This is interesting to think about

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Do you ever wonder who was the first humanoid to see a marijuana plant and think that would be a good idea to smoke?

It was the Indians friend.

Every person should know that?

I'm just saying think of a guy wandering around the wilderness, sees a marijuana plant, and decides to smoke it
it is originally from asia from my studies anyways...people have been using herb, bones etc there forever.

Isee what your thinking now. Just like who was the first guy or girl to pick up a cocanut, husk it break the shell and drink the milk. I guess there has to be a first time for everything.


But it was the Indians who did it and I beleive some of them called it Pioti
Just like the first person to see a cows udders and say .... I have no idea what that white stuff is, but Im going to drink it.



No rude replied please :aok:
well how do you think they figured out what helped people and what didn't? they knew from the beginning it (marijuana) had a healing factor to it.
I am thinking they needed a fire threw it on and got high from the bushes smoke...

they used it in conjuction with the meeting of new peoples and thats what was used in their peace pipes and they also used it as part of the sweet lodge process and would assist with giving them what they called "their visions"

I think checking around for food. They ate it first.
And someone was like "WooNow, Im messed up."
And his buddy said, "Lets fire that up in a pipe. Start smashin those flint rocks together for me"
Well i'm cherokee. peace pipes are for ceremonial useages. Peyote ( different tribe used it for "visions" by the shaman of the tribe. Traditonally, tabacoo was used first....
Thanks Meds!

If meds is Cherokee then he knows more then me on the subject. I was just trying to use what I learned in school and what I learned from my dealings with the anishinabek peoples of Canada to help inform on this thread.

I would think some caveman guy that knew how to make a fire finally used the right leaves and branches to start his fire :).

:) So easy even a caveman can do it :)
How about the person who discovered you can get high by licking certain species of frogs?

He musta been pretty high to start with.
Lol BBfan:)

I watched a show on Current a few weeks back about a place called Bhutan, over in Asia. Cannabis grows everywhere there, and until recently they didn't know smoking it would get you high so they just fed it to the pigs to fatten them up. :farm:
I guess Bhutan was literally the last country on the planet to get access to TV, and that's what tipped them off about smoking the herb. Now joints and pro-wrestling are killing the youth...;)
Pretty interesting story if you have a few minutes to kill-
Yes the Thanks button was great! I miss it too!


I like to study history, and when you dive right in deep you start finding many an interesting fact. This subject has been studied for a relatively short amount of time as time goes.

I ran across this article, and thought I should share it. By the way don't get stuck thinking that no-one else used marijuana before the indians, I won't buy into that. Here is the start of why I think studying is good all around.


Marijuana was not just stuffed into a peace pipe by some indians one day and found to be good, come on it has obviously been around for a long time.

Great subject to toss around Tokensmoke10, I think it's worth looking into deeper, and so I shall, will you guys join me ? I'm betting the first guy or gal that got stoned did an awful lot of thinking that day, Hey maybe some smoke was behind the early cave art ?

smoke in peace

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