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Nov 22, 2012
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Hi, I'm pretty new to all of this growing/cultivating. And I wonder, if anyone can suggest me some sites to order some seeds from? Or what kind I should start with?

:ciao::welcome: To the Only Place :ciao::bolt::bong:

I have used our sponsor, Nirvana, The Attitude Seed Bank, Sea of Seeds, and Herbies all with great results.(got my seeds with no problems)

Start with what you are looking for.
Well, I'm glad I see someone who responded.
I have more questions,
How does the stealth delivery works?
and also I know it will sound unusual, but can they ship it to Israel?
How does the stealth delivery works?

Most times they will hide the order within some other merchandise.

but can they ship it to Israel?

Many seedbanks ship worldwide, some do not. Check their shipping section to see if they ship to your country. Most leave it to the purchaser to check their local laws. That is why many growers will opp for the stealth delivery if not legal in their country.
Thanks for the help.
Last question, what strain would you suggest for a newbie?
And also I would like more opinions please.

Hey Welcome to the site i hope you enjoy your stay
What kind of high are you looking for? One to make you get up and get things done, or the kind to help you sleep and relax?
Welcome by the way!
Thank you very much.

@Rosebud - The first one, what would you recommend me?
If you want an up high, then a sativa dominate is what you want. Have you ever grown before?
No never ever growed before, it's kinda a big deal for me haha.
Of course it is a big deal. It is a great hobby or way of life..

The seed places Duck recommended are good.

Train wreck is a good plant for beginners. My favorite is Satori, but I have learned lately it might not be good for beginners as it can become too big.

Look for Mandalaseeds.com and read their seed catalog, they have a lot of good information.

Some other people will pop in to tell you their favorite up high pot.. Good to have you here Datguy.
Welcome to MP.

I would recommend getting your space all set up and dialed in before you order seeds. While you want a sativa dominant strain, you don't want something with a lot of sativa as they get quite large and willowy and take forever to finish.

I would recommend Satori for an up high. I can generally keep my Satori smaller by flowering sooner or doing something like fimming.
@Rosebud, Thanks I really feel the help, I am grateful to see people who understand, and help.

I would recommend getting your space all set up and dialed in before you order seeds. While you want a sativa dominant strain, you don't want something with a lot of sativa as they get quite large and willowy and take forever to finish

Well thanks for the suggestion, tell me more about it. is it expensive, or can use by cheaper tools, anything? thank you by the way.
Ditto,for setting-up,lots to decide;light wattage,grow space,etc.Though,like many,you may have equipment already,and need to figure things,out with that in mind. When I began, I did alot of asking,listening,reading,and then,you have to decide,who knows what they are talking about. MY advice,get a book,by a recomended author,maybe,Jorge Cervantes. That way you can jump-in,and have a responsible,reference,(book),and be open to other,offered,advice. OK!
hello I am new here... So My self geethberry and I am self employee person.
geethberry said:
hello I am new here... So My self geethberry and I am self employee person.

Let me ask you a couple questions before your pebbles get turned red. First off, welcome to MP..you should really start your own intro thread but you might be new to forums in general. What part of the world are you from? I ask because some might think you are screwing with us. Especially with that other thread you started.

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