first ww grow....flowering

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No samples yet, been patient somehow. Planning on givin her the axe next thursday though. She looks about ready
Yeah BOieeee :)

Cant wait to hear the smoke report.......

I just harvested sum really really really lemony room straight up smells like lemons right now........friggin can not wait to taste that sweet lemon on my tounge...........Oops i messed my self thinking of Lemon Buds!
Good luck Widowwww
OH yea hookah. got the concert tomorrow haha. hows your smoke?? that bud looks ridiculous i'm for sure votin u BPOTM. anyways. thought i'd throw up a pic of every plant individually along with another group pic for comparison. oh and the last one is the one getting harvested next week






Those are awe inspiring!! Especially to me, as White Widdow is my next grpw. Man, they lood great!!
I can't wait for my 2cnd grwo to finish. Really, I am just now starting 12/12. But, the point is that I have been saving these White Widdows until I have this thing "down", you know? My first frow was OK. This grow currentley is almost at the flowering stage. By the way, this grow is femeized Skunk # 11 and looking real good, but I cann't wait for the next White Widdow crop. Then, I will hopefully be showing you-all some good pics. Until then. . . .;

sounds great fro man. thanks for the nice comments. I came across some pineapple skunk seeds and may throw those in some dirt after i finish this grow. That bud absolutely REEKS too, good luck on finishing your grow!!
The 6 Skunk # 11 were femenized and I ended up thrrowing one out. It looked odd. The branches were not comming out opposite of each other and it was real tall and lanky. The whole thing was like that so I pulled it instead of taking any chances with some mutate seeding my grow, you know??? 5 good better than 6 not sure!!
I just put my 5 White Widdow seeds in a soaked paper towel 2 days ago and they have all sprouted and moved to 20 oz styrafoam cups. This was yesterday. Today 4 of the 5 have sprouted above ground showin themselves :D :D

Things are lookin good!!!
Nice job Havent even taken a pinch from under her skirt?
whiteewiddoww said:
Here are some pictures of the 2 white widdow together. The bigger one on the left is almost 2 weeks flowring and the smaller one is 2 days flowering.

Hey Friend..This was a nice long did you veg her for? was she from seed? Did you flush Her yet?..Thanks I have some WW in the fridge..:hubba: ..Thanks for shareing with us
this was a weird grow. it was our first time so we didnt really know what we were doing. We originally planted the germinated seeds on Oct 31st but for the first month we barely saw any growth due to bad lights. So the first week of December we transplanted to Foxfarms and started giving them nutes under the 400W HPS... We vegged for about a month and started flowering in early January. We've been flushing her all week...cant wait to chop her down
So here is another update with just 4 days left on the big ww. We gave her the last dose of water she will ever get. The close up pictures of the colas are from the other WW and the Ekoostik Hookah plant. They other 4 plants are 2 weeks behind so we plan to cut those down March 13th...Enjoy!!:hubba:







You're right i can't wait to dive into this stuff. it will be so nice to have FREE bud that is of this quality. I just hope i have enough to last me to next harvest, i have a lot of pot head friends haha and i won't be shy to share. Free home grown WW for us for a while..... that IS what it's all about my friend.
So we harvested the first one today after a little over 8 weeks of flower. Vape came today so we had to sample again and the big nugs are up in the closet hangin.







Oh and it ended up weighing 125 grams wet so we're hoping for about a quarter of that dry. 4 more plants to be harvested in 2 weeks...

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