Instant Grits and Gardening

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Just Me
Apr 3, 2009
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I read allot and look around allot and I've been noticing a trend so I just wanted to put my thought out there and my 2 cents so to speak my way.

Back when I was a kid Mom and Grandma made Grits the old fashioned way low and slow on the stove...That being said Grits ..which is basically white ground corn pour age was not our favorite morning meal, but we survived...

They would sometimes throw in bacon bits, and sausage bits ,cheese you never knew what was going to end up in those low and slow cooked grits...

So it kind of made breakfast interesting...Also while they were cooking low and slow you might get other things made... like toast... eggs ...or country ham...So grits being on the menu was not such a bad thing at all...It was kind of like the pot luck of breakfast meals.

So your saying how does that relate to Gardening James which is a good question...Well now this is just my 2 cents but some things like Us growing our medicine kind of has to be like those grits cooking low and slow. It needs time patience and care and oh yeah a good deep stir now and then.

Then you fast forward to today in 2009 and you have auto varieties of cannabis ...and all fem varieties of cannabis ...and guess what Instant Grits...

Well in my eyes though those seeds might fit the.. On demand , drive up , I want it now younger society...Well those instant grits might fill your belly but they sure are not as good as Mom or Grandma low and slow Grits ...and I kinda feel the same way about the current trends in seeds ..Like we are giving up quite allot to get a little bit of "Modern Convenience".

Where is it all gonna end up the gene pool polluted with Hermies, Young growers not even knowing how to sex thier plants? I don't know it just kinda makes me wonder sometimes.

Kinda like those Old Low and Slow cooked Grits I still remember my first walk into a cannabis feild amazed at the magesty and the stature of the plants ...Oh God and the smell so deep it almost took your breath away but in a good way , and I remember Unca Gene telling me yep it sure as shooting will get you high son , but this here is also Gods medicine and should be treated as such ...We farmers well We are just Caretakers here on earth for a little bit of time...These plants they take care of Us if We learn to take care of them...

So I grew up kind of feeling that way about farming and growing ...and these new things might be fast or easy but I some how gotta wonder are they good ...Cause them old slow carefully Care Taken strains the One Up Yonder made ...These hurry up I want it fast... I want it now strain...I want all girls strains ...Well I don't thinkthe One Up Yonder made them kind of like that super corn scare where that corn got made into taco bell shells ...True gentics are a wonderful thing ...Old and slow breeding... and cross breeding...That makes sense to me as that is about being a good Caretaker ...This spray them... splay them...mutate them then put them back together genetics I kinda worry allot about ...Because I've got MS ...and I honestly feel Our Hurry up I want it now ...I want it up window society created MS, Cancer, and a whole lot of other diseases, but thats just my 2 cents thinking on this monday morning.

Besides I like my caretaking and gardening... I want to take my time and enjoy my time with the plants...Liking Montana where Hurry up got kicked out a long time ago by Slow and Steady.

Just Me
Oh BTW old fashioned you gotta cook them Grits and Oatmeal make a great organic soil additive to lock up excess water and nutes if your soil drains to quick ...and works way better then those water crystal things without chemicals.
I agree with ya 110%!!! Slow and easy, settin' on the back of the wood-burning cookstove was the best. And I'm not just talking about grits, I'm talking about the whole way of life. I'd give anything to get back to it.

One of the many things I got wrong with me now is a case of diverticulosis, probably caused by a lifetime of eating the fast food junk. Guess what's on my menu now? Slow-cooked stone-cut oatmeal. Fresh, raw veggies right out of the garden. And the wildest thing is: if I'd eaten that kinda stuff all along, I wouldn't have the diverticulosis.

You've hit the nail right on the head. Thanks for starting my morning out with a bit of nostalgia over the best way of doing things.

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