im a 1st time grower

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Mar 22, 2009
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hey guys i need a lil bit of help here im new to this... i have germenated about 40 seeds but only 8 sprouted so i took those 8 sprouts and put them in pots full of horse **** and potting soil mixed. i threw the other 32 seeds in a hole (i dont expect those to grow). i put 4 of the potted ones in a decent lighted area in the woods and 4 in a small closet with a regular light bulb on the ceiling to see weather it sprouts faster with natural or artificial light. either way when they sprout im keeping them outdoors. i would just like some feedback on what im doing wrong and what im doing right and if you have any ideas on what i should do when they start to get big.

:welcome: Welcome iBURNblunts,Let me share this first:48: :bong1: I really do not think you are ready to starts seeds yet. Read the threads an getting started first. Your mix of of HS and potting soil will most likely burn the plants. You would be better off with a mix of potting soil, compost, perlite, and sand. Seeds do not need light to sprout. You are wasting electric with a reg. light blub.
Growing marijuana is a art that takes years to master(but you really never do), Just try to keep it simple and your ladies will reward you with great smoke.
thanks ozzydiodude, i think im jus gonna keep these growing and if they do not grow then w/e right now its more expieremental for me since its still only march. where can i get the perfectmix for my plants (ideal potting soil, perlite, and compost)
maineharvest, outside i have obviously have the sun. but inside is only temporary and it is an expierement but its only a reuglar lamp lightbulb until they sprout i will put them on my porch or in the yard.
IMO There is no "perfect mix". I like to use Pro-Mix BN. If you are using cheep bag potting soils, I would use a mix of

3 shovel fulls of potting soil to 3 shovels of sand to 1 shovel of compost to 1 shovel of perlite throw in a hand full of lime
mix up well. A old kiddy pool works great for mixing everything. Good Luck with your experiment, after all that is what we are all doing, experimenting with living life

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