Getting High

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Aug 31, 2006
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Hello eveybody this is my first post and I need your guys help. I recently started smoking and I dont think that I have been actually high yet. I have smoked about 7-10 times and each time after I dont really feel different, my eyes feel tight and dryed out and I have major cottonmouth and It kinda feels like things are in slow motion but not really. Am I doing somthing wrong like inhaling wrong or not unhaling enough? thx in advance.
first of all you are getting high and second of all the best way to get high is to inhale it ALL THE WAY untill u cant breath in anymore air and just when u think u cant breath in anymore air, open your mouth wider and breath in some more air untill u cant anymore, its pisses me off like u have no idea when ppl smoke my weed and they dont breath it in all the way cuz i hate being the person that gets the most high
also tell me how many tokes did u took each time u got high and if u happend to purchase like a 20 sac and u smoked that 7 times then u are barely getting high, if u get a 20 sac then smoke it all in 1 day or smoke half 1 day and then half some other time
Well the last time I did it I took about 9 or 10 hits and I didnt buy a 20 sac and not use it all after 2 or 3 times. Usually I have a friend with me and we match each other, he puts in a 5 and so do I and we roll and joint with it. Ok I just wanted to clear that up because if you said it then I must of been high. But u hear all these stories of people doing crazy things but after I do it I feel the way i described in my first post. Its probly the quality of the weed then.

...Also how long should I keep it in when I inhale?
u basically smoked a 5 sac wich is a weak high, i can never get a good high off of 1 joint unless its rolled by me :). weed doesnt make u go crazy weed just makes u really creative and relaxed and is a good stress reliever, it makes you goofy to and when u get high try to only think about good things and dont think about anything real important because your judgement is WAY off when ur high and try not to think about the way people act (even people that arent high) because it will make you paranoid and basically your judgement is off and dont talk to little kids because their really easy to read and predict when ur high, iono its hard to explain, i have a little brother so i know this... also u should hold ur weed in for atleast 5 seconds, after 30 secons you will consume all the smoke and nothing will blow back out ur mouth untill u burp a couple minutes later and bunch of smoke comes it which is pretty tite. i guess weed can make u do crazy things or just think crazy things but iono im pretty high right now and im might not be makn that much sense but i hope i helped u out somehow lol oh and how to tell the quality of your weed is if the weed smells like grass then is probably not good and if the weed smells kinda like pine needles and is soft then its good, if the weed breaks up really easily and is brittle then its probably old and is not good.
also when if u have a little brother or sumthin whos at the most 5 years old its hard to talk to them like you would talk to them when ur sober, u will tend to talk to them like they a regular person and they will seem stupid and will piss u off

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