Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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Rose, I'm drinking cannabutter coffee right now! I haven't made any butter in like a month , needed to get my resistance down. I use to make sweets with it, but then I said screw it. I don't want the cookie/brownie/candy I just want the butter, so I started melting it into a hot cup of light, sweet coffee, lol.

And great, now I can't take Jesus' name in vain anymore around here. I tell you, I can't catch a break, lol.
I have a super funny cannabutter story.

One of my girlfriends, who is a devout christian who thinks caffeine is a drug, also suffers from fibromyalgia. She was having a very bad couple of days, lots of pain, and out of the blue she calls me up (she knows what I do, doesn't care, thinks it should be legal) and surprises me with a "do you think you have anything to help?" She must have been really suffering to reach out to me for weed, so I was like, "of course"

I had made some canna cookies that day, and her husband came over and got one. I only gave him 1/2 of one, knowing her resistance is 0 and my butter is strong, and told him to make sure she ate it with a glass of milk so as not to upset her tummy.

The next day I get a facebook message from her that she had ended up in the emergency room. She'd called the squad to come pick her up because she thought she was overdosing on 1/2 a cookie. She even told them at the hospital that she had eaten it, they pumped her stomach! (This was long after the cookie was well digested and in her system)

A nurse told her she was lucky to be alive and that in the future she should only take prescribed meds, as they were much safer and wouldn't kill her.
I had a relative smoke some of my pot. She got so high she was thinking it was laced with something......... she was freaking out with paranoia........ wanted us to take her to emergency room........ a couple of other relatives were smoking with us were able to finnally convienced her it was just pot...... good pot...... but just pot......... she fell asleep in the car before lunch........ didn't see her again til it was dark....... don't smoke no good stuff with her anymore........ btw nobody knew I grew it.
I think it was you Mel who said a bad edible experience lasts a long time...NO kidding. Your friend sounds like mine...She wanted to go to the hospital but I wouldn't let her... Too bad, pot is great for fibro.

I hear there is a new trend to put real butter in coffee, so why not your laced butter....hmm
Injesting,,, probably aint the way to go for someone who has never used Weed. Its very easy for someone to have a bad trip who knows nothing about Weed and eats to much. I have smoked since I was 17 and I am 57. I have had a few bad nights because I ate to much.
A LIL pineapple and jack47 break:stoned:...time to go to work :bolt:

woops said it....
WeedHopper said:
Injesting,,, probably aint the way to go for someone who has never used Weed. Its very easy for someone to have a bad trip who knows nothing about Weed and eats to much. I have smoked since I was 17 and I am 57. I have had a few bad nights because I ate to much.

Me too WH. I don't like to eat it as it takes forever to hit and then i got sick.. but, i sure like to smoke it. Do you like edibles now?
Just got a pm from Jesus, it appears he has left the building....he said he didin't like the advertising when he was off line...i don't understand... but Jesus was a fleeting thing I guess.
got one too Rose :cry:

my personal message jesus ...

4U, i will use the trim and all the ugly reveg stuff that had a lot of trichomes plus some buds. I used a pound of dried last time and no i did not decarbolize as it does that when you cook off the two and a half gallons of everclear. this is not cheap to make. It is working on the crohn's patient. the m.s. husbands got too stoned for 5 days and stopped it. I have talked mr rb into just using it at night. He started back last night. I take it every night.. i think it helps the body.
Thanks Rose...has hubby tried smaller dose?..I think someone said "rice" Size...maybe half that during the Day?

4u most likely that shine has been proofed for drinking ang is only going to be 95 to 110 proof. Turn the jar on it side. Give it a good shake and if you see the bubble form a bridge across the middle of the jar. you've got 110 proof. With shine you need second or third run from a pot still for extracting thc oils

Thanks Ozzy...I just shook it a few times..but The bubbles dont form????...Maybe should just make a Tincure with Shine huh?

Melvan...thanks for the Story...Ive heard lots of edible stories at the SHop..:giggle:..I wanna make this very potent for my friend...ya think it will Kill him???

7greens...We dont allow that 4 letter word in here:hitchair:...Next time you Get a time out...

4u, my girlfriend started with what would fit on a pin head..seriously. Now she is up to a half a piece of rice size at night only.... IT is STRONG. I can take a rice size now...but i have lots of thc/cbd's in this body...they don't. No one can function on it during the day..who knew?
Rosebud I got the same private,, what does it all mean ??

BHC 947

lovbnstoned :cool: :icon_smile:
olstoner :tokie:
Just delete it Lovbn not worth wasting time thinking about

He just sent it to ppl he thought it would up set, :confused2: why I no get:cry: I wanted to give our piece of mind. Got 1 piece left then I'm mind free:woohoo:
I must be an orge.

Good Morning BHC:ciao:

Jeepers this helping a friend out is starting to feel like a job.
At least I can BIU and the scenery ain't bad either:)

Good morning duck :)

And good morning to the rest of you, too, :D

I've slept like a rock these last 2 days. Later this morning the rain is supposed to finally come to an end. It's been nice, but this girl needs a lil sunshine. ;). Come see me OS!!

The kids finally go back to school after having Monday and Tuesday off. Can you guess what day it is? :D.

Biu everyone, and have great daze. :hubba:

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