The Original Old Farts Club

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My deer finally showed back up a couple of days ago. Hadn't had any in the back yard since they instituted that second antlerless deer season. Can't blame 'em for being a little punchy. Sure was glad to see 'em, though. Pretty little critters. I'm hoping that they'll use my place for a nursery like they did last year. Watching the little buggers hopping around like little kittens makes me smile.
My deer finally showed back up a couple of days ago. Hadn't had any in the back yard since they instituted that second antlerless deer season. Can't blame 'em for being a little punchy. Sure was glad to see 'em, though. Pretty little critters. I'm hoping that they'll use my place for a nursery like they did last year. Watching the little buggers hopping around like little kittens makes me smile.

Same thing here, had the driveway blocked this morning.
I am glad you made that clever pic. I was thinking "Elements" might be a candy bar or something like that... perhaps a nut bar.

(*sigh*) So speaketh the 80+ year-old pot virgin...

I might as well add: I really thought that cigarette papers had gone passe' and essentially out of common use, what with the advent of all the other, less messy or less wasteful clever inventions.

Clearly, as usual, Unca dunno squat.
Rained off and on all day here. Got water standing everywhere.

Looks like Pute's back is feeling better.

Ole boy can still bust a move!

Lord God that's me in 20 yrs trying to bust a move. 😁 If I live 20 more yrs 😳
Fking Walt definitely has me beat and I doubt I will ever catch up.😁
Alright old farts time to get moving. Gotta get ready for the grind, as bad as I want to. Got 39 deg this morn and gonna hit 70 deg today, at least no rain. Yall have a good one.
Yep,,cold as a mother fker here to bro. Bout sick of this shit. Nice and sunny and warm yesterday and had to bring my fruiting plants in last night. Peppers, tomatoes, and lemons. God damn Texas weather.😡
Hey. Give him credit. That's pretty impressive. If I live to be 90, which I doubt. I just hope I can still walk 😁
Yabbut -- that ancient creature and Himself are the same in years. I wuz out back yestiddy, chain-sawing 6" thick Floriduh holly (that stuff grows faster than warm yeast).

Granted, I have a lot of dings, bungs, and shaters (surfboard talk). But I doan creep like that... I can do a bad (really quite bad, now) Hustle. <-- Herself and I useta do it, and by hand signals (coordination is absolutely key in this dance), we could go five full minutes without repeating a step. TINS.

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