Best munchie food

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We love making welfare pizza at the grunt house. Get yourself some English Muffins, Tomatoe, Mozzarella Cheese, and some Oregano. Cut the english muffin in half. Place a slice of tomatoe on the muffin. Then take your oregano and give a sprinkle. You can also add garlic salt and onion powder. Then place your mozzeralla cheese on top and bake until golden. :p

Welfare Pizza....LOVE the name!! And it will actually be one of the more healthy snacks available on the Stoner Smorgasbord menu....WAY healthier than the fried oreos. But TBG do you put any pizza sauce on the "pizza" or is that the job of the tomato? The Rehab test kitchen might have to do some experiments...
pizza, bacon, onion bagels with butter, beef jerky, salt cashews, taco flavored doritos, the list goes on but those remain at the top
ktownlegend said:
pizza, bacon, onion bagels with butter, beef jerky, salt cashews, taco flavored doritos, the list goes on but those remain at the top

Do you eat them separate or all mixed together? :confused:
Rehab is for Quitters said:
Chocolate ice cream, malted milk mix ,and milk in a blender for a few minutes. Serve with whipped cream ..... and french fries.


What's your specialty???

whoa you just blew my mind with that combo.
steamed bagels with cream cheese and nacho cheese doritos made into a sandwich badass snack!
vanilla icecream with frosted strawberry pop-tarts all crumbled up on top. its the sheezy. try it. now. you will never munch anything else. unless you run out of fixins.
Chicken soup with Captain Krunch in it! MMMmmMMMmmm....
Corn dogs and ArmourStar Chili (no beans).....
Roast Turkey/Stuffing/gravy sandwich..oh man....
Applebutter cake with a BIG glass of COLD milk...sweet Ambrosia....
and any kind of PIZZA!!!
You guys are killing me! :rofl:

If I'm good:
Vegetable sticks and Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips with roasted red pepper veggie dip (oh MAN I could get stupid with that stuff!)
fresh fruit salad

But if I'm suffering from a case of the "f***-its":
Dibs with Peanut butter filling
TGIF's Spinach/Artichoke dip witn tortilla chips
Wendy's Frosty Coke-float

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