burning and spotting on leaves

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May 17, 2009
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I'm growing Master x Bubba Kush in a hydroponic/drip set up with rockwool. I started with clones that were in soil. I haven't had many problems until recently. I'm at the end of week 2 flowering. Some of the leaves at the bottom section of the plant are getting burned tips and edges. I've had one leave almost completely shrivel up. I'm guessing it's nutrient burn or possibly Potassium deficiency but I wanted a second opinion. This is my first time growing after all. I've also had some leaves with spots on them that turn translucent and a bit discolored. These occured in lower/mid/upper parts of the plants. I'm suspecting it's from foliar feeding which I have now stopped. The spotting doesn't seem to spread. I'll just notice it one day and it stays the way it is. But the burning on the leaf tips and edges has been increasing the past few days. I'm trying to add more water to the resevoir to get the ppms down. Today I added enough to drop it from 1330 to 930. I'm changing water tomorrow so I was thinking of flushing it with plain water before I reload everything. How long should I do that for? Any suggestions on what the problem(s) could be and what I should do about it?


here are 3 leaves I cut off. The bottom 2 are burned and the top one has the spotting.

leaf with spots


edge burn


please take the time to read the rules..kids:rolleyes:
sorry thoughtkriminal i am of no help either..i am soil grower..I was hopeing a hydro would have chimmed in by now..what nutes do you use and at what strength? i allso have a problem with that word being used and its not sensored...that one is not sensored but ( a s s ) is..anyway good luck to you my friend and KEEP M GREEN:D
I think you have nute burn. I have very few strains that I can push the ppms as high as 1330. However, a little nute burn is not bad. I always push my nutes to the point that I get a little burn and then pull back some. What nutes are you using?

I also thing the spots were from foliar feeding. I get spots like that any time I accidentally splash any nute solution on any leaves.

In hydro, pH is very important, so what is your pH running?
THG will get you straightened out... :) I agree with you also.. looks a bit like nute burn to me. Not very bad at all so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just my thoughts. Looks good so far. Keep up the great work and keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
The Hemp Goddess said:
I think you have nute burn. I have very few strains that I can push the ppms as high as 1330. However, a little nute burn is not bad. I always push my nutes to the point that I get a little burn and then pull back some. What nutes are you using?

I also thing the spots were from foliar feeding. I get spots like that any time I accidentally splash any nute solution on any leaves.

In hydro, pH is very important, so what is your pH running?

I've been keeping the PH between 5.8 to 6.1 but always go for as close to 5.8 as I can. I'm using Sensi bloom with MagiCal, Big Bud, Suggar Daddy, Root Zone, Liquid Karma, Bud Candy, and I got some samples of Bloom stuff so I added Phat Bloom and Seaweed Bloom. Maybe it's too much additives? I'm keeping the ppms of the additives to less than half of total ppms. The guide I have says to go no more than 37% of total ppm so I'm trying to be close to that. I got this guide from the hydro shop and it says to increase ppms 100 each week in bloom until week 7 then drop down. so next week I'm supposed to go to 1500. Maybe you are right and shouldn't have such high ppms. I first noticed the burning when I was around 1100-1200 I think. Oh, and the guide says to eventually drop to 5.6 in the later half of the blooming cycle. Does that sound right?

Thanks so much for the response. I didn't think anybody was going to help me. I do have a few more pics on another post "please help my leaves keep getting worse". I don't know if you saw those. I'm losing about 3-4 leaves every couple of days to the point that they are almost all shriveled up or curled.
4u2sm0ke said:
sorry thoughtkriminal i am of no help either..i am soil grower..I was hopeing a hydro would have chimmed in by now..what nutes do you use and at what strength? i allso have a problem with that word being used and its not sensored...that one is not sensored but ( a s s ) is..anyway good luck to you my friend and KEEP M GREEN:D

Here's what I put in for week 3:

10 gal. RO water
MagiCal to 150 ppms
Zone 4tsp
Liquid Karma 15 tsp
Suggar Daddy 15 tsp
Big Bud (liquid) 10 tsp
Bud Candy 76 mml
Seaweed 10 tsp
Phat 30tsp
Sensi Bloom A&B

I actually put in way too much Bud Candy so I added more water and topped off the other nutes to try to balance it out. I think I had about 650 ppms of additives out of 1400 total But after adding more water and everything I dropped the ppms to about 1150 and let it climb through the watering cycles instead of topping off w/ water so now it's at 1450 and I'm about to add water as we speak to get it back down to 1350.
thoughtkriminal said:
Here's what I put in for week 3:

10 gal. RO water
MagiCal to 150 ppms
Zone 4tsp
Liquid Karma 15 tsp
Suggar Daddy 15 tsp
Big Bud (liquid) 10 tsp
Bud Candy 76 mml
Seaweed 10 tsp
Phat 30tsp
Sensi Bloom A&B

I actually put in way too much Bud Candy so I added more water and topped off the other nutes to try to balance it out. I think I had about 650 ppms of additives out of 1400 total But after adding more water and everything I dropped the ppms to about 1150 and let it climb through the watering cycles instead of topping off w/ water so now it's at 1450 and I'm about to add water as we speak to get it back down to 1350.




Thats why i said im soil grower..I dont understand ..well ALL of that.:rofl:.but I am glad you got some help..cuzz i s u c k at Hydro....growing not water sport:hubba:


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