Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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good morning bongers! SM, good plan for the kiddies. Or big children I guess I should say, they are that little anymore are they? Enjoy your summer if you can. lay around a lot, you know.. bonbons and stuff.

I hope everyone is happy and healthy this day. BIU! I will join you. thanks.
Hahahah!!!! :D

All the band kids at my daughters' high school have signs in their front yard- a 3 ft tall musical note with the kids name and what instrument they play. Approx 250 kids/signs. This morning my daughter got a text from dad asking if her sign was missing. She ran out front and sure enough hers was gone. Puzzled, we got in the car to drive to school. That's when we saw a few, standing up in the medians of the main residental streets we'd see one or 2. Further down the road there were a couple more. Over in the next neighborhood there were even more. Scattered about, in a 4 mile radious. It was fun driving around seeing the signs of different band kids in random places.

A very fun senior prank. Pretty clever and harmless.

I got a good laugh as did all the kids. We did find her sign but left it up for now.

Ok, time to Biu!
Oh, wow senior prank... how fun..... We put limburger cheese in the radiators and the school had to close...oh boy, didn't go over well.

Glad your having fun this morning sm.
Hey Bongers.

One of a few senior pranks. We had a Microwave in the lunch room. Decided to try and cook a toy matchbox car. Lots of fireworks! Who knew?
one of y'all mentioning poll,, i got 12 foot by 36 high,, thats being put up,, i'm hitting pool n going to just enjoy privacy n do what i want,,, n when i get rid of this bag,, gon to have a Bagless Bash in the backyard,, BBQ Cooker n all
ooh ya:vap-leafy_wave:
Guten morgen, mein Bongers!

I hope everyone's doing well today. My veggies have doubled in size (except the yellow bell pepper plant) and I'm just 4 days away from pulling my first Grandoggy Purps :woohoo: Love new

That metropolol really is strong, it's a new bp med with an anti-anxiety effect which is nice right now.

Lovbnstoned, stick it out brother, you're strong.

Everyone have an awesome day and Smokinmom, enjoy the pool. :)
Good morning peeps! I am officially a dizzy broad. Spent the morning a couple of days ago at ER for vertigo.. Horrible... good drugs stopped it for now.. I went 24 hours without smoking pot. I think that is a first in 5 years. I am mostly scared it will come back.... more doctors... They thought i had a stoke so i am happy to report I didn't.

So BIU for me...Thanks for listening.
Rose, I had bad vertigo once. I felt horrible. Turns out I was getting an inner ear infection- even with no pain in my ear. Those spins are no fun and I hope you feel better soon.

Oh, have you tried the trick for drunken spins? Lay down with one foot stretched out and the other one on the floor???
Feel better soon Rosebud, you will get blasted when you smoke again. No bong so I will smoke a joint for you instead:joint:
Thanks Sm and was very scary... THanks for the joint MR!, i am sure i need it.
morning all,, hope that all my fello tokers:bong2: havin n awesome High this morning
Hey BHC, i got my camera and want to show you the red house. The whited out part is our address. The old door came from my mom and dads old farm house circa 1904.View attachment DSCF0001.JPG

View attachment DSCF0002.JPG

View attachment DSCF0004.JPG if you hate it please be kind.... you know, like saying it is "different" or interesting, then i will know what you mean, you hate it. LOL Most the neighbors like it.. one said it was bold, I said i was bold...oh dear.