heat help

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zem said:
this explains a lot about your grow, you grow in pest infested room if you need a fan to keep them off then there are lots around your res is full of larvae eek! and your buds are not big enough to need a dehumidifier. if your buds are big enough i tell ya you can have a windstorm of oscilating fans and still get mold in the inner part of the bud you need to get RH down. go ask what RH is now

jeez this is funny:rofl: I use fans to circulate the air within my veg and flower rooms and I have huge buds with no bugs/pests. Zem I do believe you are in the minority with most of your opinions. The only other thing I can say is lets see your grow room and buds, with your set-up and see what works better
thanks for the replies ppl, im okay with the basics and yeah IMO you need to circulate the air in the room. I think every guide i've ever read on ventilation would state this.. The way I see it, your trying to replicate normal growing conditions and outside you always have air currents / some sort of breeze so thats what the osc fans do for the grow room. True tho Zem, I have it on a low setting, no need to be blowing a gale in there! Thanks again everyone.
"I asked about a squirrel cage fan, and they told me it would not matter if I had 500 cfm with that type of fan, that the motor is not designed to be able to pull that hard to go through the carbon filter."
- Maybe for a SMALL squirrel cage. But we use those for swamp coolers and they shift a LOT of air, even through miles of ducting! Actually I would think one of those small swamp coolers would make a pretty good vent motor.
Maybe for a SMALL squirrel cage. But we use those for swamp coolers and they shift a LOT of air, even through miles of ducting! Actually I would think one of those small swamp coolers would make a pretty good vent motor.

I have a huge squirrel cage type fan which I can put duct work on both ends plus still have an exhaust. They move lots of air but once there is a bit of resistance they will not move the air very well. I think it has to do with how the blades of the fan are made, more then how big the motor is, on how much pull a fan has.
pcduck said:
jeez this is funny:rofl: I use fans to circulate the air within my veg and flower rooms and I have huge buds with no bugs/pests. Zem I do believe you are in the minority with most of your opinions. The only other thing I can say is lets see your grow room and buds, with your set-up and see what works better
if your room is big you would need oscilating fan, dude i tell you this, if your buds were really big not even 10 fans can prevent mold from growin in the inside of your buds. i had 2 huge fans blowing a storm and still my big buds got mold in their insides so i had to get dehumidifier. look at the 1st pic this is how big my buds are. this size of buds need dehumidifier

compressed (Large).jpg

new ones 013.jpg

^ ^ ^ ^ needs a fan

fans also help strengthen the plants...fans can do a lot for a grow but I do not believe anyone said they would remove humidity.

Are you sure that those pics are of your grow room and buds?
lol...Duck...pictures from hightimes...where did this guy come from???

and I don't know why I'm even responding to you ZEM...but I will. my RH right now is at 53%, a little low to my liking, because I'm in veg right now...but I can deal with it. No I don't have any problems with bugs (knock on wood) ...but I would say that this is partially due to the fact that I have air movement in my grow. I don't need your approval ZEM, my grow satisfies me, and the few that I take care of...so good luck to you, and your fantasy grow with no airflow, and 22 hrs 36 min and 42 seconds of light.
maybe he posted them to high times first! :rofl:
pictures from high times? you mean my pics arent reallly mine? you're funny. look at the pics, do they look like the pics from high times? thats because you all never grown such bud it's a great compliment that my plants look like hightimes pics
Those buds are VERY nice...and if you grew them then congrats...I have no problem with you Zem, some of the stuff you say makes sense, and then some stuff I don't agree with, or is just plain wrong...like you shouldn't use hydro nutes in soil...so can we agree to disagree, I love this site, and don't want to chase you around correcting your threads, we obviousely have different ideas in growing, but we don't need to be bad mouthing each other either. I do apologize for saying you are a moron, if what you do works for you, then good for you! I will not post negatives about you anymore, BUT if what I see you posting is not true, I will post my oppinion, as will everyone else on this site, I'm sure. My only problem with your posts is if a new grower believes false info, they could easily ruin thier grow, or definately damage it...I'm a big enough man to admit when I'm wrong, and I should not have called you a moron and took your posts so personally. For that I am sorry. I just want to see people grow good weed!
:yeahthat: :peace: Amen to that, big man LF! Couldn't agree more :aok:

Now lets all :ccc: :guitar: :dancing: :rofl: 'n plenty of :watchplant:
legalize_freedom said:
I just want to see people grow good weed!
yaaa we gota common cause there:D i accept any that is any disagreement or correction by you, i also am sorry for any bad mouthing i might have committed :eek: cheers
..well, now!.... there yea' go... THAT is how mature adults handle differences in opinion.
thank you both :D

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