first grow. how is my feeding plan?

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Jun 24, 2013
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how is this combination of products?

using distilled bottled water
  • cal mag and superthrive at every watering
  • floralgro, floralmicro and floralbloom once a week throughout both veg and flowering.
  • florablend and growmore's seaweed extract once a week during veg.
  • floralicious bloom + floranectar sweetener once a week during flowering.
weeks plan:
3 waters a week: 1st water = floralgro/floralmicro/floralbloom + calmag/superthrive
2nd water = veg or flower feeding as above + calmag/superthrive
3rd water = calmag/superthrive
  • flush every 4 weeks
also, is it a good idea to only use half the recommended dosage of these products instead of the full?

I want to use clf for vegging. im confused about which type im meant to use, warm white or cool white. how many watts should i use for 2 plants??

thankkksss :)
What are you using for a medium?
Sorry but I will not be much help. I do not grow in coco, but HushPuppy does. Maybe he will pop in with more info for you.

I believe in the KISS approach and do not use a lot of additives.

Cool white for veg
(1)That's a lot of water, not knowing the plants consumption rate...or projected room temps.
(2)That's a ton of Nutes, not knowing the individual strain's needs.
(3)Dump the CFL's, go with T5 HO's for vegging
(4)What lite type for flower ?
Also, what size pots? That's a major factor in your wet/dry times.
how much should i be watering? i dont know what strain the seeds are. cant really pick and choose strains where i live.

im using 7 gallon smart pots. HPS for flowering.
how should i cut down on nutes?
There is a standard for feeding from seed that seems to work in general use for almost all of the MJ strains. That is to start off the seeds in small containers of unnuted medium for the first 2-3weeks of life as they don't need or want nutes during the root building process at the beginning. When the seedlings begin to grow in earnest and the tiny round "seed leaves"(cotyledons) start yellowing off, that is when you will begin to feed them with nutes.

I use AN's Jungle Juice, which is similar to the GH Flora 3part. I begin with very light feeding, about 1/4 of the recommended dose on the bottles. I use equal amounts of each of the 3 parts throughout veg but I increase from 1/4 to 1/3 to 1/2 to 3/4 to full, but this will greatly vary depending on both the nute brands and the plants' needs. You have to experiment some to determine what your plant likes the best. Less is always easier to correct than more.

Being in coco you will have to use cal/mag throughout but don't get too heavy with it. I mix all of my solutions by the 5gallon bucket and use about 15-20ml of cal/mag for the earlier feedings, then back down to 10ml after about the 5th feeding(or 5th week). Being in coco, you need to hit the medium a little harder at first with the cal/mag because of the chemical properties of coco, that is why I start off as heavy as I do then back off some after a few weeks. I personally feed with every watering so that I know they are getting what they need. You will probably not water quite as much, especially at first, which is another reason that I feed with every watering. You don't want the roots to dry out but you also don't want them swimming either. Being in the smart bags will make it a little more of a challenge to know how often to water. Keeping a solution handy and well aerated will help with that as you can add as needed without worrying too much about overwatering because of the oxygen levels in the aerated water/solution. I haven't used the superthrive myself but I know others who do. It is a micronutrient and vitamin enhancer so I would use it sparingly. Maybe a small amount when they are about 4weeks old, then again just before they go into flowering. I use a product that is similar called Thrive Alive but only at the times that I said as it is not something the plants will use heavily.

If you don't have a TDS and PH meters, you need to get them asap. When growing in synthetic setups, you must monitor both the PH and the TDS until you really get the hang of it down pat. Even then, you will not let go of the PH pen because a synthetic setup lives and dies with the PH. Distilled water has pretty much everything removed from it except H2O so it will read about neutral(7.0) but will quickly take on the PH of the chemicals that are added to it. with every solution you mix up, you will have to allow it to "work" for a short time and also it is important to aerate your solutions for better root growth. After mixing my solutions, I will aerate that solution that doesn't go into my hydro tanks and then check the PH every time before using it to make sure it is within the 6.0-6.5 range(for my plants that aren't in the hydro setup). :)
Hushpuppy said:
If you don't have a TDS and PH meters,

thats for such a informative response hushpuppy :) can you tell me more about the tds? what should the tds be and is it the same throughout all stages of the plant? how does it affect the plant?

what do you use to raise or lower the ph?
also, what type of t5's should i go with for vegging. as in model and brand name. what are the things i should be looking for in t5 lights?
Different plants will take different strengths of nutrients. I generally start my little ones around 400 ppm and work up. I generally get it up around 1200-1500 before I start to see nute burn. If I get burn, I pull back a bit. Use pH up and down to adjust your pH. I use the GH brand.

I am not sure if there is a huge difference in brands of T5s, but make sure you get the HOs. The 2' tubes generally put out 2000 lumens, except the PLL double tubes which put out 5000, the 4' tubes generally put out 5000 lumens.

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