Budding?This early?

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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I'm not really sure but it looks like this has started flowering.The plant has been outdoors it's whole life(about 100 days) and has been stunted more than once:eek: .I've got 2 other plants that aren't throwing out pistils like this one seems to be.I live somewhere along the 31st in the SE.I know in my area most are harvested Sept-Nov.I'm not sure this one will make it.It is from bagseed.What do ya'll think?If I get even a joint from her that's an extra one I didn't have before:) .




theres all sorts of freak plants on here this year it seems. i mean i even got my 2 whorled polyploids. one tetraploid and one triploid and lord knows how many other people weird plants i seen this year so far...?
maybe its somethin in the water.
"Dont drink the water!!!!":D
i got a journal for my mutant polyploids goin already since i first spotted them.
its not in the journal section tho cuz i started the thread as an open question to wat it was happenin to my girls.
its pretty interesting if you read up on polyploids too. accordin to wat i read a 3 leaf is a triploid whish isnt very desireable end product wise but the tetra wat im readin on it sayin that it can produce up to 50% moree thc than its normal diploid(2leaf normal).. but time will only tell.
the links in my sig below
This plant was my runt to start with.It has had it's top almost balled together.I am just now getting her straightened out.She appears different from my other 2.Leaves aren't as wide and it's a lighter green than my others.She is only about 2 feet tall but when I transplanted her I messed up and buried too much of her stem which severly stunted her.Some more pics of the same girl.




It starts getting light around 5:30ish,usually totally dark by 8;30ish.She gets direct full sun from around 8ish till 4ish when trees start to shade her.My area usually doesn't see a big change in daylight hours till mid to late Oct.I'm going to let her do what she's been doing.
wat other choice do you have really , without stressin her out majorly liek digggin her up or watever ?
shes in the ground right?
14 hours basically. Yeah, sounds about right, my sat doms this year were about 2 feet and showing preflowers, I buried 6" of the stalk too.. but no problems with that. It's in the ground, give it some nutes, it's maybe going to be 6 feet or so, at least five, even though it's a little late in the year. Better late than early. My outdoors are 3' and 4' now and my daylight hours are an hour shorter than yours. Whn she gets bigger, rake in some well-rotted manure and sprinkle a little potash on top.
Yup,she is in the ground.I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing and hopefully she will keep doing what she is doing:D .I have 2 more in the ground as well.1 about 2-2.5 ft and my 3rd one is about3.5-4 ft tall.



Especially if it's a sativa dominant strain, you should get a nice mature finish off of your plant with plenty of time to spare before the first frost. Post updates if you don't mind as this could turn out to be something special... I'm in the SE too and usually they don't trigger til around the beginning of August.

i think thios is common this year..Im Seattle west coast and have this as well..just nature i think..take care and be safe
She has been getting nutes for about 1.5 months now.Real low doses(8-7-6) since she started as a MGrow child:eek: .About 2 weeks ago I started all the girls on some different stuff(12-36-14)and they seem to like it(still at 1/4 strength).I would like to try some Tiger Bloom on them or should I stay with what I'm using and go to 1/2 stength?
i havent used tiger bloom before so sorry no asistance for ya there
but either way its bumped up maybe someone who knows tiger bloom will pop in soon.
and my 3rd one is about3.5-4 ft tall.
most my sativas all got just over 5 ft tall last year outdoors an out of them the biggest were all males.
i had one that was just immaculate imo and when it showed balls i almost wanted to cry man.
hope they girls man. maybe lay next to them at nite an try talkin dirty to them maybe they'll be girls. lol
female mojo your way bro.
good luck
picture was taken from a ladder over my grow box od. Indy in tha back at 6' now and sativa (front) now at 5'+. Also LST devices ( white board has a screw to keep plant horiz.) Indy has a caribeaner and chunk of chain for wieghting purposes.
I have 3 going now.I know for sure 2 are girls,the third is taking it's time showing sex.The first 2 pics are the top of the plant that's budding,then my others.These are all the same age within 1-2 days.





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