Questions! Jilly B.

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Shut up and drive.
Feb 12, 2009
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This is my Jilly B plant, she is one of two mothers. She has been in bloom for five weeks under a 400 watt hps and is on the Roots Organic feeding schdule I have a couple questions.
The leaves that are not connected to the flowers are browning ( I know this is normal ) should I clip the off or leave them be? How do I add body to the flowers ( they look kind of light and arie) ? What kind of yeild should I expect? The leaves connected to the flowers are a light lime green, is this normal? She is in a three gallon pot, do I water daily and how much is enough? I don't really detect any smell, is this normal for this strain? How can I get her to be more aromatic? If you have alot of experence with this strain please lend me your Knowledge.

Sorry the pictures are not the best.


yellowing in flower is normal , most ppl just let them on the plant and they will fall off when there ready. you dont have to water everyday. let them dry out a little and get some oxygen to the roots. add some nutes in your next watering. looks like they need some nitrogen also.. i think you might be overwatering..
I am not used to this strain but I have a ? or 2.How far away do you have your lites and how big is your room? I use a 400 and the buds pack on weight in the last 3 weeks or so. I use the "weight" method to also determine my watering. I can tell from the weight of the pot what it needs. I use nutes every other water and give them a big dose every 10 days-2 weeks. It is safer to under water then over water.
The light is about 18 inches from the tops. The closet is 2' x 2'.
try to get the light close as possible.. i use cfls. but saw in a post about a test u can do with your hand. put the light as close to the plant as you can and stick your hand above the canopy and when it feels to hot it probably is.. back it off till it feels comfortable to you
If your plants need watering everyday, then they're probably rootbound. Also, they might need flushing. I say that ,because sometimes over a period of time salt builds up in the soil. You can do a flushing in order to wash away some of the excess salt that might have accumulated. Also, make sure the pH is correct.

Bring the light in closer, if possible. That'll make your buds bigger.
Sinisterhand said:
This is my Jilly B plant, she is one of two mothers. She has been in bloom for five weeks under a 400 watt hps and is on the Roots Organic feeding schdule I have a couple questions.
The leaves that are not connected to the flowers are browning ( I know this is normal ) should I clip the off or leave them be? How do I add body to the flowers ( they look kind of light and arie) ? What kind of yeild should I expect? The leaves connected to the flowers are a light lime green, is this normal? She is in a three gallon pot, do I water daily and how much is enough? I don't really detect any smell, is this normal for this strain? How can I get her to be more aromatic? If you have alot of experence with this strain please lend me your Knowledge.

Sorry the pictures are not the best.

"leaf" the fans fall off by themselves. buds will look airy but should start 2 pack the weight soon. yeild is hard to guesstimate, too many variables. new leaves are usually lighter in color than existing but if they are established new leaves then id say your low on nitro. do not water daily. in soil i water about every 3 days but this also depends on how much water youre useing. just have a lil runoff & ur good. week 5 of flower you should give em a healthy dose of phos to push those buds & helps convert that "sunlight" into energy. pm me & ill tell you where 2 go for specifics on this strain.
allstairs rights.
double check your ph always
do a flush with phd water
Ill be feeding nutrients everytime I water
and flush about every third or fourth feeding.
for veg and flower
dr_toker81 said:
yellowing in flower is normal , most ppl just let them on the plant and they will fall off when there ready. you dont have to water everyday. let them dry out a little and get some oxygen to the roots. add some nutes in your next watering. looks like they need some nitrogen also.. i think you might be overwatering..

I don't think it's normal at all for leaves to fall off after only 5 weeks of lowering. That plant looks very sick. I think there is a Sticky somewhere that can help.

I agree though, when you suggest over-watering. I wonder: 1) what kind of soil and 2) was it packed at all, or just very lightly padded around. This makes a huge difference IMO in terms of letting O2 in to the root system

My .02 ;)
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, bro, but if you're only 5 weeks into flower, then that plant is sick. If you're watering every day, I'd guess: over watering. Let 'em dry out completely to the point that your leaves are drooping a bit--I let my girls look down right sad before I water.

I'm like you, I wanna smell that stuff, but all strains don't smell that strongly. If your grow room environment is cool and breezy, you're may have more smell when they are teen-agers than as adults. After a bit, I get no odor to speak of unless I get in there and muck around rotating and repositioning. Then the whole house reeks--not bad to reek of MJ if you can swing it. Luck and peace.
everyone saying his plant shouldnt be experiencing yellowing is wrong! the plant is useing all its energy producing those buds so your older/lower fans should be falling off. he might be overwatering & have a nitro def, but this is it nothing more nothing less
While it is normal for leaves to yellow and fall off during flowering, IMO, this plants is loosing far too many leaves far too early. And they are not just yellowing and falling off--they look crispy.

What are you feeding her? What is your pH? What kind/size light(s) are you using?
She is getting Budda Bloom, Budda Grow and Trinity for nutes. Ph is at 7. I am running a 400 watt hps 12/12 about 18 inches from the tops. I have been watering everyday.
I agree with most of you too many leaves falling off. I would put that girl in the sink and flush her out give her a day at the spa treat her good clean her up a bit give her a makeover. Then wait till she drinks all that stuff up and the soil is nice and dry then hit her with some nutrients. I would recomend revive from advanced nutrients I know your organic but if you want to save her get that stuff now with a LIL love and TLC she might come back I know my wife does LOL
always give water and nutes at a ph of around 6.5 for soil.
if your giving nutes you should try flushing after every few feedings
always flush with 3 times the amount of water as your pot size, with PHD water.
if you flush every couple of feeds it keeps everything flowing nicely
flushing keeps salt deposits on the roots down, it comes from your water/soil/whatever else goes in there. plus it helps get any other unwanted crap out of your soil...