thin stem??

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Feb 4, 2009
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i started a plant about 2 weeks ago and it cant support itself. its growing on chop stick stuck in the pot. is there anyway to thicken it so it can??? or will it come in due time?
Position a small fan so it is gently blowing on the plant, not enough to bend or topple it, but enough to genly sway it. This will increase the stem strength and you'll be thankful once those fat buds start filling in :)
Generally the way to avoid this happening in the first place is keeping it close to the light. The plant (any plant) will stretch trying to reach the light it so desperately needs to live. So to avoid this, keep the light close #1, close enough so that it gets lotsa light, but doesn't get burned (not sure what kinda light your using, but flourescent lights you can keep the sprout 1-2 inches from the bulbs.) Since you've got a stretch problem already, gently transplant it into another medium, and bury it to about 1/2 inch from the seedleaves (cotyledon or whatever the hell they are) and give it a little water (very little, just enough to make the dirt you've planted it in moist, not saturated.) And put it back under your lights, then add the fan so that it gently rustles the leaves. That aught to keep your plant from stretching again, and make the stem as it gets older strong and thick. just my $0.02. Good luck
you could try to pinch the stem lightly
i use tweezers with tape i use the tape to keep the tweezer from breaking the skin of the stem
if you do you will be able to feel the stem give way and thats it stop squeezin it might fall over it might not if it does you can leave it or prop it back up if this is not enough info search on supercropping
WoW!!!.. IMO "supercropping" should not be performed at such a tender age. Proper lighting and air circulation is all that is needed at this point to make those syem stalks..;)
Yes, if you put a fan on that plant you will notice a much thicker and stronger stem in just a couple days.
ive seen a thread on here where person does it when seedlings are under a week
ive dont it to my clone which is less than 6 inch tall
it worked well the stem has gotten fatter
ShecallshimThor said:
ive seen a thread on here where person does it when seedlings are under a week
ive dont it to my clone which is less than 6 inch tall
it worked well the stem has gotten fatter

it might make the stems thicker but its also really risky to be doing to sproutling, the safer method would be a fan, I was really suprised to see how much a fan actually does.
Greenthumberish gave you some excellent advice.
Do exactly as he described.
I wld go with the fan and light adjustment myself... i kept my cfl's right down close and had a fan blowing on them and their stems thickened right up...
im not saying its better
its just a different option if say you cant afford a fan for a week

i had that problem when i was cloning no extra cash for rooting gel but i just cloned anyway but thats a diff story
ShecallshimThor said:
im not saying its better
its just a different option if say you cant afford a fan for a week

i had that problem when i was cloning no extra cash for rooting gel but i just cloned anyway but thats a diff story

I've only had one succesful clone without using rooting hormone. Was so hard.

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