apartment grow

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2009
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Has anyone ever tried to grow pot just by the natural light of someone's apartment windows and other household lights? Lights that are usually always left on and not necessarily aimed to help grow the plant. I want to see if I can have a few small plants but just want to be able to have them out in the open like house plants. Is this even worth trying or are there things I can do to help them without setting up a complete grow room? Any help would be appreciated.
do a search for "monster Grow" and check out 4u2smoke's thread
MJ needs a lot more light than your average house plant. It will grow for a while but you get spindly plants that then fail... unless you provide enough light.
I know a guy that grows Low Ryder on his apartment balcony. The plants only get like 18in tall so noone sees them... Hes also using direct sunlight there though.. Through a window is not worth it IMO..
Put a grow tent in you bedroom. Plywood up the inner window and put a something on the outside that makes it look like a regular window. Something decorative, but stiff and can let air pass thru it. Drill 4" holes in plywood and add duct flanges. Hook up fans, filter (your gonna need it for AK, trust me. Now, with that part being said. If your window is on a upper tier, that's better and safer. You will need air cooled hood for light. You could choose to run a small CO2 tank in there and only use one fan for heat exhaust and air filtering. In the summer, gonna need to re-think or add AC. I just woke up, need coffee and toke, so I might not be making any sense and it won't work, in that case, move the F out of the apartment and grow in a safer place. Or just some damn dank.
Even if you had enough light, you'd never be able to manipulate the light periods like you would need to. They'd stretch like mad, attempt blooming, then fall over dead. Sorry.

But stick around--there are some very clever folks here who do amazing things with very little engineering. Start thinking CFLs and flouros, and just go from there.
When living in an apartment building, you always have to take into consideration, inspections. On your lease agreament, how much notice has to be given before the mgmt can enter. Or maintenence, chances are they can enter at anytime, if a smoke alarm goes off anywhere in the building, or a water leak.

I lived in an apt for awhile, and the only thing I would do in there was keep a couple mothers, and take clones, also start seeds, all for growing outdoors. I would have hated to have buds week 6 in flower and have the maintenence man have to enter my apt.

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