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You know it keef!! Mr cane it's amazing they don't screen for alcoholism for jobs I know loads of alcos that will argue to the death that weed is the devil all while sippin whiskey!! Makes no sense but then there's not much in this world that does !!
I smoked cigs for 30 years and I know what kind of poison was in cigs !-- I certainly understand your point Rose !-- The demand for brickweed has never been stronger ! When Colorado went legal there was a traffic jam at the border !-- I really think that ambulance full of weed would have.made it -- if they had only got the spelling right !
Took me half an hour to catch up to you guys. Mouthy bunch aren't we! I'll have to take Keef & Yarddog's side: brickweed or no weed, hummmmm...... Some is better than none. Mama needs her meds! Too crazy without it! They should be glad I take an oral dose before I go to work or I'd go off on everybody & be out there looking for another job. Thought I'd get more patience with age but I'm getting less patient as I age. I feel bad for you Kraven; the medical field can be difficult to say the least. I think that's what happened to my patience-- dealing with all the stupidity.
I helped bust up a bale of Jamaican weed that had been sprayed with paraquat. Easy to spot. The buds that had been hit by the droplets had little brown circles on 'em. Touch the brown spots and they'd turn to powder. It's like the cell structure had been destroyed.
There were a few years that nobody would touch Jamaican weed around here. The dealers learned to rename what they had. Folks were still smoking Jamaican, thinking they were smoking Columbian or Michoacán.
We are the fortunate few !-- Not everyone can grow their own weed and in the free states not everyone can pay $35 a gram for their weed !-- So by my count they recieve taxes on less than 10% of the weed bought and sold !-- Why ?-- 33% tax rate !- -- I can do quite well in that shadow economy --but -- Why not just legalize it and tax it fairly and eliminate that shadow economy ?-- D.D. -- I was nose to nose with a surgeon during surgery for 20+ year's -- just don't think I would have that kind of patience anymore !--
sitting at a friends house . one guy comes in and says I want some Columbian, Rick says yes I have some of that. 20 minutes later another guy comes in, says ,I want some of that Jamaican that's around. Rick says ,yep I have some of that.....lol to funny . it was neither.
Bozzo sounds like your friend was a " give the people what they want " type of guy !!
What if I walked in an said I want some brick? Reckon he would have it?
Yard dog -- Since my injury I don't move enough so I'm in pitiful shape and just don't have the motivation to get in shape again -- That's why I asked about a street dirt bike !-- There's 20 something miles of smugglers beach right over there !-- I'm thinking that's how I can get back in shape !-- Go ride smugglers beach every day or so looking for them square grouper that wash up sometimes !-- I can see me now with one of 20 kilo back packs thrown over my shoulders headed home like a blur !-- Just need to get lucky once ! That happens I'll hook U up !
Good Morning OFC. Sheriff decided to hang out at my place last night. Didn't come to the door, just sat in his car out front. At first it was a little intimidating, then I figured nobody is going to rob me with the car out front. He eventually got a call and left with the lights flashing. I took 3 outdoor plants while he was sitting there. I'm thinking I will be taking a few more today. They maybe a week or 2 early, but better than no meds.
I'm gonna have a CO2 hash oil machine !-- Don't think for a minute that I'll be the only one running brickweed through it on occassion !-- My prediction is I won't be able to run it fast enough !
Next time Umbra go out and introduce yourself -- offer him a cup of coffee -- ask him to come around more often !-- Make friends with him -- he might be just looking for a golden handshake -- security ain't free !
personally, back on the block, you never wanted the police officer to know you on a first name basis. lol
Rose ask any cop how many violent pot smokers they have had. most say never. Then ask them about drinkers.....every night .lol
I have Family that are Leo,,and they are pricks just like the rest. Needless to say i am not invited to their parties.Thank goodness,,not sure where i would light up,,,,, :rofl:
Umbra, have to agree with Keef, go play nice. But, had to be a little unnerving.
Hey we were talking about brickweed this morning -- The pieces and parts of this Tetra will begin to arrive tommorrow !-- The plan is to use brickweed seed to perfect the process !-- So success depends on making a brickweed seed tetra !-- 166-200 % increase in THC production !-- Then we make a legend !--- Do U really think old brain damaged Keef could do this on his own ? --
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