Do these look done to you?

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i am new to growing and would not know if they were done but they sure look tasty, and you can always harvest the plants leaving 1-2 for a longer period of time to see what the difference would be .
Thanks much for info, Hemper. Why don't you sample one? (I throw a bud in oven at 180 Deg for 60-80 minutes and they're ready to be smoked.) Good job. Here are colored triches I found online. Look nice.

Skull, if you harvest when majority of triches have changed color the high will be more body than head. Search web - explains harvest timing vs. smoking effects, etc.



I got to tell you -- that kicked my azz. I was up until 5am trimming those two plants -- it got torturous during the last hour, but they are hanging and drying down below, and there are a lot of them. I won't even attempt a guess on weight, but they will fill a bunch of jars.

I need to do some more farming today. I will transplant three clones from 1 gal. pots into 3 gal. pots and get a few little (not so little) girls into the tent and into 12/12. I think I'll wait a week or so before cloning the next crop.

I have more plants than I can fit in the tent -- so I need to figure out which ones I want to flower. I'm thinking 1 Veneno, 2 OG Kush, 1 Blue Widow and 1 Moby D1ck -- sure wish I had room for another tent. If these grow out as nicely as the first crop, I will have more weed than I'll know what to do with. There is a good six month supply hanging down there right now -- I'm sure.

For the last couple of months I've been just sitting and watching them grow -- now it is time to go to work -- this is farming, baby. I still have two in there finishing up, and they are heavy with buds. I need to get organized. Right now I'm still fuzzy from last nights trim. I made a mistake and had a few rum and cokes while I was clipping the buds -- it was cool for a while, but that last hour was torture.

Perhaps I'll just get high and slow down some :) I have three pots ready for a few clones. I'll get them in the tent today -- sometime today. I need to fill the cloner again -- how much fun can a farmer have? :)


PS thanks for the cool pics, ifsix, and the support. I do have some of the Blue Widow quick dried -- it's what I'm smoking now -- it is real nice having dank weed again :)
Ya gotta love that harvesting marathon :eek: I keep swearing that on the next rotation I am going to grow fewer at a time and split them up some so that I don't have so much to trim. The last 3 harvests were about (3lbs wet) (16-20oz dry) and took about 6 hours for 2 experienced trimmers to clean up. It is a killer on the back and neck, but the finger hash makes things go better :)