After seeing that root system,,you are correct my friend. I will never even look back. Besides I have already thrown all my plastic pots away except the small ones i start clones or seedlings in.
Repurpose the cloth pots, or the dirt? I can't find enough places to get rid of the used soil, in pot shaped globs. I have several large trash sacks full to do something with. I thought maybe dumping them out and using it like mulch in all the flower beds, then cover with real mulch.I am very impressed with my Fabric pots after what i saw yesterday. I had cut down my two girls awhile back and yesterday i was taking the soil out of the fabric pots to re-purpose it,,, and my god i loved the root structure i saw coming out of those pots. It was like thousands of hair-like roots. You could have worn it like a wig. No roots running around the sides. It was unreal how the roots had taken on the soil like a womb. Very cool and now i love what Air Prunning does. No wonder everything im growing in fabric pots looks so much healthier than plastic pots.
I am sold on Fabric Pots.
I compost mine or stomp them until I can pull the stem and small portion of the root ball out then add the dirt to my gardens.Repurpose the cloth pots, or the dirt? I can't find enough places to get rid of the used soil, in pot shaped globs. I have several large trash sacks full to do something with. I thought maybe dumping them out and using it like mulch in all the flower beds, then cover with real mulch.
Maybe I can "mulch" them like leaves and let it disperse over the yard? Maybe I can make wigs out of them! Lol