first harvest

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don you have very good words.and a good message.i have nothing to hide im very open about what i do.i do nothing illegal.
DonJones said:
...If we all keep hiding like the criminal that the LEOs portray us as, then that is the only picture that the citizens will ever have of smokers and growers. Do you really have ANY IDEA who large and strong of as block we would be IF we came out and united? Do you have any idea how much financial clout we have if we just unite? Do you know that as far back as 1990 MJ was estimated to be the largest cash crop in the nation? How much influence do the corn farmers have? Do you think it is because they united or do they run around one at a time and hide their problems?...

Hola Peeps,

DJ, if I may - as we have PM'd a bit regarding this issue you and I - I'd like to elucidate a bit on this, drawing from our personal conversations.

Correct me if I'm wrong DJ, but I think we were talking about the stark contrast between the civilly disobedient/MMJ grower and the criminal element that creep and crawl around the seedy underworld of illicit drug trafficking, and the importance of starting to do what we can to distinguish ourselves from the latter. (Even if some of us have been the latter :D )

I think that Don's right, we are starting to develop some legal momentum what with several pieces of key legislation being passed at both the state and federal levels. It'd be a shame to lose that momentum by failing to capitalize on it. We can accomplish zip if we keep hiding in our holes like, well... like good little criminals.

We also discussed striking a balance between being stupid and being paranoid. I think that our "coming out" will need to be metered to the political climate, but that eventually it will be required in order to affect real, positive change.

I don't know how many of you have checked out my post of Ginsberg's 1966 Marijuana Manifesto, but what struck me, and the reason I posted it, is the author's unapologetic tone. He refused to stay crammed into the mold that the establishment insists defines us. I think that this is what Don was getting at; that a fundamental shift in how we view ouselves as a community and subculture will be necessary if we hope to be taken seriously and our cause seen as legitimate.

How am I doin' Don? So far so good?

In this light I believe that Don was pointing out that realistically, many of us (me included) tend to fall too easily into that role of the paranoid criminal who still subscribes to the notion that the LEOs are lurking behind every door, ready to leap on the first unwary mook who unintentionally lets drop a name or a general location. I think that 4U made the point that there are six of him in the greater Seattle area alone.

So, again, I believe that DJ's message was that if we don't change the way that we see ourselves, then nobody else will either.

I am reminded of the movie Despereaux, wherein a young mouse bucked the status quo by refusing to be the proper little mouse, appropriately afraid of his own shadow. The story was an allegory of the sometimes rocky road travelled by those who march to a different beat, but that ultimately the rewards reaped are well worth it and that fortune favors the bold.

So, let's not be stupid, and let's try not to be paranoid. I am certainly not going to march into the cop-shot while huffin' a blunt, but I won't stay forever hidden in my hidey-hole either. Whether we like it or not, we are in the vanguard in this struggle and therefore assume more risk than the non-combatants who stay home. It just goes with the territory, yeah?

Thanx for letting me prattle on...

Now Then! Where's them Pix Mr.D? Let's see this haul of yours! ;)


Like it or not we are all in the same struggle against unjust laws. We can either continue to hide and run from the law, and be the "criminals" that the establishment has told the citizenry we are, or we can stand and demand change. We do NOT have to admit to being either growers or users if we choose not to in order to stand up and demand change.

You hit the nail pretty much on the head. I can't think of any thing to clarify any more than what my original post and your post between them say.

Mr. D, yes where are the pictures?

Good smoking
DonJones said:
...We do NOT have to admit to being either growers or users if we choose not to in order to stand up and demand change...
Good point DJ, and one I missed.

I am now going to pound bong hits until I look beautiful when I look in the mirror... I may need more weed. Yep, I just checked... I need a lot more weed. :D

i had a busy day yesterday,took the pictures and the resolution was too high.i fix them today.sorry for the lagging.
don,snax, you have waxed eloquently on the subject of civil disobedience, i whole heartedly agree. yes, i read the ginsberg article, and commented on it.
IMO this is a subject to be addressed in it's own thread.
my responce to the OP, regarding personal info made public, i believe is unacceptable. disclaimer later by poster would have/should have been made originaly. IMO, dons discourse on paranoia, lonely, etc. was misplaced in this, OPs thread. my apologies if i stuck my nose in where it doesn't belong.

get registerd, sign petitions, and vote. make our voices heard.

heres the 1 ounce that came from almost 5.kinda disappointed.but still really proud and happy because i grew the stuff.




congrats... can't be disappointed in having your own smoke. The best part is being able to smoke it and know that you put all the effort and hard work into that bud.

Great job!!!

You may very well be one hundred percent correct on my discourse, or as some would put it my rant, needing to be in its own thread. My response is that instead of being an expression of opinion about something that I see as a hold back to our very purpose, starting a thread about that topic gets perilously close "politics" which is a forbidden subject on the Forums, and rightfully so. Once you step into that area, you then start getting into arguments as to which is appropriate for the movement -- NORMAL or MPP and which bill to support or which candidate to support and so on and nothing gets done except further overload an already strained server.

As to my "call to civil disobedience", one of us sadly misunderstands the other's meaning. Every time we use pot in a less than legal manner, we are being disobedient to start with and it becomes "civil disobedience" when we flaunt that illegal use in public for the purpose of forcing the establishment to deal with or change what we consider an unjust law, which from my understanding is much the approach that NORMAL takes (if I'm wrong about NORMAL, please PM me instead of posting here on the forums) where as calling for people to stand up and demand change without openly disobeying the laws or even admitting to disobeying them is NOT civil disobedience. It is only an attempt at reforming an unjust law, which from what I see appears to be Marijuana Policy Project's approach.

I am NOT qualified, nor is the forum the place, to say which is the correct approach to take. What I am qualified to say is, unless we at least publicly call for the change of the unjust laws instead of hiding under the rocks like the criminals the LEOs make us out to be, then the laws will never change. Calling for change does NOT equate to calling for disobedience to the law. Most of us that aren't medical patients functioning within the framework of our particular state laws are already disobeying the unjust law any way and standing up and flaunting that disobedience is just asking to be busted and punished -- and that is something I will NEVER ask anyone to do -- either here on the forums or elsewhere! My oldest son is currently serving a year plus a day sentence for doing just that and accomplished absolutely nothing except interrupt his family's lives. What a waste of his abilities and the public's resources.

As to the inappropriateness of my comments in this thread, why don't we let the person who originated it decide if I'm hijacking it or not?

Also, your comments about he should have originally included the fact that he had the permission of the person who he identified to do so in his original post, that is exactly what I already told him.

So it seems like we probably agree about much more than we disagree on. I'm NOT trying to prevent you from expressing your opinion or even criticizing your opinion, just clarifying what I see as a misrepresentation of my opinion and/or statements. It is very likely that I was not clear enough in exactly what I meant.

Yes , like several others who post frequently on the forums, I am not doing anything illegal and have nothing to hide. In fact, both of my families grow operations have been made available to the LEOs for inspection. They haven't inspected mine, and probably won't because I'm not on their radar, but my son's has been inspected twice and found him in compliance both times.

I don't have anything to hide and would gladly post a lot of my personal identifying information right here on the forum, but that is not allowed so I don't. In addition to the law enforcement issues, the reasons that I have been given for that rule is to keep people from turning this into a dating site or a social hook up site.

On the other hand I know people here on the forum that have stated that they are operating illegally and for those people to post their information would be stupid -- unless they were trying to prod LEO into arresting them so that they can try to get the law declared unconstitutional, but that is sure risky. I'd much rather see people campaign for the reform of unjust laws than flaunt their violation of the laws in hopes that the courts will change the laws the way we want them changed.

I've wasted enough of the server's resources. If you or anyone else wants to continue this discussion, we can try to do it via PMs.

Also I would hope that anytime we see something on the forum that we disagree with aren't interested it, we would be adult enough to just ignore it rather than arguing over it, and that includes me.

Good smoking.
mr.determined said:
heres the 1 ounce that came from almost 5.kinda disappointed.but still really proud and happy because i grew the stuff.
Awesome! Any amount of weed you've poured love and labor into is worth twice the weight of street schwag any day IMO. Pat yourself on the back. Whether you grow a single stalk or a warehouse full, you're still a grower now. WooHoo! Welcome baby grower!!

~Snax (He Who Lurks)
ok the final result ,dried and smokable weight was 24.3 grams.all i can say is i am very proud and has a bit of a spicy taste ,gives a bit of tickle in the throat(keep your minds out of the gutter) cough comes pretty quick to follow .and the high is great ,very heavy high and it hits you pretty quick.i think i did a good round will be much better,just got a 100 watt hps.and i going to put my 400watt hps/mH into my veg room with the mH bulb and put the 1000 hps into the flower room.flower space is 5x6 floor space and 8 foot tall.and the veg is 3x6 floor space and also 8 foot tall. my rooms are almost complete now .i started off with some seeds ,soil,and 2 home (smoke) de-pot plant flo. lights.
Sounds like your on your way Mr.D, congrats on the harvest, there isn't many finer feelings than kicking back with your friends burning a fatty that you know you sweated over. I know it's hard not to brag about it to the people that you share it with, I get a very warm feeling inside watching my friends smile, after smoking some of my homegrown, and honestly I don't think they would be as appriciative of it if they new that I grew it...It's a humbling, rewarding hobby that we share...I'm glad for you...I know how you are feeling right now...soak in it.
heres some pictures of my second plant thats getting chopped down tomorrow.this is an og kush plant found one seed in a sack awhile back.






way to go dude!

looks like maybe an ounce or two at least dried..just a guess..what do I win if I'm right?:)
i hope this plants weighs a whole lot more than the last.the buds are much tighter.i deff. going to get a good amount of finger hash.cmd if your right you get to see one happy guy.

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