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Morning folks. Hopes yall have a wounderful day.
Hospice must be different here. My Mom only see's them couple times a week. They check her and leave. We could have used Home Health Care, ,but Medicare doesnt pay 100% with them,,,Hospice is paid 100%by Medicare. Plus they can get anything you need realy fast,,,,,. Beds ,,machines or meds. My Mom is not on pain Meds. She takes anxiety medicine. We have no clue how long she has because she will not do a scan.Says she doesnt want to know. Her blood work came back good. They gave her very high doses of Chemotherapy and Radiation. It could be in remission or not,,we dont know but she feels good and is eating everything in site. One day at a time is what we are doing.
Good morning everyone. Rose, thank you. I have thought the same thing about an end of life pill. My mother's death was a long time ago and how we handle death has changed. Hospice isn't what it used to be and...my mother was quite the handful when she was alive, and when she was dying she had her own ideas about what it should or shouldn't be. She believed she should have the right to pick how and when she died. Kind of hard to argue with that. She believed that funerals are for the living and not the dead. So she was cremated in a cardboard box and her ashes placed in an urn and placed in an unmarked grave.
Morning Rose !-- D.D. be sleeping and working the next 2 days -- I'll let her know U guys are thinking about her !--Thanks !-- Once the shock wears off and she can back off and try to take in the whole picture we'll figure out something !-- Another couple months I coulda made him oil !-- I think we need to give it a few days and see what happens !-- Then we'll come up with a plan ! -- If he's able to come home I'll find him something !-- Even my caps would help !-- Personally -- I ain't heard no fat lady sing yet !--This ain't over the fight just started !-- Thank U Texas !-- I'll go to jail for doing the right thing --no problem ! -- I'm gonna find a way to hook the Cuz up !-- Time to work !
I feel the same way your mom did about some of those things Umbra !-- Maybe I'm strange but I don't think much about the end of my life !--- It's not that I'm afraid of dying but I'm not making plans for it! -- Like Sarge told me when I was a young soldier !-- He said --Dying is easy !--Living is the hard part!
Who said, I am not afraid to die, i just don't want to be there when it happens?

Umbra, that makes me kinda sad an unmarked grave for a woman that left you as a legacy.

Keef, does he want oil? DD's cousin?

My 40 year old son just asked me to go to the farmers market with him now. I didn't really want to go, tired, i am, but with all this talk of dying, i think I will go pick him up and we will go.. Never know how long we have right? Maybe more coffee will help. You guys carry on with out me.
I know one thing,,,ppl need to be cremated and stop wasting precious land with dead decaying bodies. Its just crazy. Even if you believe in resurrection, ,,i mean really,,ya want to walk around looking like crap and smelling. Lol
Hopper I'm not gonna be in there anymore so I don't care what they do with the body !--

About weed ? --- I haven't grown a high CBD variety before but sometimes life puts U in a place where things come together like life is pushing U in a certain direction !-- I bout got this genetic doubling down !-I believe I have been successful at creating a BPU-X-B.B. tetraploid !- - Could be my Frankenplant -- maybe not !
No one even knows what compounds a high CBD tetraploid would produce !--- Life is insisting I do this !--
Life also said I should stay high most times !
Hey guys Umbra bred this BPU-X-B.B. and I ask him help me name the tetra I made from it !-- He came up with a good one but I'm trying to keep an open mind ---He says what about --B.B. King ? -- He caught me off guard but what ya'll think ? -- I'm just not sure yet !
Where's Nick been today I don't remember seeing a post but I do get a little lit sometimes !--- Anyway --Nick U was ever so right about cold brewing !-- Thanks !--- I haven't tested proof yet but got to be close to 100 proof !--I did it with a gallon of Peach and a gallon of Coconut wine !-- No muss !-- No fuss !-- Knocked D.D. da hell out !

Hey bud, glad I could share a little 'country tech' ! Just a different way of getting to the same results. Still has a bit of the wines flavor though right? We (meaning my grandpa) would squeeze cider from our own apples and he made applejack. Freezing off as he called it would yield about 80 proof. Get me going sometime about making true mountain pie, which is what a lot of people copy by making 'apple pie'.

Sometimes I don't post much because my internet connection blows like the wind. I get frustrated when I lose a post, you know how it goes.:48:
Who said, I am not afraid to die, i just don't want to be there when it happens?

Umbra, that makes me kinda sad an unmarked grave for a woman that left you as a legacy.

Keef, does he want oil? DD's cousin?

My 40 year old son just asked me to go to the farmers market with him now. I didn't really want to go, tired, i am, but with all this talk of dying, i think I will go pick him up and we will go.. Never know how long we have right? Maybe more coffee will help. You guys carry on with out me.

Rose, she did the unmarked grave because she wanted people to celebrate her life and not mourn her death. Her legacy was her life and all the people that she touched.
Sounds like my Mom Umbra. She is always thinking of everyone else. My Mom also wants to be Cremated and no Funeral. She hates Funerals,,,says they are morbid and ridiculous.
Keef you got Frankenstein yet? Crazy Bastage. DD needs to keep an eye on you,,even when shes sleeping. lol
No more talk of death it's depressing !
Nick I froze till I could get no more ice !-- It has the essence of the fruit but absolutely no sugar !-- I did a fruit juice reduction and added about 10% ! -- Really rounded it out nicely !-- Got 3 gallons of Blueberry and 3 gallons of Strawberry working !-- I'll be setting that room up for a grow /brew room !-- May not give me 2,000 ppms of CO2 but there will be more for the plants !

I 'm on seed watch !--They'll be up before U know it !---I Got to find Rose a Bubba Mamma girl !
I know a couple of home brewers who do high specific gravity beers that freeze the beer and remove the water content. These distillers in Camden, NJ do beer as their mash for single batch whiskeys.
Looks like I got something Hopper !-- but I got it in a bracket now !--I know what strength kills them all and what strength is not strong enough to kill any !-- I think I got one but that's not enough !-- It's learning the skill that is most important to me !-- I'm pretty sure that with the genetics I got to work with one of my girls give me the Monster I'm after !--- 30+ Years later and the Legend of UBC Chemo is alive and well and no body is even sure who made it or find a true cut !-- I want to make me one like that ! -- Except I'll won't let them forget who made it !-- Working under threat of jail with pickle jars in the belly of the beast during prohibition ! --
It's from seeds I brought back from overseas in the late 70's. Was supposed to be original Thai genetics. It is currently at day 86 and might be finished by 95 but I'm not guaranteeing anything. The only reason I still have it is I gave a bunch of seeds to a buddy who kept it going. I think she bred it back on itself a time or two.

I still say being a U.S. sailor was the best way to import good weed.:joint4:
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