First grow w/cfl's

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thanks for posting guys and all the positive feedback.+ rep for ya
****-dog said:
Some green mojo your way! My first grow is 3 weeks flower and I def plan to train next time. Will be watching how yours goes. Lookin' good.

What did you use to tie them down? Speaker wire :holysheep: ???
hey to answer your question na it's not speaker wire it's called Vinyl Coated wire i picked it up at walmart in the hardware section it was a 50ft roll for $4. and works great.
ok so this is my 4th week of veg. i moved my lights to a different setup. I also have transplanted my hope to be girls into 3gal pots. But good news i have some preflowers on one of my ladies.woot wooot. Its nice to see that some of my work is going to pay off being a first timer and all So im going to be veggin for another week then start to flower let me know what you think.

4th week veg.JPG

4th week veg (2).JPG

4th week veg (3).JPG

4th week veg (4).JPG

4th week veg (5).JPG

4th week veg (6).JPG
looking good! i never get tired of seeing the new sets of leaves emerge out of nowhere day after day during veg....

but seeing the pistils develop is a whole new ballgame, which i'm sure you will enjoy!!

good luck to ya, i'll have my fingers crossed for them to be female.
lookin bushy my friend, keep up the good job and ladies will be around ya!
ok so when i woke up this morn i always check my plant and the height of the lights and i didn't like an *** this morn and when i came home my one plant grew to the light and burnt a couple of leave what should i do? just cut them of or leave them?
I say leave em, just my opinion, get more before you decide. One thing i noticed with my first grow is once i started messing with trimming certain leaves bud production seemed to almost halt, if your gonna do it try it with one leaf and wait around a week to see if affects your lady. Gl and green mojo prayers go to your burnt ones.
the chef said:
I say leave em, just my opinion, get more before you decide. One thing i noticed with my first grow is once i started messing with trimming certain leaves bud production seemed to almost halt, if your gonna do it try it with one leaf and wait around a week to see if affects your lady. Gl and green mojo prayers go to your burnt ones.

yeah i just wasn't sure i'll just leave them .man i was so mad when i got home from work and found out after that the plant didn't grow up to it one of my ties for LST slipped off the plant then i was like damn it was my it's all good thanks for droppin in chef .
My plants have grown into my lights a couple times now.I just leave them and usually they will end up dieing and fall off easily.Looking good so far.
hey thanks fankcos for stopping by yea thats what ima do im wating for my cloning gel to get her so i can cut a coupe of clones from my two plants that are showing some preflowers already wooootttt. 2 down two to go. Ima veg for probly another week and then switch to flowering what you guys think let me know leave some love
pre-flowers...oooohhh, got mine on lady blue and she's a sshhtinkin! How tall she getting?:bong1:
i'd say that two of them are about a foot and the other two are kinda behind there like bout 8 inches i'd say it's a little hard to tell cause of the low stress training.
Also another ? so here are two pics of my box when i start flowering i know that when it's in the nite cycle it needs to be 100 percent black in there in the top right i have my intake. i need help on how to make the box light titeand have no issues with the intake. I'm stumped as of right know i can't figure out what would work. any suggestions?:eek:
J Cakes said:
Also another ? so here are two pics of my box when i start flowering i know that when it's in the nite cycle it needs to be 100 percent black in there in the top right i have my intake. i need help on how to make the box light titeand have no issues with the intake. I'm stumped as of right know i can't figure out what would work. any suggestions?:eek:
I can't see any pics?:confused:
lol my bad i was blazed when i made the post forgot to add the attachment. here you go

DSCF5392 [1024x768].JPG

DSCF5394 [1024x768].JPG
Lookin good. i want to know how much you harvest. =)

Bagseed? Mid? shwag?
I am part of the outsiders that believes a little light leak is cool. Which is your intake? I see several fans...

If it was my box I would have a piece of cardboard the size of the side of the box(so you can set it aside when the lights are on). Around the intakes / exhaust I would make a staggered "shield". Basically a hole in the cardboard for the fan, with another piece of cardboard twice the size of the hole on top. Offset the shield maybe a quarter to half an inch. Dowell rods, chop sticks, folded over cardboard pieces into cubes then zip tied in. lots of ways to do the "shield". Cut a bic pen into 4 pieces and use that for the spacers. Get some black plastic/paper plates maybe?

I am drunk :D but that is what is most logical/cheapest to me right now. You could even make the shield out of foil or whatever and make them more concave to help block more light.
thanks for stoppin in guys thanks for the input last nite i went out and got some black plastic and covered my whole box and removed the door and made a velcro one seems to work well haven't did the fan yet. but will try some cardboard thxs.

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