Do You All Think It Will Ever Be Legal?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2006
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Just A Question To See Everybody's Veiw On The Topic. Do You Think We Will Every Be Able In The States To Just Smoke Weed Without Getting Paranoid Of Going To Jail Or Losing Our Children Or All We Have Slaved To This Goverment For? I Mean I Could Understand Smoking And Driving Or Smoking Out In Public Or Selling It, But Is It Really Hurting Anythang Just To Wake Up Go Out On The Front Porch And Spark A Fatty? Also Shouldent We Be Able To Grow Us A Small Little Garden To It's Full Potiential Without Always Looking To The Sky For Helicopter's? Then Just Think About It There Would Be Less Crime..Because Then We Woulden't Have To Go John Wayne On Thief's...Maybe Then They Would Grow There Own. And Think About It I Cant Legaly Smoke A Joint, But I Can Go Pay $13 Dollar's A Day And Get 120 Millagram's Of Methadome? It Dosen't Make Sense To Me. They Say The Only Reason It Is Not Legal Is That They Cant Tax It???*** Should I Have To Go To Jail Just Cause You Cant Make Money?? And What Would You Do WIth The Money Anyway?? Make Bomb's To Drop On Camel's?? Really It Is A Very Taped Up Subject That Will Always Have Some BullCrap Excuse Behind It. What Do You All Think About It? :rolleyes:
I Guess Nobody Has Any Thought's On The Subject. Maybe This Is Why It Is Against The Law......?
No offense dude, but your post is hard for me to read with every word starting with a capital letter. :)

I don't think it will ever be legal unfortunately. The pharmacutical companies will see to that. Bastards! :(
Sorry SmokinMom, Old Habit. It's How I Learned HowTo Type. But I Really Dont Think It Should Hurt You Reading Ability...Just Kidding, I belive What Got To You Was The Text I Some How Messed It Up But Fixed Now. And What You Say About The Pharmacutial Company's I Mean I Know They Are Money Hungry, But How Do They Put Marijuana On The Out's?
I agree Coma.. If It were legal Alot of drug dealers would be put out of business and our economy would benifit from its profits.
But Insead, Americans are forced to purchase weed from illegal dealers who could potentialy be funding terrorism and God only knows what else.
Hopefully someday soon they will atleast 'decriminalize' it in the U.S. it's already been decriminalized in Denver Colorodo, Anything under an ounce they give you a ticket with a fine of like $90 I think, Mail in a money order and you never even have to go to court.....Must be Nice.
Exactly TurkeyNeck, More Dope=Less Crime, Example 1. Jail's Are Full From People Smokin Dope And Sellin It, I Mean Probley Thosand's Locked up Daily. Leaving No Room For Murderer's, Rapest And All Outher Scum. Example 2. Like You Said Drug Dealer's Would Be Outta Customer's. The People Making The Big Money Are In Mexico Or Where Ever Else Buying AK-47's And Grenade's To Stay On Top, And They Are killing Daily. Example 3. People Would Not Be Killing Each Outher Or Burning House's Down Over Stolen Crop's, Trust Me It Happen's. Example 4. People Would Not Have Chip's On There Shoulder's Cause They Would All Be Stoned...Lol Had To Put That In There.:banana:
Hmm...Really Must Be Nice, Just That Little Bit Of Slack Would Make A Big Difference.
I think we'll see some changes in the next 10-15 years. Unfortunately Im on the "Bible Belt" so unless I pick up and move I'll be the last to see it.
What kills me is the fact that alcohol is perfectly legal and CHEAP, even though its far more dangerous than MJ.....
...I mean Ive never smoked a joint and turned violent,
....Ive never gotten high and woken up next to a strange women,
When was the last time you heard of a case where a fatal car crash accured because the driver was "high on marijuana"? I think Ive made my point.
Just do what you do man, but do it carefully. Things will change.
heh.. I dont know how it is in the states, I'd imagine a lot comes down from Canada...

In the UK its laughable, many of my friends who have been cought with anything under a quarter (which results in a slap on the wrist / confiscation) get the old lecture from the 5-0 "you do realize that this stuff funds child pornography right? you do realize this stuff funds terrorism right?"

yeah, the UK on the terrorist kick, i could hardly beleive it either when i heard.. fact is i know a lot of dealers and i know of a fair few growers who supply, and in the time ive been around these people and buying this stuff, ive heard not one case of mary jane being brought in from over seas, with one exception: Amsterdam..

Its nice actually, it feels like your supporting the small business over the mass corperate colonization of the masses, which im always up for, so yeah, out of all my carefully selected dealers (the ones that didnt rip me off lol) i can hapily say im not too fussed about pickin up (within reason), and besides, if it was all made legal, they'd shove a whole load of tax on the stuff and we'd most likely be buying in grams that cost twice as much as of present..

my two cents anyway
MJ will never be legalized or decriminalised until the American people wake up and realize that prisons should not be a business. Most countries consider prisons to be a necessary evil to keep dangerous criminals off the street. this is not the case in the USA, which imprisons a greater percentage of it's citizens than any other country on the planet. Law enforcement is an industry, The DEA alone employs thousands of agents and is responsible for more violence and misery than drugs themselves. Communities compete with each other to be the site for new prisons while at the same time lobbying lawmakers to impose longer sentences for non-violent crimes. This enriches companies like Haliburton while gouging the unfortunate taxpayers and causing social misery.
Wake up, Americans. Has this made your streets any safer? I don't think so. America is becoming a country where the very rich get richer, the middle class pays the bills (taxes) and the poor go to prison. Harse laws against MJ are just a way to boost the prison industry. Only the voters can change this.
SM, not if drug trials keep going like this! -->

I don't think it'll be legalized during my generation. What difference does it really make anyways? Would any of you stop growing if it became legal? I think those who have a passion, and use responsibly, will enjoy the plant regardless of any laws. I personally wouldn't support legalization, I think it'd do more harm to society.
Good Point Old Bud, Like I Was Saying Prison's Are Full of Drug Offender's And Us The Tax Payer's Pay To Keep Them There. And Bubby, I Really Think It Would Make A Big Difference, Why Would We Stop growing If It Became Legal, I Surley Wouldent Buy It. And Yes I Have Passion And Am Very Catious, But I Am Sick Of Having To Hide My Passion And Getting Parinoid When I Have A Knock At My Door. And If You Had So Much Passion, Why Woulden't You Support Legalization? It's Not Like 12 year Old's Would be Able To Just Smoke The Hell Out Of It. And How Is It Gonna Harm Our Already Currupt Society? Also TURKEYNECk LoL Your Point Cracked Me Up Man..."Ive Never Got high And Woke Up To A Strange Woman". Witch Is Totally Ture Alcohol is Far More Worse Then Marijuana. How Many People You Ever Heard of Dying From THC Poisioning? Alcohol Can Really Kill You. Plus Its Additive, You Turn Into A Alcoholic, And Even Get Withdraw's From The Stuff!!!! I Love Hearing Everybody Veiw On The Topic, So Feel Free To Share More.
with all the ways the government could profit from it, im suprised its still illegal. This country still being 10% democratic, the christians are at fault! Its their political influence....
Comatoked said:
Good Point Old Bud, Like I Was Saying Prison's Are Full of Drug Offender's And Us The Tax Payer's Pay To Keep Them There. And Bubby, I Really Think It Would Make A Big Difference, Why Would We Stop growing If It Became Legal, I Surley Wouldent Buy It. And Yes I Have Passion And Am Very Catious, But I Am Sick Of Having To Hide My Passion And Getting Parinoid When I Have A Knock At My Door. And If You Had So Much Passion, Why Woulden't You Support Legalization? It's Not Like 12 year Old's Would be Able To Just Smoke The Hell Out Of It. And How Is It Gonna Harm Our Already Currupt Society? Also TURKEYNECk LoL Your Point Cracked Me Up Man..."Ive Never Got high And Woke Up To A Strange Woman". Witch Is Totally Ture Alcohol is Far More Worse Then Marijuana. How Many People You Ever Heard of Dying From THC Poisioning? Alcohol Can Really Kill You. Plus Its Additive, You Turn Into A Alcoholic, And Even Get Withdraw's From The Stuff!!!! I Love Hearing Everybody Veiw On The Topic, So Feel Free To Share More.

haha It's all true mang...sad but true.
Comatoked said:
Hmm...Really Must Be Nice, Just That Little Bit Of Slack Would Make A Big Difference.
not hardly im sad 2say...
what with everything from war 2 genetic engineering/ownership of life, global warming and the like mostly driven by the manufactured realities of capitalism and the like u and i and those who might come after us no longer have time 2 indulge in the luxury of compromising 2 a false reality...
nothing will "get better" until we come 2the realization that we r 1 with nature and not apart from it...
that realization comes with the understanding that we all exist in a web of life that all works 2gether 2 bring, sustain and evolve life on this particular biosphere...
it is bcuz of these realities that gov has no real authority 2 outlaw any violates the common law/natural law that rules everything that exists and which trumps all man made laws no matter how permanent we might want 2 believe they r...
in this respect we should simply be demanding an acceptance of reality which would thereby result in all plants b'n legal period...
then let the zoning wars bgin...hehehe
Runbyhemp said:
Here's an article with loads of reasons why it should be legalized.
Pretty long article but definitley worth the read.
Enjoy :)

Excellent, i loved the "the US Constitution was probably printed on hemp paper"

Yah.. so the only reason its illegal is the paper companies who used trees were losing out on profet... greedy bastards
its all a matter of time, if you look back on how we got in this position to begin with its like history is rewinding, first of all it most of the reason it was made illegal in the first place was because of the blacks and latinos and whoever else the whites thought to be menace to society. so someone stood up and said hey these negros are way to happy we have to do something about this and soon enough a couple states said what the hell went along with it and pretty soon everyone had thrown in the towel and said **** it, make it illegal, and at the time the only ones who cared were the minorities so it was no big deal to the masses. but after awhile people started trying and realizing the benefits of this wonder weed. and it took awhile for people to have the courage and stand up for themselves. but now more and more people are coming to this realization and saying wait a second this doesnt make sense. and now that these people are realizing this the government is shitting their pants not knowing what to do and not wanting to look like theyve thrown in the towel theyre just stretching everything overtime to make it seem as though there is some ryhme or reason to their actions. i think its going to happen the same way it became illegal, city by city state by state until one out ways the other. well thats my theory...sort of, may have made more sense if i wasnt half asleep. you have to faith(not the religious type) or nothing will happen.

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