2 ? about lowlife plants

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
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hi i got 2 ? the first 1 is my plants are about 3 weeks old and i have 2 hidu kush one is about 12" inches tall but still show no sign of sex can it be male and the second plant is 4" inches tall but its female and i had five of them befor 3 of them were male and i took them out right away
2nd? the female thats 4" inches tall i discouver today will it get bigger or stay thay size
rottielover said:
hi i got 2 ? the first 1 is my plants are about 3 weeks old and 1 is about 12' tall but still have no sing of sex can it be male and the second plant is 4' tall but it has pistals and it the same breed and already fround the males and took out right away 2nd? will the female 4' plant is 3 weeks old will it grow any bigger then that.
I had a really hard time understanding that u should double check your typing before posting it might increase your responses. I grew four of the lowlife Ak47/Diesel but they were all male and showed within the second and third week so hopefully the one that did not show yet is a female (males should show before females with auto strains). It should grow bigger but if u are giving both plants the same treatment (nutes, watering, etc) then u might have two different Phenotypes considering the big difference in height. Really hard to say u should post pics. What type of lighting are u using? Are they both under the same lighting? Is one farther away from the light source? What is your Lighting Schedule? Maybe after u answer some of those questions one of the Vets Can help you out.
do you mean inches??? im pretty sure lowlife and lowryders dont get 4 foot tall, i wouldnt find that stealthy lol.. and if your using cfls youll probably need to stack books or something to make it as close to the light as the other one.

but yeah what the dude above said. more info and double check your spelling and stuff to make sure it makes since lol, and then youll get more answers. people have probably viewed this and didnt know how to answer so skipped ;)
pics arent really as necessary in this one, it could help finding other unknown problems though.
sorry about my spelling i fixed it

hi i got 2 ? the first 1 is my plants are about 3 weeks old and i have 2 hindu kush one is about 12" inches tall but still show no sign of sex can it be male and the second plant is 4" inches tall but its female and i had five of them befor 3 of them were male and i took them out right away
2nd? the female thats 4" inches tall i discouver today will it get bigger or stay that size
yeah, move the smaller one closer to light. and for the other one, check if you see anything shaped kinda like this

then chop it. maybe it will get bigger and you got a weird seed. wait, you obviously know how to identify. maybe they gave you a wrong seed and its still in veg. thats weird. just keep checking all the spots on the nodes. or maybe it has a weird trait that make it show sex late. ive never messed with autos. i want to, but havent yet.

i would wait and check it 2 times a day personally. whats the worst thats gonna happen from it being male? youll have free seeds right, and bud that wont quite compare to the next batch.

either way i would be stoked.
on top of the node. its not 2 light green hairs is it?? if it is, then it hasnt determined yet. just be patient with little he or she or both. i bet somehow the growth stunted. or maybe it stretched. what kind of lighting are you giving it. size pots, soil type.... basically whats your whole set up. also name the light type, incandescent, cfl, flouro tubes, mh, hps. wattage? grow space, and ph level. and lumens if you know.
i am using 2gl
the dirt im using is promix the lights is 150watt hps thats 1600.00 lumens
also using 2 t5 3 feet flouro tubes thats i think almost 3000 lumens
im giving 20hrs of lights on and i am using both lights hps and flous all the way through from seed
space 4feet tall 3feet wide 1 1/2 deep my ph level is at 6.5 i change somtimes to 6.2
but to day i gived dolomite lime in water to my plants to the promix i havent give food to my plants for two weeks on the 25 of feb i have flushed them and now i know whats female can i feed it bloom and what ph leavel to keep it at all times
the setp all sounds good including lighting, but then again i cant do the math right now. 6.5 is good. try to keep it there. yeah go ahead and feed that one the bloom mix. you can on the other one too, but you should probably use the other set. and im still at lost at why it hasnt shown sex, did you check out the autoflower sticky? it might have something about that in there. email the place you got the seeds and see what they say.
where did you find 3 foot t5 at? you have about the same amount of space as me and I was worried about just one 250 watt. But I cant find 3 foot t5s anywhere they make them for fish tanks but there only 2 bulbs for like 150.00
not gonna happen.
hi i got the t5 3 feet tubes at the hydroponic store in

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