I am soooo freaked out!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Okay, I get home from the dentist yesterday, before I can even get out of the truck three cars pull in our drive behind us and five guys approach me and my husband, explaining they had an anonymous tip that we are growing mj here and would like to do a quick walk through of my house.

I asked if they had any paper, they said no, we shouldn’t need it if you are not doing anything wrong, I said that has nothing to do with it, they said well we are just doing our job, and I said then do it, bring me paper and you can walk through. They kept at my husband asking him and he said, what she said goes.

They said okay we will be back.

They all parked about a ¼ mile from my house, north, east and west.

My 3 sons arrived within an hour, we took at all down, it is all now gone, all of it.

One of my son’s threw 2 black trash bags in the back of his truck, all filled with clothes and left the house they all followed him and had a county fuzz pull him over and searched his truck and went through the bag of clothes and his truck and found nothing, while they where doing that we got the real stuff out and away.

So, now here I sit, wondering if they will return with their paper and tear my house apart.

How are they any different than the Nazi’s or the Catholics when they killed all the those who did not share there beliefs?

How can a random phone call cause all this?

my husband had a heart attack last night. we have been together for 25 years, I just can't lose him !!
I cant go to sleep i'm worried I will be woke to a gun in my face or worse my love will die.

this is a very sick world we live in.

sorry guys I just needed to vent. I am so freaked out and so very very sad right now.
wow so sorry to hear all that.

Your husband had a heart attack after they wanted to search your house?

Smart move with the trash bags.

I wouldnt worry any more, its gone now so if they search there find nothing and maybe you can sue for the distress they caused.
I found him face down in the hall about 2 am this morning.

he had a stroke about 5 years ago, his little brother (who was 43) died suddenly of a massive stroke about 4 weeks ago, then his little sister (who was 43) died of a massive hart attack 2 week before that had happened.

when is rains in my world it pours.

do you think they where looking for probable cause and couldn't get it?
Damn snitches...that is whorrible....this is a very sick world we liv in indeed...im glad you got it all out of your house. i feel down just thinkin about how F***ed up things are over money. i hope things go well
my attorney said just take it all down and put it into my basement storage, lights and stuff.

it is all clean as a whistle now.

I live in MI -- these county guys make me sick!
Did you ask for any ID?

That is frightening stuff.

Sorry to hear about your Husband Ilikebigbuds.

If they do come back you are clean, I would re check that no stubs, roaches or scales or anything whatsoever that could be twisted by them claiming this is for MJ is not in your home.

What an awful series of events. My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope your husband beats the family genetics and pulls through.

It's amazing that our government has the resources to go after a law abiding family with such intensity after an "anonymous" tip. Obviously, for them to send 5 people out without paper indicates they don't have anything better to do.

Good luck to you and your husband.
thats ridiculous that an anonomous tip can cause that kind of a reaction. if they come back, ask to see their badge. then ask to see their license to verify that it matches the badge. pull out your cell phone, call the PD and give an anonymous tip that MJ is growin at HIS house....how do you like them apples?

i might even set up those lights again and put some tomatoes under em. "guess they must have been mistaken".

i'm very sorry to hear of your husband. our prayers are with him and yours.
you need to pull the hard drive on your computer, you can get a new one later.

you dont want this site to make their case for them.

Scour your home for possible evidence, if you can, get to a place where you can buy some plants to setup as if you are growing something else.

Growing equipage is enough to keep them harrassing you, watching and investigating, trust me, they have nothing better to do, what with all the real crime going on.

hope you guys are ok, my family will be praying for you and yours.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I would contact my elected representatives as well as a lawyer. These thugs need to be knocked down a notch. If any LEO's are monitoring this site, you are all a bunch of low life scum bags for hassling these people.
I hope the Husband is doing better today. Sounds like your family has had enough problems without something like this on top of it all. I am so so sorry. Whoever made that "call" should be ashamed of themselves and the police that acted on it should be ashamed of themselves too.
Sorry to here about your troubles..

Hope your husband health gets better.

If you find out who the snitch is be sure to warn everybody you know.

LEO would rather deal with a non-violent pot smoker that a crack or crank head.
My Best Wishes and Prayers...
So far from what I've read you have done everything right. Sit tight and take care of the family...
Pulling the hard drive might be a bit extreme since there is nothing to find...
Again, take care of the family FIRST...
I hate Rats! I find in most cases its someoe close to you thats jealous of what you have and they don't, hopefully thats not your case! Hopefully everything starts looking up and your hubby can pull through his heart problems!

Just pull up stakes and move to Cali. I am sure your local leo will be a little disappointed, but they will find someone else to harass in short order.
I'd like to offer some advise.

If they WERE LEO and REFUSED to show ID upon request, call the Internal Affairs NOW!

2) Get rid of ALL computers NOW. Destroy them BEYOND repair, burning always works.

3) if they were leo you have a HUGE law suit ! They refused to provide ID and your husband had a heart attack.

4) YOU need to TAKE pro-active action, and also if you truly believe it's criminals, arm yourself, and get an alarm system with an ultra loud siren connected to the police dept. and possibly a video camera.

But 1st is you NEED for your family safety, to determine who those men were !

I thought i had a bad past couple days in the hospital but this seems to be worse for you, i hope you get through it ok, remember to calm down, TAKE NOTES of events, times, and what you were told and by whom, try and write down the physical descriptions of those who refuse to show id.

Good luck and peace.........................

One more thing, from now on KEEP YOU MOUTH SHUT !
The police are TRAINED to keep you talking til you give up something.
Only utter 3 words.
if they continue to pressure you CALL Internal Affairs !
There is NO LAW IN AMERICA that states you have to speak to ANYONE !
You ONLY NEED to provide your drivers license and possibly a second id.
Wow! That's really crazy. I hope everything is ok with your husband. My family will pray for you and yours. Great job with the plastic bags. Very good thinking. Hopefully nothing else comes of this but always hope for the best and plan for the worst. I would go ahead and contact a lawyer and see what he says about all of that. Just my thoughts. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.