fix or clone?

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Super Silver Haze

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
transplanted 2 from soil to dwc. two days later & i got shiny brown slimy roots. i sprayed roots w/ diluted sol. of H2O2 as well as add some to my res. they have been in dwc 10 days, no growth and lower leaves slightly yellow. this morning the Sativa dom's leaves are drooping.

i have a few more females in soil that i can get a clone from so should i try and fix the two w/ bad roots or restart.

unable to get pics at this moment so no visuals, sorry.
by the way they are not very old, 6 weeks at most.

what is your ph? Did you premix your nutes or add them to the res? It could be a few things, don't know without pics.
Interesting, never heard of anyone transplanting from soil to dwc, slimy roots is a really bad sign, you may need to reclone and start straight from dwc like in a rock wool cube.
benevolence6gc said:
Interesting, never heard of anyone transplanting from soil to dwc, slimy roots is a really bad sign, you may need to reclone and start straight from dwc like in a rock wool cube.

Brown slimy roots are generally caused by not having your water oxygenated enough--roots do not get enough oxygen and develop root rot. I got it on a plant that the air pump quit and I wasn't keeping a good enough eye on it...

What is your pH and ppms?

I always try to save my plants...
What are your rez temps. High rez temps will cause this also.
i added my nutes to PH adjusted H2o. Ph ~ 6.0, im using an el cheapo Rapidtest probe, t takes forever to register a final ph.

my res temps were app. 78 F but i need to invest in a Thermal Electric Aquarium chiller for $60 - $70 b/c its hot in the south. hell, i bet ill have res temp prob's even during the winter if i dont get one.

has anyone tried DWC using a metal water/feed tub. by setting it on blocks and allowing air to move under and around it wouldnt this dissapate the heat in your nutes? im thinking about using one, fabricating a lid and then vent AC into the cabinet @ the bottom, keeping the nutes and room cold.

never heard of going from Soil to DWC, well now you have. im sure there is probably a good reason you havent. to add a double whammy to it these girls were gifted to me but they came crammed 5 per pot, small .5 gal. the roots were all tangled up. what a cluster fk.

ive got plenty of O2 but i dont have a ppm meter yet. i know im too eager but im getting a combo ph / ppm. my nutes are 1/2 strength and my ppm of my H2o is probably high. i have a filter but not a RO so i let 5 gal of H2o sit for 24 hrs and then adjusted my ph down, it was just under 7 so 6.9. i got it to 6.0 but after some more reading i made the change in PH too fast. 0.9 pt in one day.

i check on my babies too much for me not to catch a mechanical issue.

well i have made a dicision to let them grow but take several clones off of the others still in soil incase they dont make it.

I had the same problem untill I cooled my DWC rez(75-78).
Now I have small fans, very close,, blowing air on the rez,,it lowers the solution temp for me a couple degrees from what the ambient is(75-78),, and then I have these Long Blue Freeze thingys I hang inside the buckets,close to the wall of the rez,during the hottest part of the day, and that takes it down to 70 degrees for the rest of the day, and night.
I remove them at night,, refeeze and do it again the next day. My roots are now clean and white, and no slime.:hubba:
I did a soil to hydro transplant awile ago. My plants did the same thing it took like three weeks before they showed any growth! Al my lower leaves went yellow. There was barley any leaves left green! But I just let them go and now there ready to flower!!! There about three feet tall!!!!!!!
miketheman said:
I did a soil to hydro transplant awile ago. My plants did the same thing it took like three weeks before they showed any growth! Al my lower leaves went yellow. There was barley any leaves left green! But I just let them go and now there ready to flower!!! There about three feet tall!!!!!!!

thats exactly how mine look. i think i had a few other prob's too.
