bho oil

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2013
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Let me start off by saying, I am not a pro at making oil, but I think I do a good job. My buddy from out west came into town and showed me how to make it. My question to the forums is. My first 3-4 times after blasting scraping and putting in the pressure chamber for 8-10 hours it was amber color 'like a beer bottle color' this last time I did it, it actually came out like a light brown cookie. My buddy was only here for the day and wasn't able to stay the 10 hours to see the outcome. I've heard ppl say amber glass shards is how its supposed to look and I've heard ppl say the cookie is how it is supposed to come out. Anyone familiar with making, please advise.
All depends on the product used in what color it comes out....I have all sorts of colors...
All i use is nugs. No trim. or are you talking about strain?
yes that too....some strains have more THC than others...and some have Higher CBD...those are the ones I like to use.....Gooey was a great one as is this Chem Dawg....Enjoy the wax
looks about right to me, my buddys BHO comes out a bit darker, but then again he uses Hash Plants taken far into the amber, whole plant but fan leaves and stems he uses, but yeah that looks great to me,
That stuff looks tasty :) What sorta pressure chamber do you use?
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Looks like spam. How was the BHo? we might run some side by side bubble to see the difference..
effdecaf said:
Looks like spam. How was the BHo? we might run some side by side bubble to see the difference..

i have to say, this round came out great. My last few rounds came out amber color. I wish I had a pic. but if different strains come out different, that must be why. i didnt realize that.

this one is a how i expected the others to be. i changed up time this round too. i went from a 8 hour purge to a 12 hour purge. it was only a 2 quarter run also. last rounds i ran 3 quarters.
There's so many different molecules that compose the resins and oils that we seek in the extractions process. These are guided by strain and environmental conditions also with extraction procedures. That's what makes every style & run of extract so unique and exciting! Are you recapturing your butane or doing the traditional evaporation before your degass? That vacuum chamber in the link looks the bees knees. We just use a marinating attachment chamber for the food saver but it seems to do the trick for smaller batches.
low heat, small whip before gas chamber. i do half oz at a time usually. usually get about 3-4 grams
How are you keeping it at needed temps sitting for 8-10hours while purging? Shouldn't take so long IMO to purge. But kept at a viscous state long enough to purge.