2nd grow journal crown royal, white cookies using stg(Sure To Grow)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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ok so this is my 2nd grow journal see signature to follow first. I have brought 2 seeds to growth out of 4 total seeds. All 4 germinated. I started the germinated seeds in the sure to grow, probably not the best idea since i lost 2 to the medium. On a side note there is not anyone using it for seeds, mostly cloning. The plant has a hard time finding its way out safely and get snarled in the "fabric". But i did get 2 to go so good on me ;-)
I strated them ou using pringles singles containers, and cut holes in the bottom to let water out.

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Thanks BOF I appreciate that, i am growing a mother white cookies also that should be ready for flowering in february/march, unless i pop a couple more beans soon and then i may throw one in the next flower
well i had a very unsuccessful transplanting of all 3 girls, well not even so much in the transplanting part, but i did not put enough nutes in to reach the roots, and with a root mass that dense it sucked my plant almost dry in order to save the root system, luckily i didnt work late today or it could have been devastating, i gave them a real feeding and they are starting to come back to life.

View attachment drought for a day.jpg
the worst feeling in the world... you go to open your tent, expecting everything to be lookin good, and instaed, devastation... the situation isnt THAT bad, but thats how it feels, and it sucks...
I remember on my very first bunch of plants, I set up my veg closet and had used aluminum foil for the walls, I started up my HPS and threw the plants in there. They were about the same size as yours now, and then I forgot to check on them for a couple hours. When I went back to look, they were all fried, like completely unsalvageable... There wasn't enough ventilation.... ahh that was heartbreak incarnate...

you will be fine, just took me back for a minute there... haha
yea i was so mad i couldnt figure out if i gave them a hot mix then i remembered the size of the root mass and concluded if it didnt get nutes the roots would suck the plant dry in an effort to survive so i fed them and within an hour they were already starting to lift, all due to the vitamin b i used to prime the plants survival measures
here is my first attempt with dirt back in aug, this is the last pic of her alive the next day i put my led to close and burnt her to a crisp, it was in MG soil and for some reason plants in MG are very sensitive to light i found out after

View attachment 8-8-2.jpg
it was the craziest thing i ever saw i opened the tent was horrified, fed them immediately for 30 mins, 30 mins later i poked my head in and the clone was turning leaves up, another hour later i peeked in and watched the white cookies start moving it was amazing.
This girls have made a full recovery and growth has restarted I am happy to announce. I also took 2 new clones and I am hoping to see some roots sooner rather then later but i am going to wait patiently. After this next success in cloning i am going to pull another 4 or 5 off the mother in preparations for my 3rd grow in the spring which will hopefully be 10-12 plants if i can get the room complete