2 tent indoor super soil grow

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But ya do need to leave your house once in a while huh? Your too young to be a hermit.
Haha I'm ready to never leave my house again, but yea, I won't be able to acheive full hermit status for a while unfortunately...
bleh, feeling pretty bummed lately... All the plants in the big tent have lost nearly all of their fan leaves... im worried they wont make it to harvest... I will post pics once I have the heart to take the pics...

small tent is doing alright, they are showing some stress, but growing along... A couple of the fem seeds have shown their preflowers... I think one of the Satoris have shown female, but nothing from the other 3 yet...

ahhh I wish I never left....:hairpull:

EDIT: I think this is what I am dealing with right now: http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showpost.php?p=815043&postcount=17

consequences of not properly cooking my super soil...
Hit a rough patch when I got back from vaca... I was bummed about plants and life also got really busy and time just flew!

Back on point now, plants took a bit of a beating, but they should be ok. I think my super soil did not compost properly, which is the main reason I am seeing deficiencies. Also, I don't think I was providing enough molasses. Anyways, I am definitely going to be transplanting before flipping to 12/12 in the future. I didn't this time and it was a mistake.

what do you guys think?

Without further ado, here's some new angles and close ups of the big tent, followed by a couple of the veg tent.

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Hey Smack sorry to hear about your girls after your vacation. I'm also waiting on my super soil, I hope mine finishes to its in a rubber made container in my garage. It gets in the 40 deg F range at night, but warms up to 75 in the afternoon. We shall see I guess, green MOJO for the girls!
We are at 71 days now and it looks like im starting to see the littlest bit of amber trichs on some of the plants. Shouldn't be too much longer. I think I should get enough bud to tide me over for a while... really excited to get some satori, cheese and super sour OG into the flower room!

Sorry about everything being tinted yellow... some of the plants are straight purple with black leaves, really wanted you to see that. Any tips?

without further ado
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Very nice bud shots, glad they turned around for you. hope life did too.
Thanks rose! Yea, things are still rollercoastering a bit, but the peaks and valleys have mellowed out a bit. Quit my job to work on a side project with a friend, didn't work out so now I'm trying to figure out what to do next....
Harvest has come and gone. I forgot what a pain in the *** trimming is... I did have it easy though since most of the fan leaves had already died and been plucked or fallen.

First off, what I got going on now. Made some tweaks to the set up. I skinned the small tent (2x4x4) to make a drying tent. I put the frame up on a table and I like the set up a lot more now. I will need to make sure the big tent is really light proof before my next flowering cycle.

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Speaking of my next flowering cycle... I was trying to keep these guys on hold in 1 gallon fabric pots and they were not very happy... The transplant was a little rough with their roots growing into the fabric pots a little. Anyways, they are in 5 gallon bags (except 1 in a 3gal, I ran out) and should be looking spiffy in a week or two. Oh yea, so I am going to veg them out for a little while under the MH and take clones before I flip. Very excited for this run, got 2 Kaliman Cheese #1, 2 emerald triangle super sour og and 3 Mandala satori (all females I think, also lost one due to negligence...)

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and on to the harvest pics! You can see the tent in the first couple. Being held up with 2 plywood boards and a tension rod... worked really well! Thanks to the misses for that one (oh yea, we also just got engaged!)

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Just beautiful, what nice color... congrats. and yes trimming is a pain.
Thanks Rose and Shortbus! Yea, I got worried things wouldnt turn out well, but I think I did alright. Mostly just my lack of experience fueling my paranoia... haha

Looks like I have around 1 lb, I will weigh it before I jar it and will post the actual number.

Hopefully, with recooking my soil and using 5 gallon containers I can easily do at least as well on the next run.

I actually jsut made some tincture using my new magical butter machine. I made it with trim and it isn't THAT strong... I'm thinkin of boiling it down halfway to increase the thc concentration, what do you guys think?
I like to let it air out for a week and then add a bit of maple syrup or honey and cinnamon.. it makes it stronger and taste a bit better.:joint4:

i have it in a wide mouth measuring cup and place a paper towel over it.. it evaporates quickly. What did you use, booze?
yea, made it with everclear. Used about 3oz of trim for 3 cups of everclear.

I like the idea of sweetening it up a bit. I more or less gave up drinking a couple years ago and one dropper of the tincture blew my mouth away, not really in a good way haha.
So, everything I harvested is jarred up, just under 65% RH. I weighed it and it came out to about 8.5oz. So, like .25g/watt... not fantastic, but im excited for the next cycle.

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I had punished the satoris, cheese and super sour og by making them wait in the veg area. They were hurtin, but are looking happy now. I will give them another week to bush out, then I'm going to take clones and flip em! So excited for SAtori!!! AND THE CHEEEEEESE... haha and the super sour og too hahaha dammit!

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very nice looking purple buds! the others too but hard to beat that purple tinge for bag appeal...
Haha thanks fogey. The purple stuff looks really nice for sure. The green stuff is where its really at tho.