Air system

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2019
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Ok gals and guys I joined this site wanting to learn how to gurilla grow, which I still am, but now now I’m planning a grow room after reading these forums. I have a 5x9 room thst is in the back of an old house. I plan on running 3 King 1500 LED lights on my plants and will do my seeds in another small room. I am growing autos. My question is what kind of air system should I install? The room is on an outside wall so u can cut out for vents, duct, fans etc. I have no idea what would be a good system to bring good air in and bad air out. Does anyone know what I could use?
You will want to check out some centrifuge type fans like this:

This is an exhaust fan. Generally you would have passive intakes and this fan for your exhaust. Plants need a continual supply of fresh air (actually CO2) for proper photosynthesis all the time the lights are on. I like to exchange the air a couple of times a minute. You may find that you also need a carbon filter come flowering time.
Great thank you! Now is this just to vent the room? What would be efficient to bring fresh air in?

You will want to check out some centrifuge type fans like this:

This is an exhaust fan. Generally you would have passive intakes and this fan for your exhaust. Plants need a continual supply of fresh air (actually CO2) for proper photosynthesis all the time the lights are on. I like to exchange the air a couple of times a minute. You may find that you also need a carbon filter come flowering time.
Would one of these work for the air intake into my grow room? I screenshot it and attached.

You will want to check out some centrifuge type fans like this:

This is an exhaust fan. Generally you would have passive intakes and this fan for your exhaust. Plants need a continual supply of fresh air (actually CO2) for proper photosynthesis all the time the lights are on. I like to exchange the air a couple of times a minute. You may find that you also need a carbon filter come flowering time.


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Should be able to find in any big City Hydro shop on on web Vortex 6 inch exhaust fan and then get the ducting
Ok stupid question. The black fan is blowing the bad out which is your duct running up correct? What is the duct going down hooked to? In my mind I picture a fan or some sort of shutter bringing fresh air in and an exhaust fan in the top of the wall taking old air out, however I am a newbie and don’t know what I’m doing lol. What is the purpose for the duct work in this pic? Thank you for your help!!

Should be able to find in any big City Hydro shop on on web Vortex 6 inch exhaust fan and then get the ducting
The fan is pulling air out of the tent (the left hose/duct) from the top and pushing it either outside or into the grow room. I recirculate the air in my grow room during the winter because it is in my basement and it is cold. Air is pulled into the tent thru ducts or hoses(you want something to block light from getting into the tent thru the air inlets). I have the door open to my grow room and that gives the plants fresh air. I have a charcoal filter I put inside the tent and the air is pulled thru that by the fan. Without it, my house smells like weed...
Ok stupid question. The black fan is blowing the bad out which is your duct running up correct? What is the duct going down hooked to? In my mind I picture a fan or some sort of shutter bringing fresh air in and an exhaust fan in the top of the wall taking old air out, however I am a newbie and don’t know what I’m doing lol. What is the purpose for the duct work in this pic? Thank you for your help!!

Go to this link Explains a lot
The air is pulled from the room by the exhaust fan, usually through a carbon filter to control the smell. Air is pulled into the room passively by the act of exhausting the "bad" air. If you aren't already aware, those 3 lights are gonna require supplemental cooling so you better prepare for that too.
Thank you! Is the thing in the bottom right of the diagram just a regular vent? Nothing pushing the air through? In the diagrams is the duct running from the filter just circulating? Same air?
Yes the tent should have air vent with One way flaps on inside will allow air in when fans is on
You are using a tent correct
Yes the tent should have air vent with One way flaps on inside will allow air in when fans is on
You are using a tent correct

No I’m using a room in an old house. One wall is an outside wall. I can duct through a wall on the other end if I wanted to run it outside.
A room in an old house should have plenty of air leaks for fresh air, are you in legal state?
Filters are used to reduce smell to just about no smell , Good one will totally eliminate it
I never had to vent a room unless it was an airtight room.
I mean you could open a vent but your roo will get cold in winter I wouldn't.
I have an old house an it supplies plenty of air flow for a good grow air exchange.
But you still need the fam to exchange the air from the room to get replaced by fresh new air
But thats me everyone is different.
Rose may say different, and someone else my say something else .
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If you are not worried about the smell, you could just have an exhaust fan pull air out of the room to the outside. Fresh air will get pulled in from the rest of the house.
Like stiggy said, your room will get cold in the winter and your heating bill will be enormous. Maybe a carbon filter exhausting to an adjacent room?
If you are not worried about the smell, you could just have an exhaust fan pull air out of the room to the outside. Fresh air will get pulled in from the rest of the house.
Thanks I left that part out
Old houses leak air all over
back then builders were like what insolation LOL
This is very helpful information! I’m in an illegal state. I don’t really have to worry about the smell as far as in the house. Based on what I’ve read it seems like an exhaust fan sites out would be the best of me. I think I was putting too much worry on how to get air in. If all it would take would be a shutter or even just let it get naturally I believe I’m ok. I seen that duct in that pic and was like oh no I’m way off what I need to do! Any more advice would be greatly appreciated!
This is very helpful information! I’m in an illegal state. I don’t really have to worry about the smell as far as in the house. Based on what I’ve read it seems like an exhaust fan sites out would be the best of me. I think I was putting too much worry on how to get air in. If all it would take would be a shutter or even just let it get naturally I believe I’m ok. I seen that duct in that pic and was like oh no I’m way off what I need to do! Any more advice would be greatly appreciated!
If you plan to grow in a illegal state inside a house
Get a good filter
You never know when Johnny law may come to the house
Someone may need medical aid and they will show also, The smell is a dead give away and will get you arrested
If you plan to grow in a illegal state inside a house
Get a good filter
You never know when Johnny law may come to the house
Someone may need medical aid and they will show also, The smell is a dead give away and will get you arrested

So can I get a good filter that will allow me to run my exhaust outside and it not be smelled too bad? Without having to circulate or anything