:
hey bro,how long did them aurora indica beans take to germ for you? i just checked the ones i put on paper towel yesterday and i already have 5 of them shootin out there tap roots 4 me.It has always taken my aurora indicas 2-4 days to germ in the past.i got some nice meaty seeds from the boutique so im hopin for at least 9 of the 10 to germ.

all 7 seeds germinated in two - three days... I kept three for the winter :D
Thorn said:
I think i'm going mad... whats with bud uncles foreign language?

Also niki you make me scratch my head...

First you write this.....

It's just cause I posted the picture a couple of days later... I figured they need some food and fed them... Than posted the pic that was taken before they were fed.... Got a little lost in all my posts... It's been so hot here and all this dutch beer... And that skunk in the mail...
Please excuse me :D
I'm hoping they won't stretch much more... I've just added another 100watts of light... Hope it helps... Those flouros are so hard to get right.. They seem to work only if the plant is really close... And some plants grow faster other take their time... It's messy up there... I'll get a HPS next grow... Budget is too low now...

Oh and Bud Uncle speaks Greek it seems :D
For the most part I agree with buddyluv. I think 10-14 days is good, then start up with the nutes. Maybe some nute deficiency?
bud.uncle said:
:p Προφθάστε:p

;) παρακαλώ;)

незнакомый ! Looks to be a form of Cyrillic maybe Bulgarian or the region of Eastern Europe closest to Russia. He's not being mean, he's just kind of goofing off LOL.

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