Allgrownup: Organic Hydro Veggie NFT

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gunna try my luck with veggie grow'n.

MJ's been good so i'm hoping for favorable results with this too but......

thinking of Romain, lettuce, artichoke, asparagus, basil, jalepeno, and couple other my wife wants.


Had to empervise already, those pvc stands sucked azz. LOL

anyways here's my new ones. I now dub my setup "El Veggie Burrito"

the last pic is if my veggies don't work out.

I also built a bigger worm house and after transferring the worms i can tell ya they needed it. Man those worms multiply fast. maybe faster than rabbits???

Veggie Burrito.jpg

Veggie Burrito1.jpg

Veggie Burrito2.jpg

Veggie Burrito3.jpg


NICE ! hey allgrownup , that is a sweat azz vegge growing system ya got there . right in the back yard huh? I hope it works out for ya . looks very cool . And what is this about worms? i take it you have a worm farm , do you have any posts on it ? I have been wanting to start one of my own and have a design i would like to run past you . anyways , nice set up .
Yo Rollin!

thanks for de kind words

theres some good worm info over in the organic section.

DL... check back here in 5-10 as i've got seeds germin

here's the veggies, herbs, and peppers i've chosen to start with. if i can handle this i will expand to 3rd spot i made and so on, and so on, and so, on LOL

It will take up most 5-10 days to germ but some up to 20+ days for some of these seeds to sprout. There should be action on this thread. Hopefully positive :huh:










How are the nutrient requirements of these different plants. Can you satisfy all of them with the same res. of nutes?
I had the pleasure today of visiting an organic farm owned by a friend of mines father. he has roughly 80 acres growing cherries, BLUEBERRIES, lavendar, produce, and oats and alfalfa for organic livestock producers.

I am VERY intrigued with the Blueberries. I have always thought blueberries needed to freeze in order to bear fruit and reproduce??????We don't get snow in this area of CA. This must be a hybrid or somethin. I have not researched it yet....but if anyone knows....please post here.





DL...I don't know! This is def an experiment. I have sorted by germ dates for the most part and am going to group them by those type that can be continuously harvested from those that get yanked or chopped after harvest. My goal is to find out which plants can sustain with favorable results from the same nutes and then group them accordingly as i continue to expand the system.

Hopefully with positive results i'll gain enough confidence to expand it and give each variety a desiganted NFT and further experiment with varieties waht nutes they need for optimum production.

example: one res for tomatoes, peppers,eggplant

another system for beets, squash, lettuce

another for herbs

right now, i just wan to see if i can keep them alive and if they will thrive on the same nutes. I also need to see how labor intesive this is going to be.

peace out
Ummm im not 100% sure.. but squash and eggplant.. dont they need to be planted in hills or mounds like cucumbers, watermelons etc???? how to you plant to support these when they mature???
well me amigo, good question. Anything that is grown on a vine or otherwise can be managed. Its just a matter of creativity. In small hydropinc greenhouses cucumbers are grown next to walls so they can hang the vines on trellises or dowels from the walls. I've never grown eggplant so, it don't know what to expect. Its just a matter of "What" i want to come up with when that time come's. I guess you'll find out soon enough!

hadn't given that much thought ahahhaah

right now i'm just focusing on growin out these seedlings

currently i have many romaine's sprouted. I put a few seeds in each (4)rockwool just incase a few didn't pop. That was a mistake. i think i might try pulling out the smaller ones pretty soon cuz thing things are growing hella fast! :eek:
Yea i just know some are hard to manage.. because i have grew zuchini, pumpkins, cucumbers,etc... you should grow hydroponic beans... i love having beans in the garden to cook fresh with dinner.... ill be watching this one closely.... i was considering doing a DWC grow in an outdoor setting with normal herbs..... my girlfriend thought it was a cool idea...
well.....most all of the seeds germed and sprouted in the rockwool.

however i have been putting the sprouts out in the natural light in the mornings and been bringin in after work.

direct sun.......anyway...couple of 100 degree days in a row and the mint as well as the onions shot straight to seed. amazing. literally full size seed in 1 day.

so....i'm thinking these are not going to grow or produce anything now.

i still have romaine, peppers, basil, eggplant, squash, beats, heirlooms, etc.

I am going to relocate the vege burrito where it gets full sun in am and partial shade in afternoon. I may be building a sunscreen over the top if the other plants show stress or poor health.

any suggestions? Stoney "God of veggies" to critique my system? I am going to transplant tonite or tomorrow all remaining sprouts.

Well.....i ran out of town and forgot to water the sprouts. After returning i realised my mistake. they were in partial shade but....... I'm learning which varieties demand the most attention thats for sure.

so now i've lost my squash(5 inch tall too...damn) my onions, mint, gourmet beets, and uhhhhh..........serano peppers and bell's.

thats a lot to lose. I'm germ'n some more of each.

So, In the "veggie burrito" transplanted just now i have, 2 eggplant, basil, Dark Beets, 4 romaines, and heirloom tomatoes.

Another problem i ran into. After some over 100 degree days in the sun the 4" pvc has sagged in the middle resulting in the water puddling in the center.

The puddling futher adds weight and therefore more sagging. I have it supported now but it looks ratty. Note to time, do not drill 3" holes in center of span to allow more rigidity.

This is a trial and error learning process for sure. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, id appreciate it.

I think when i try this i will use a DWC system..and just do one kinda of plant per bucket... that what i avoid the sinking problem you are talking about..

Im still excited to see some of the eggplant grow... and the stuff that will require being held up..

24/7 recirculation of tap water. Ph is little high at 7.1 Not sure how to combat this organically as of yet. i think i'll squeeze some lemons? Organic Lemons of course LOL

As you can see i have multiple sprouts in each one. My reasoning at the time was one of the classic stoner, "if i only have one seed in germ.....what if it doesn't survive?" LOL
Now i have multiples of each variety and my next stoner rational is....only the strong should survive...

Quantity refers to variety by netpots in the system. More to be added.

2 eggplant

1 basil

1 Dark Beets

2 heirloom

4 romaine

Anyone think they can identify at this point? hahahaha

more sprouting including onion.

At this point im wondering how well the plants will grow with the stake in the middle.

Some will naturally be moved, beets, onions, etc. But what about the lettuce, tomato, eggplant, basil,? i see NO reason at this point why it would matter? Any one care to share their thoughts?


Dark Beets.jpg




I was actually thinking of doing this before I saw this thread. So I lurk around and check on it. It has been almost a month and is it still going?
Hahahahah...Still ongoing, but with marginal success.

I've managed to kill everything except the basil and the one of the eggplants. There was a heatwave that came through while i was out on vacation and that took care of most of em. Not to make excuses though cuz i probably wouldn't have got off my lazy azz and done anything anyway in the heat.

I'm planning a sun shade screen and a green house in the works right now. a rather large one. Just not enough time for me now.

I can tell you though that i will be using square vinyl fence post material though the next go around. as well as cyliconing the caps instead of glueing. LOL

I'm improving and learning as i go with the "veggie burrito".

This has proven to be much harder than my indoor cannibus :eek:

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