Cloning upgrade: machine or not?

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It helps if you don’t hover over them like a helicopter mom checking them every hour 😂
Lol, I don’t hover, but it is obvious to me that I could do better in that department.
I am very happy with my growing skills at this point, but my cloning successes, not so much. It is the one thing I want to improve on before I delve into chucking pollen.
does everyone cut off the tips of the fan leaves of their clones?

there are different schools of thought on this

ive done it both ways , snipped fan leaves and non-snipped fan leaves and i prefer the snipped leaves

and why?

well , this is a better explanation than mine

The Importance of Plant Auxins in Cannabis Growing​

Plant auxins are hormones that guide plant growth and work in conjunction with, but in opposition to, cytokinins.

Both substances must be present in order to be effective, but the ratio determines if the net result is to either inhibit shoot growth and promote root growth - if the ratio is auxin-heavy - or promote shoot growth and inhibit root growth - if the ratio is cytokinin-heavy.

quiz after lunch
I've only had it for a month, but so far everything I've put in the Oxi Cloner has rooted in under 12 days. I even took a cutting I had tossed in the trash hours earlier and rooted it. I use tap water and no nutes or rooting agents. I take the cutting with clean scissors, then pinch off whatever nodes are in the way, but no other preparation.

Of course, I said almost the same thing about grow plugs last year, then over the winter I started having to wait several weeks for cuttings to root, if they rooted at all.
does everyone cut off the tips of the fan leaves of their clones?

there are different schools of thought on this

ive done it both ways , snipped fan leaves and non-snipped fan leaves and i prefer the snipped leaves

and why?

well , this is a better explanation than mine

The Importance of Plant Auxins in Cannabis Growing​

Plant auxins are hormones that guide plant growth and work in conjunction with, but in opposition to, cytokinins.

Both substances must be present in order to be effective, but the ratio determines if the net result is to either inhibit shoot growth and promote root growth - if the ratio is auxin-heavy - or promote shoot growth and inhibit root growth - if the ratio is cytokinin-heavy.

quiz after lunch
pinching off the top growth tip of your top bud to encourage growth of the lower buds? Have you ever pinched of the top bud tip big?
pinching off the top growth tip of your top bud to encourage growth of the lower buds? Have you ever pinched of the top bud tip big?

nope , not the main cola or the sub colas…..never heard of that before m does it work?

only pinched off the inner popcorn buds
nope , not the main cola or the sub colas…..never heard of that before m does it work?

only pinched off the inner popcorn buds
I must have read your article wrong. I thought that they were saying that. I had never heard of that and can’t imagine touching the top bud before the plant was done… There were a lot of big words. Maybe I need something in laymen’s terms. 😜
I will take that luck! I need every bit I can get, haha!
For some reason most of my dome attempts have wilted and molded but I’m trying again before making any purchases. Fingers crossed!

I’m really curious about plugs. I haven’t used any since the old fashioned ones years back. Those were godawful little dirt clumps. The rapid rooters I ordered are en route via FedEx so in a couple weeks I can tell you how they worked out for me :)
I use them to sprout seeds now.
I ceased using my aero cloner due to the amount of heat the motor generated and transferred to the water. They would always rot within a few days… I am now using rapid routers in the humidity dome and have a 99% success ratio…if the water gets hot the cuts die
I must have read your article wrong. I thought that they were saying that. I had never heard of that and can’t imagine touching the top bud before the plant was done… There were a lot of big words. Maybe I need something in laymen’s terms. 😜

sh-it , now i better go back and re-read that
I must have read your article wrong. I thought that they were saying that. I had never heard of that and can’t imagine touching the top bud before the plant was done… There were a lot of big words. Maybe I need something in laymen’s terms. 😜

nope nope , you were reading it a-ok

the discussion is on what is called topping the plant , in one case the plant was topped and dipped into a rooting hormone and how the auxins react in the process

the best clones for me are when the clone is taken from the top main stems , ive seen people take as much as 12” inches off the top and use for clones…

he always had the fastest most vigorous clones ive seen….he lives in Denver and a few members here know him

but yeah , maybe the article was not the best choice in explaining the role of auxins when we snip the fan leaves

by the way , the method that GMO took the time to detail , with photos , was post Par Excellent!
It helps if you don’t hover over them like a helicopter mom checking them every hour 😂
Hey, fella, my methods are tried and true

Just invested in a very small aero cloner and now you guys are telling me riot rooters are the way to go. Life.
nope nope , you were reading it a-ok

the discussion is on what is called topping the plant , in one case the plant was topped and dipped into a rooting hormone and how the auxins react in the process

the best clones for me are when the clone is taken from the top main stems , ive seen people take as much as 12” inches off the top and use for clones…

he always had the fastest most vigorous clones ive seen….he lives in Denver and a few members here know him

but yeah , maybe the article was not the best choice in explaining the role of auxins when we snip the fan leaves

by the way , the method that GMO took the time to detail , with photos , was post Par Excellent!
I’ve been pretty lucky with clones for some reason. Gonna make clones out of the tops of all the banana TK clones that are too large to keep up with as soon as my heat mat is available. Trying to get everything in pots as my tents are empty. Did the auto flowers this morning.
I’ve been pretty lucky with clones for some reason. Gonna make clones out of the tops of all the banana TK clones that are too large to keep up with as soon as my heat mat is available. Trying to get everything in pots as my tents are empty. Did the auto flowers this morning.

sometimes we overthink or overcomplicate things

there was a member named Mrs G1 and all she did was snip cuttings off her plants with some scissors and then stuck them in a 1 pound folgers container with an aquarium aerator , sit them on her kitchen window and BAM!…..rooted clones 😂😂😂