Northern Lights and Aurora Indica: Round 3

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Thanks PC duck, we will see how it all plays out. Im not use to coco yet so I am being fairly conservative with them. The goal is to get a top notch Northern Lights and Aurora Indica, keep them in the 5 gal buckets and reveg them. After a few runs with them and if there are no problems I will do a little cloning.
godspeedsuckah said:
:) "It's beginning to look alot like christmas, everywhere you go...." ;) Thanks.

GODSPEED... I'll bet you're one of those people who decorates the house and puts up the Christmas tree RIGHT after Halloween!:p hahahaa

Ya'll know what Im talkin about;).. No seriously, NL's lookin good for sure, them coco buckets aint no joke.
I have just tried coco for the first time also, so I am staying tuned in to see what kind of results you achieve.
GODSPEED... I'll bet you're one of those people who decorates the house and puts up the Christmas tree RIGHT after Halloween!:p hahahaa

Ya'll know what Im talkin about;).. No seriously, NL's lookin good for sure, them coco buckets aint no joke.

I like singing Christmas carols on the hottest days of summer ;)
pcduck said:
I have just tried coco for the first time also, so I am staying tuned in to see what kind of results you achieve.

Im sure they will turn out fine but it is un-nerving at times when I stray away from what I am use to doing. Thanks pcduck. Do you have a journal up?
No I don't have a journal on them,godspeedsuckah. My room is in another remote and I keep forgetting my camera.
Update to the show. All the plants are now in their 5 gallon massproducer buckets. I am going to let them veg for a while longer since I plan on doing some serious tying down. In a few weeks I will be ordering a new HPS bulb, any suggestions on which I should get? My bulb is almost 2 years old so I should probably replace it soon. I was wondering if you can run a 430w HPS bulb in a 400w digital HPS.
You're gonna love the Aurora. I just recently smoked the last of the old bud from the reveg moms and it was wow... I found half a zigzag was optimum, really happy stuff, a great high, any more and I was immobilized. I'd say the only downside was the terrible munchies! I've had enough of sativa paranoia, this stuff suits me fine. Looking forward to more news of your grow! Sounds like a pro setup.
I wouldn't overrun the ballast. 430 W is nearly 10% over, not worth blowing the triac and wrecking the controller.
Thanks Leafminer I will keep with the 400w.

1 plant got the axe today for being a suspected male!!! It is too early to tell for sure but in my experiences with strains which look identical from the beginning the ones which get real leggy and stretch way out have been male or hermies, so he got cut just below the chin. Still feel bad doing it, but it be what it be. The plants are taking to the transplant into 5gal buckets real well, no drooping or anything. I am undecided if I will start to flower in 1 week or 2. Pics to come in a couple days.
Thanks for stopping by Megan. I am amazed at the growth rate in these buckets, they all still have their Cotyledons and are already little bushes, probably 8" tall with 5 - 7 internode's per plant. I have some nute burn but they are pulling through that very well; went against my belief and gave them grow big and big bloom when they were in the germination pots. They really did need that extra kick in those pots, they were very light on amendments. Anyways, maybe in a week or 2 I will start flowering.
I should have known better :rolleyes: , and I do know better. However, I over watered them. They are making progress and looking better, in a few days they should be back on track.

I soaked the bales of coco and didn't think of squeezing out the excess water before I transplanted into Massproducer's bucket system. After transplanting I decided I should run some 1/4 strength nutes through them to help with the transition. Sooooooo they were way over watered. If that was not enough, I let them sit a day and then watered again with blackstrap and distilled................. I wasn't even stoned. :confused2:

I heard somewhere that they have doctors who can perform laser surgery on your pupil's, doctor's who can go into your brain and remove tumors and set you back up so you can wear hats again, they even have doctor's who can reattach nerve endings so you can regain feeling to limbs, they just can't fix stupid!!!
godspeedsuckah said:
I heard somewhere that they have doctors who can perform laser surgery on your pupil's, doctor's who can go into your brain and remove tumors and set you back up so you can wear hats again, they even have doctor's who can reattach nerve endings so you can regain feeling to limbs, they just can't fix stupid!!!

When you find a doctor for the last one let me know will ya?
I need a new doctor my last one is not working. There is no improvement.:shocked:
flaboy420 said:
wow nice plants

u got me sold on the NL now thanks for sharing that wiht me:cool:

Just don't overwater them like I did LOL. Poor things look pretty pathetic at the moment. Hopefully they will pull through. Northern Lights really is a good strain to work with, it is also used in many breeding projects, including White Widow I believe.
BuddyLuv said:
How are the aurora performing compared to the NL?

Right now they are pretty much on a standstill until I get this overwatering problem resolved, they are starting to come around a little more today. The Aurora Indica are a smaller plant for sure with slower growing nodes. I am going to top the Northern Lights but leave the Aurora Indica to grow natural.
whats up HillBilly?:D . i know what you mean about straying away from what you know. i wanna try some hydro, but i do so good with soil, it would be un-nerving if i failed at it again. when i do go for it again, i'll have much knowledge crammed into this head as humanly possible. nothing like getting your feet wet. it's all trial & error 'til you find your happy medium. GREEN MOJO Brother on your switch
banjobuzz said:
whats up HillBilly?:D . i know what you mean about straying away from what you know. i wanna try some hydro, but i do so good with soil, it would be un-nerving if i failed at it again. when i do go for it again, i'll have much knowledge crammed into this head as humanly possible. nothing like getting your feet wet. it's all trial & error 'til you find your happy medium. GREEN MOJO Brother on your switch

Thanks banjobuzz!! The (hopefully) ladies are coming around nicely now. The root ball is still quite damp so they still won't receive any water for at least a few more days. I have been misting them once a day with a weak solution of grow big / big bloom followed by several mistings with distilled water. That seems to have saved their arses!! In a few more days I will know for sure. I did a little lollypopping with them, just a couple lower branches to increase airflow underneath. Now it is a matter of waiting. BTW your winter grow is going to be killer ;)

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