The Original Old Farts Club

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On a sad Long Island note my time for Long Island corn will be ending very very soon.
It was delicious this year and we froze a lot this year.
When I was a young electrician and had worked in sewerage treatment plants I always knew when corn was on sale .....
I don’t believe this story roster… kids robbing an ice cream truck?
My next door neighbor was a lieutenant railroad detective. He said his funniest/easiest case was when three boxcars got broken into. One was chock full of candy and was the only one robbed. He waited for the next day and then went to the local school and asked for a list of kids that called out sick. A little footwork found three kids that stayed home because of severe belly aches, Parents made restitution after being informed that robbery of interstate shipping is a felony.
Goat cheese?
just got a call from a friend, my buddy panhead vic died yesterday from carbon monoxide poisoning...he made his home using cargo containers...guess it got cold and he used the propane heater to get warm...both he and his dog didn't make it thru the well brother, you will be missed...
My next door neighbor was a lieutenant railroad detective. He said his funniest/easiest case was when three boxcars got broken into. One was chock full of candy and was the only one robbed. He waited for the next day and then went to the local school and asked for a list of kids that called out sick. A little footwork found three kids that stayed home because of severe belly aches, Parents made restitution after being informed that robbery of interstate shipping is a felony.

Goat cheese?
No not goat cheese. Just regular crumbling cheese.
just got a call from a friend, my buddy panhead vic died yesterday from carbon monoxide poisoning...he made his home using cargo containers...guess it got cold and he used the propane heater to get warm...both he and his dog didn't make it thru the well brother, you will be missed...
Sorry brother. That happens a lot. Ppl don't realize how dangerous that is. Same thing happens when ppl use their gas burners on the stove to stay warm.
just got a call from a friend, my buddy panhead vic died yesterday from carbon monoxide poisoning...he made his home using cargo containers...guess it got cold and he used the propane heater to get warm...both he and his dog didn't make it thru the well brother, you will be missed...
Sorry for your loss brother! A good lesson for us all,
what bothers us as friends is he knew better...there is a thought that he just got tired of being kicked in life, that darkness can consume a soul...most of us believe it was no accident but his way of checking out...the choice is ours alone to make...
just got a call from a friend, my buddy panhead vic died yesterday from carbon monoxide poisoning...he made his home using cargo containers...guess it got cold and he used the propane heater to get warm...both he and his dog didn't make it thru the well brother, you will be missed...
Dang man... the silent killer. sux the dog didn't make it, especially as he probably knew better huh bro?
well, I'll choose to believe it was an accident not wanting to think the worst of anyone.. RIP and WOOF.

Like to thank everyone for the kind words regarding my recent surgery.. 2 hips in 2 mos is a buggar.. 1st
one seemed to be a breeze, this one he cut me in a different spot and it's like sitting on a rock atm..
physical therapist pushed me to hard and got fired.. he was doing 3wk stuff on a guy 5 days out of surgery.
thing is, once I get further along I'd like him to come back.. just have to request him. Dr said hold off on
all PT until Wed appt.. be 2wks and the 30 staples come out.. for those keeping count, that's 63 staples.. lol

Left hip.jpgleft hip 30 staples.jpg

I cropped it in close so ya'll didn't have to see my big butt... lol. skin is wrinkly from the bandage being on 7 days.. my butt is actually very smooth and pretty... muwahahahaha.

It's only been 8 days since my surgery, taking it easy and walking around the house.. I'll get there with the
help of my awesome wife Ladybug... 34yrs she's put up with me.. hehe

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